has_point_in_JamPolygon: Determine if a point is inside any JamPolygon

has_point_in_JamPolygonR Documentation

Determine if a point is inside any JamPolygon


Determine if a point is inside any JamPolygon


has_point_in_JamPolygon(x, jp, apply_holes = TRUE, ...)



list with "x","y" with numeric values, representing one or more points.




logical (default TRUE) whether internal polygon holes are applied, which requires a point in a solid portion of the polygon. When apply_holes=FALSE a point must only be contained within the outer boundary of the polygon.


additional arguments are passed to point_in_JamPolygon()


logical vector with one result per point x, where

  • TRUE indicates the point overlaps at least one polygon,

  • FALSE indicates the point does not overlap any polygon.

  • Note that a point contained in a polygon "hole" is expected to return FALSE when apply_holes=TRUE (default).

See Also

Other JamPolygon: JamPolygon-class, Venndir-class, [,JamPolygon,ANY,ANY,ANY-method, add_orientation_JamPolygon(), area_JamPolygon(), bbox_JamPolygon(), buffer_JamPolygon(), check_JamPolygon(), check_Venndir(), eulerr_to_JamPolygon(), farthest_point_JamPolygon(), find_venn_overlaps_JamPolygon(), intersect_JamPolygon(), label_fill_JamPolygon(), label_outside_JamPolygon(), label_segment_JamPolygon(), labelr_JamPolygon(), minus_JamPolygon(), nearest_point_JamPolygon(), nudge_JamPolygon(), plot.JamPolygon(), point_in_JamPolygon(), polyclip_to_JamPolygon(), polygon_circles(), polygon_ellipses(), sample_JamPolygon(), split_JamPolygon(), union_JamPolygon(), update_JamPolygon()

jmw86069/venndir documentation built on Jan. 15, 2025, 8:29 a.m.