nudge_polygon_coords: Nudge polygon coordinates

nudge_polygon_coordsR Documentation

Nudge polygon coordinates


Nudge polygon coordinates


nudge_polygon_coords(polygon_list, nudge, ...)


This function differs from nudge_polygon_list() in that all polygons are nudged the exact same amount. If there are nested polygons, they are iteratively all nudged the same.

See Also

Other venndir polygons: bbox_polygon_list(), eulerr_to_polygon_list(), get_largest_polygon_list(), get_venn_polygon_shapes(), intersect_polygon_list(), labelr_polygon_list(), minus_polygon_list(), nudge_polygon_list(), plot_polygon_list(), polygon_areas(), polygon_circles(), polygon_ellipses(), polygon_list_labelr(), polygon_list_to_xy_list(), rescale_polygon_list(), simple_ellipse(), union_polygon_list(), xy_list_to_polygon_list()


D <- list(
   x=c(-3, 3, 3, 0, -3),
   y=c(-3, -3, 1.5, 4, 1.5))
E <- list(
   x=c(-3, 3, 3, -3),
   y=c(-3, -3, 3, 3))
DElist <- list(D=D, E=E, DE=list(D=D, E=E))
nudge <- c(x=10, y=-10)
new_polygon_list <- nudge_polygon_coords(polygon_list=DElist, nudge=nudge)

jmw86069/venndir documentation built on June 15, 2024, 1:52 p.m.