plot.JamPolygon: Plot JamPolygon object

plot.JamPolygonR Documentation

Plot JamPolygon object


Plot JamPolygon object


## S3 method for class 'JamPolygon'
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  flip_sign = 1,
  render_vectorized = FALSE,
  render_thin_border = TRUE,
  linejoin = c("bevel", "mitre", "round"),
  mitrelimit = -20,
  show_labels = TRUE,
  buffer = 0.05,
  do_newpage = TRUE,
  do_viewport = TRUE,
  do_pop_viewport = TRUE,
  do_draw = TRUE,
  do_experimental = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE,



JamPolygon object


not used.

xlim, ylim

numeric optionally used to define the x- and y-axis range to be rendered. When NULL they are defined using the observed range of values.


logical indicating whether to flip the polygon orientation, or numeric where the sign is multiplied by the polygon orientation. The polygon orientation is used to define inner/outer border, relative to whether the border represents a solid inner polygon, or the hole inside a solid polygon. In most cases, the orientation is automatically recognized and applied appropriately. Specifically:

  • TRUE or -1 reverses the polygon orientation of inner/outer border

  • FALSE or 1 keeps the polygon orientation unchanged.


logical indicating whether to render all polygons in one call, thereby ignoring innerborder values. All border values are rendered as regular polygon borders. This option may be substantially faster for large collections of polygons.


logical indicating whether to render a thin border on the border itself, default TRUE renders a thin grey line.


character string (default "bevel") passed to grid::grid.path() and vwline::grid.vwline() when rendering polygons, and inner/outer polygon borders, respectively. Note that vwline version ⁠0.2.2⁠ displayed some graphical glitches when used with "mitre" and "round", so "bevel" is the new default.


numeric passed to vwline::grid.vwline() to adjust the maximum extension at a line join caused by linejoin="mitre".


logical indicating whether to render labels for each polygon. Note that labels are rendered after all polygons are drawn, so they will not be covered by other polygons.


numeric used to expand the x- and y-axis range beyond the polygons to be drawn.


logical (default TRUE) indicating whether to call grid::grid.newpage() to open a new graphical output page.


logical (default TRUE) indicating whether to define and push a new grid viewport with grid::grid.pushViewport().


logical (default TRUE) indicating whether to close/pop the grid viewport with grid::popViewport(). This action is only performed when do_viewport=TRUE. This option is intended to allow layering multiple calls to this or other grid functions.


logical (default TRUE) indicating whether to call grid::grid.draw() for each graphical object. When do_draw=FALSE, it also forces do_newpage=FALSE, do_viewport=FALSE, and do_pop_viewport=FALSE.


logical indicating whether to use experimental rendering with gridGeometry as potential replacement for vwline.


logical indicating whether to print verbose output.


logical (default FALSE) indicating whether to enable debug operations. When debug=TRUE it is also passed to grid functions such as vwline::grid.vwline() to display internal calculations in the graphical output.


additional arguments are recognized to customize plot features.


This function is a general purpose function to plot JamPolygon objects using grid graphics.

It currently calls direct rendering functions, for example grid::grid.path(), grid::grid.lines().

Rendering guidelines used by this function:

  • Each polygon is rendered in order, and in series.

  • All polygon labels are rendered afterward, so that labels are not covered by subsequent polygons.

Rendering options recognized in jp@polygons:

  • name, label - name and display label. A label of NA or "" will not be rendered.

  • label_color - color used to render each polygon label.

  • family, fontsize - font family, and font point size used to render each polygon label.

  • x, y - x- and y-coordinates to define each polygon or multipolygon.

  • fill - polygon fill color, or NA for no fill color.

  • border, border.lwd - border color and line width (outer border)

  • innerborder, innerborder.lwd - inner border and line width


  1. Enable arguments in ... to override equivalent values in columns of jp@polygons.

  2. Convert grid rendering to generate graphical objects (grobs) which can be optionally rendered, or returned as a gTree.

  3. Continue debugging the vwline graphical glitches which are apparent when rendering outer borders. See

    • Current recommendation is to render outer border after the inner border, and with outer border at least the same or larger width as the inner border. Otherwise, for acute angles, inner border may exceed the outer border because of its line width. However, if the outer border is drawn afterward, it will fully cover the inner border. With sufficiently small inner border width, the graphical glitch may not be apparent.

