jargs: Show R function arguments jam-style

jargsR Documentation

Show R function arguments jam-style


Show R function arguments jam-style


  grepString = NULL,
  sortVars = FALSE,
  asList = TRUE,
  useColor = TRUE,
  lightMode = NULL,
  Crange = getOption("jam.Crange"),
  Lrange = getOption("jam.Lrange"),
  adjustRgb = getOption("jam.adjustRgb"),
  useCollapseBase = ", ",
  verbose = FALSE,
  debug = 0,



function or character name of a function.


NULL, logical, or character grep regular expression pattern used to filter function arguments by name. Very useful to search a function for arguments with a substring "row".

  • If logical, it is assumed to be sortVars, and indicates whether to sort the parameter names.

  • if character it will subset the function arguments by name matching this regular expression pattern.


logical whether to sort the function parameter names.

  • sortVars=FALSE returns arguments in the order they appear in the function definition.

  • sortVars=TRUE returns arguments sorted alphabetically.


logical whether to display one entry per line (default), or display results as a data.frame.


logical whether to display results in color, if the crayon package is available, and terminal console is capable.


logical or NULL, indicating whether the text background color is light, thus imposing a maximum brightness for colors displayed. It use lightMode if defined by the function caller, otherwise it will use getOption("jam.lightMode") if defined, lastly it will attempt to detect whether running inside Rstudio by checking the environment variable "RSTUDIO", and if so it will assume lightMode==TRUE.


numeric range of chroma values, ranging between 0 and 100. When NULL, default values will be assigned to Crange by setCLranges().


numeric range of luminance values, ranging between 0 and 100. When NULL, default values will be assigned to Lrange by setCLranges().


numeric value adjustment used during the conversion of RGB colors to ANSI colors, which is inherently lossy. If not defined, it uses the default returned by setCLranges() which itself uses getOption("jam.adjustRgb") with default=0. In order to boost color contrast, an alternate value of -0.1 is suggested.


character string used to combine multiple parameter values.


logical whether to print verbose output.


integer value, greater than 0 will cause debug-type verbose output, useful because parameters are hard!


This function displays R function arguments, organized with one argument per line, and colorized using the crayon package if installed.

Output is nicely spaced to help visual alignment of argument names and argument values.

Output can be filtered by character pattern. For example the function ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap() is amazing, and offers numerous arguments. To find arguments relevant to dendrograms, use "dend":

jargs(ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap, "dend")

NOTE: This function has edge case issues displaying complex function argument values such as nested lists and custom functions. In that case the argument name is printed as usual, and the argument value is displayed as a partial snippet of the default argument value.

Generic functions very often contain no useful parameters, making it difficult to discover required parameters without reading the function documentation from the proper dispatched function and calling package. In that case, try using jargs(functionname.default) for example compare:




See Also

Other jam practical functions: breakDensity(), checkLightMode(), check_pkg_installed(), colNum2excelName(), color_dither(), diff_functions(), exp2signed(), fileInfo(), fixYellow(), getAxisLabel(), handleArgsText(), heads(), isFALSEV(), isTRUEV(), jamba, kable_coloring(), lldf(), log2signed(), make_html_styles(), make_styles(), match_unique(), mergeAllXY(), middle(), minorLogTicks(), newestFile(), printDebug(), renameColumn(), rmInfinite(), rmNAs(), rmNA(), rmNULL(), sclass(), sdim(), setPrompt()



# retrieve parameters involving notes from imageByColors
jargs(imageByColors, "note")

jmw86069/jamba documentation built on June 12, 2024, 10:28 a.m.