nudge_JamPolygon: Nudge JamPolygon coordinates

nudge_JamPolygonR Documentation

Nudge JamPolygon coordinates


Nudge JamPolygon coordinates


  nudge = NULL,
  rotate_degrees = 0,
  center = NULL,
  scale = c(1, 1),
  verbose = FALSE,



JamPolygon object


list whose names match names(jp), containing numeric vector with coordinates x and y. Alternatively, an atomic numeric vector with length=2, which will be applied to the x,y coordinates for all polygons in jp. An example of list input: nudge=list(polyname1=c(1, 0))


numeric optional rotation in degrees, named using names(jp). When a single unnamed value is provided, it is applied to all polygons in jp. When a numeric vector is provided with length(jp), it is applied in order to each polygon in jp. Note: 90 degrees will rotate clockwise (top the right, bottom to the left) by 1/4 turn.


numeric coordinates with optional center position. Default NULL will use the center of the bounding box of jp. All parts of the polygon, and all polygons, use the same center.


numeric optional scalar to enlarge or shrink the polygon, named using names(jp). Alternatively, if a single unnamed value is provided, it is applied to all polygons in jp. If a numeric vector is provided with length(jp), it is applied in order to each polygon in jp. The scale is applied relative to the center as provided or calculated.


additional arguments are ignored


Polygon coordinates within a JamPolygon object are nudged by name or polygon number, such that all parts of each polygon are adjusted together. For multi-part polygons, and/or polygons with internal holes, all parts are moved the identical amount.

See Also

Other JamPolygon: JamPolygon-class, Venndir-class, [,JamPolygon,ANY,ANY,ANY-method, add_orientation_JamPolygon(), area_JamPolygon(), bbox_JamPolygon(), buffer_JamPolygon(), check_JamPolygon(), check_Venndir(), eulerr_to_JamPolygon(), farthest_point_JamPolygon(), find_venn_overlaps_JamPolygon(), has_point_in_JamPolygon(), intersect_JamPolygon(), label_fill_JamPolygon(), label_outside_JamPolygon(), label_segment_JamPolygon(), labelr_JamPolygon(), minus_JamPolygon(), nearest_point_JamPolygon(), plot.JamPolygon(), point_in_JamPolygon(), polyclip_to_JamPolygon(), polygon_circles(), polygon_ellipses(), sample_JamPolygon(), split_JamPolygon(), union_JamPolygon(), update_JamPolygon()


DEdf <- data.frame(check.names=FALSE,
   name=c("D", "E"),
      c(-3, 3, 3, 0, -3),
      c(-4, 2, 2, -4))),
      c(-3, -3, 1.5, 4, 1.5),
      c(-2, -2, 4, 4))),
   fill=c("#FFD70055", "#B2222255"))
DEjp <- new("JamPolygon", polygons=DEdf)
nudge <- list(D=c(7, 1), E=c(-1, -1));
DEjp_nudged <- nudge_JamPolygon(DEjp, nudge=nudge)

# plot the difference
plot_jpdiff <- function(a, b) {
  fillb <- jamba::alpha2col(alpha=0.9, b@polygons$fill);
  filla <- jamba::alpha2col(alpha=0.3, fillb)
  plot(rbind2(a, b),
    fill=c(filla, fillb),
    label=c(paste(a@polygons$name, "old"),
      paste(b@polygons$name, "new")),
    border.lty=rep(c(2, 1), c(length(a), length(b))))
plot_jpdiff(DEjp, DEjp_nudged)

# rotate, nudge, and scale
DEjp_rotated <- nudge_JamPolygon(DEjp,
   nudge=list(E=c(5, 0), D=c(-1, -4)))
plot_jpdiff(DEjp, DEjp_rotated)

jmw86069/venndir documentation built on Jan. 15, 2025, 8:29 a.m.