  4. Consider allowing labels for each multi-part polygon.

  5. Consider drawing optional x- and y-axis, although both could be added using grid functions.


JamPolygon object, invisibly. Some grid attributes are added to the returned object:

  • "adjx","adjy": functions to adjust native x/y values to the corresponding grid units in "snpc".

  • "viewport": the grid::viewport() object suitable to push the same viewport in order to add features to an existing plot.

  • "xrange","yrange": x- and y-axis ranges used to determine the viewport to be used.

  • "grob_tree": a grid::gTree object suitable to call grid::grid.draw(). It includes the same viewport, so it does not need to have the viewport defined.

See Also

Other JamPolygon: JamPolygon-class, Venndir-class, [,JamPolygon,ANY,ANY,ANY-method, add_orientation_JamPolygon(), area_JamPolygon(), bbox_JamPolygon(), buffer_JamPolygon(), check_JamPolygon(), check_Venndir(), eulerr_to_JamPolygon(), farthest_point_JamPolygon(), find_venn_overlaps_JamPolygon(), has_point_in_JamPolygon(), intersect_JamPolygon(), label_fill_JamPolygon(), label_outside_JamPolygon(), label_segment_JamPolygon(), labelr_JamPolygon(), minus_JamPolygon(), nearest_point_JamPolygon(), nudge_JamPolygon(), point_in_JamPolygon(), polyclip_to_JamPolygon(), polygon_circles(), polygon_ellipses(), sample_JamPolygon(), split_JamPolygon(), union_JamPolygon(), update_JamPolygon()


dfx <- data.frame(name=c("polygon1", "polygon2"),
      list(c(1, 4, 4, 1),
         c(2, 3, 3, 2)),
      c(5, 6, 6, 5))),
      list(c(1, 1, 4, 4),
         c(2, 2, 3, 3)),
      c(1, 1, 2, 2))),
   fill=c("gold", "firebrick"))
jpx <- new("JamPolygon", polygons=dfx);

# if you want to add to the plot, you must capture output
# to use the viewport
jpxout <- plot(jpx);
vp <- attr(jpxout, "viewport");
adjx <- attr(jpxout, "adjx");
adjy <- attr(jpxout, "adjy");
grid::grid.path(x=adjx(c(4, 5, 5, 4) + 0.5),
   y=adjy(c(3, 3, 4, 4)),
   gp=grid::gpar(fill="purple", col="red1", lwd=2),
grid::grid.text(x=adjx(5), y=adjy(3.5),
   label="new grob",
   gp=grid::gpar(col="yellow", fontsize=20),

dfz <- data.frame(name=c("polygon1", "polygon2", "polygon3"),
      list(c(1, 4, 4, 1),
         c(2, 3, 3, 2)),
      list(c(4.5, 6.5, 6.5, 4.5),
         c(5, 6, 6, 5)),
      list(c(1, 4, 4, 1),
         c(2, 3, 3, 2),
         c(5, 6, 6, 5)))),
      list(c(1, 1, 4, 4),
         c(2, 2, 3, 3)),
      list(c(1, 1, 3, 3),
         c(3, 3, 4, 4)+0.5),
      list(c(5, 5, 8, 8),
         c(6, 6, 7, 7),
         c(6, 6, 7, 7)))),
   fill=c("gold", "firebrick", "dodgerblue"));
jpz <- new("JamPolygon", polygons=dfz);
jpz@polygons[, c("label_x", "label_y")] <-
jpz@polygons$outerborder <- c("orange", "gold", "purple");
jpz@polygons$outerborder.lwd <- 0;
jpz@polygons$outerborder.lwd <- c(3, 4, 5);
jpz@polygons$innerborder <- c("orange4", "gold3", "purple4");
jpz@polygons$innerborder.lwd <- c(3, 4, 5);
jpz@polygons$border.lwd <- 1;
jpz@polygons$border.lty <- 2;
#jpz <- add_orientation_JamPolygon(jpz);

jmw86069/venndir documentation built on Jan. 15, 2025, 8:29 a.m.