plotRidges: Plot ridges density plots for numeric matrix input

plotRidgesR Documentation

Plot ridges density plots for numeric matrix input


Plot ridges density plots for numeric matrix input


  xScale = c("none", "-log10", "log10"),
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  title = ggplot2::waiver(),
  subtitle = ggplot2::waiver(),
  caption = ggplot2::waiver(),
  xlim = NULL,
  color_sub = NULL,
  rel_min_height = 0,
  bandwidth = NULL,
  adjust = 1,
  scale = 1,
  share_bandwidth = TRUE,



matrix with numeric values, or a list of numeric vectors. In either case the data is converted to long-tall format before plotting.


character string indicating whether to transform the x-axis values:

  • "none": no transformation

  • "-log10": values are transformed with log10(x) and x-axis labels are adjusted accordingly.

  • "log10": values are transformed with log10(1 + x) except that negative values are transformed with -log10(1 - x). The x-axis labels are plotted to account for the log10(1 + x) offset.

xlab, ylab

character strings optionally used as x-axis and y-axis labels.

title, subtitle, caption

character string values optionally passed to the relevant downstream ggplot2 functions.


passed to ggplot2::xlim() to define the x-axis range.


character vector named by colnames(x), or when x is a list, names(color_sub) should contain names(x), used to define specific colors for each ridge plot.


numeric values passed to ggridges::geom_density_ridges2()


numeric value used to define the bandwidth density when share_bandwidth=TRUE which is default. The bandwidth affects the level of detail presented in each ridgeline, and when shared across ridgelines share_bandwidth=TRUE then each ridgeline will use the same consistent level of detail. In this case, it is passed to ggridges::geom_density_ridges2(). Note when bandwidth=NULL a default value is derived from the range of data to be plotted.


numeric used to adjust the default bandwidth only when bandwidth=NULL. It is intended as a convenient method to adjust the level of detail.


numeric passed directly to ggridges::geom_density_ridges2().


logical indicating whether to supply ggridges::geom_density_ridges2() a specific bandwidth to use for all ridgelines. When share_bandwidth=FALSE then each ridgeline is presented using the default bandwidth in ggridges::geom_density_ridges2().


additional arguments are ignored.


This function is a convenient wrapper for ggridges::geom_density_ridges2(), intended to be analogous to plotPolygonDensity() which differs by plotting each item in a separate plot panel using base graphics. This function plots each item as a ridgeline plot in the same plot window using ggplot2::ggplot().

See Also

Other jam plot functions: adjustAxisLabelMargins(), coordPresets(), decideMfrow(), drawLabels(), getPlotAspect(), groupedAxis(), imageByColors(), imageDefault(), minorLogTicksAxis(), nullPlot(), plotPolygonDensity(), plotSmoothScatter(), shadowText_options(), shadowText(), showColors(), smoothScatterJam(), sqrtAxis(), usrBox()

jmw86069/jamba documentation built on June 12, 2024, 10:28 a.m.