
## Tests to check the functionality of the Package function - MultiLL
#  Becky Trippier 05/06/2018
#### ----------------------

context("MultiBNG tests - general")

### set working directory for tests
start <- getwd()

## create test folders with data

names(ng_data)[26] <- "Decimal longitude (WGS84)"
names(sd_data)[26] <- "Decimal longitude (WGS84)"
utils::write.csv(ng_data, file = "./Inputs/Notonecta_glauca.csv")
utils::write.csv(ng_data, file = "./Inputs/Sigara_dorsalis.csv")

latlong = "+init=epsg:4326"
ukgrid = "+init=epsg:27700"
proj4string(background) <- sp::CRS(ukgrid)
background = projectRaster(background, crs = latlong)
save(background, file = "./BGmasks/Hemiptera")

proj4string(vars) <- sp::CRS(ukgrid)
vars = projectRaster(vars, crs = latlong)

#### testing

test_that("test if lists containing duplicates are handled", {
  sp_list <- c("Notonecta_glauca", "Sigara_dorsalis", "Notonecta_glauca")
  expect_message(if (any(duplicated(sp_list)) == TRUE) {
    sp_list <- unique(sp_list)
    message("Duplicate species removed.")
  },"Duplicate species removed.")


test_that("test if sp_lists contain names not found in input folder", {
  sp_list <- c("fakeosaurus")
  expect_error(MultiLL(sp_list = sp_list, vars, out_flder = "Outputs/",dat_flder = "Inputs/", bkgd_flder = "BGmasks/", max_tries = 1,  covarRes = 100, models = "BioClim", prop_test_data = 0.25,  mult_prssr = FALSE, rndm_occ = TRUE),"No species found. Check input data folder and file formats.")


test_that("test if iterate through list and species complete messages generated", {
  oldw <- getOption("warn")

  sp_list <- c("Notonecta_glauca", "Sigara_dorsalis")

out <- MultiLL(sp_list = sp_list, vars, out_flder = "Outputs/",dat_flder = "Inputs/", bkgd_flder = "BGmasks/", max_tries = 1, covarRes = 100, models = "BioClim", prop_test_data = 0.25, , mult_prssr = FALSE, rndm_occ = TRUE, minyear =2000, maxyear = 2007, GBonly = TRUE, xCol = "Decimal latitude (WGS84)", yCol = "Decimal longitude (WGS84)", precisionCol = "Coordinate uncertainty in metres", yearCol = "Year")

  expect_true(file.exists("./Outputs/Notonecta_glauca1.csv") == TRUE)
  expect_true(file.exists("./Outputs/Sigara_dorsalis1.tif") == TRUE)
  options(warn = oldw)

test_that("test if already done list is updated", {
  sp_list <- c("Notonecta_glauca", "Sigara_dorsalis")

  expect_error(MultiLL(sp_list = sp_list, vars, out_flder = "Outputs/",dat_flder = "Inputs/", bkgd_flder = "BGmasks/", max_tries = 1, datafrom = "NBNatlas", covarRes = 100, models = "BioClim", prop_test_data = 0.25, mult_prssr = FALSE, rndm_occ = TRUE),"No more species to process. Modelling terminated.")


# remove temporary files and return to working directory
unlink("Outputs", recursive=TRUE)
unlink(tempdir(), recursive=TRUE)
jncc/sdms documentation built on Aug. 13, 2021, 4:21 a.m.