
#' PerfPlotHmc
#' Create two matrices:
#' - one with the discrepancies between the desired average acceptance rate
#' \delta and the mean acceptance rate \alpha in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with
#' Dual Averaging (Figure 3 in Hoffman & Gelman, 2014);
#' - the other with the effective sample size (ESS).
#' @param theta0 inizialization
#' @param lambda the trajectory length
#' @param L callable function needed in Leapfrog
#' @param M the number of iterations of the algorithm
#' @param Madapt the number of iterations of the warmup phase
#' @return A list whose first element is the matrix DualAvMatrix of 10 discrepancies for
#' each value of \delta and the second element is the matrix ESSMatrix
#' of 10 ESS for each value of \delta.

PerfPlotHmc<-function(theta0, lambda, L, M = 2000, Madapt = 1000){
  deltaSeq <-seq(0.25, 0.95, length = 8)
  seed <- 0:9
  DualAvMatrix <- expand.grid(Seed = seed,Delta = deltaSeq, Discrepancy = NA, Model = lambda)
  EssMatrix <- expand.grid(Seed = seed, Delta = deltaSeq, ESS = NA, Model = lambda)
  for(i in 1:dim(DualAvMatrix)[1]){
    set.seed(i %% 10)
    g(samples, acceptrate) %=% HmcDual(theta0, delta = DualAvMatrix$Delta[i], lambda = DualAvMatrix$Model[i], L, M, Madapt)
    EssMatrix$ESS[i] <- ess(samples)   ### replaced multiESS with ess
  return(list(DualAvMatrix = DualAvMatrix, EssMatrix = EssMatrix))


#' PerfPlotHmcDualMod
#' Create two matrices:
#' - one with the discrepancies between the desired average acceptance rate
#' \delta and the mean acceptance rate \alpha in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with
#' Dual Averaging with modified leapfrog;
#' - the other with the effective sample size (ESS).
#' @param theta0 inizialization
#' @param lambda the trajectory length
#' @param L callable function needed in Leapfrog
#' @param M the number of iterations of the algorithm
#' @param Madapt the number of iterations of the warmup phase
#' @return A list whose first element is the matrix DualAvMatrix of 10 discrepancies for
#' each value of \delta and the second element is the matrix ESSMatrix
#' of 10 ESS for each value of \delta.

PerfPlotHmcDualMod<-function(theta0, lambda, L, M = 2000, Madapt = 1000){
  deltaSeq <-seq(0.25, 0.95, length = 8)
  seed <- 0:9
  DualAvMatrix <- expand.grid(Seed = seed,Delta = deltaSeq, Discrepancy = NA, Model = lambda)
  EssMatrix <- expand.grid(Seed = seed, Delta = deltaSeq, ESS = NA, Model = lambda)
  for(i in 1:dim(DualAvMatrix)[1]){
    set.seed(i %% 10)
    g(samples, acceptrate) %=% HmcDualMod(theta0, delta = DualAvMatrix$Delta[i], lambda = DualAvMatrix$Model[i], L, M, Madapt)
    EssMatrix$ESS[i] <- multiESS(samples)   ### replaced multiESS with ess

  return(list(DualAvMatrix = DualAvMatrix, EssMatrix = EssMatrix))


#' PerfPlotNuts
#' Create two matrices:
#' - one with the discrepancies between the desired average acceptance rate
#' \delta and the mean acceptance rate \alpha in NUTS with
#' Dual Averaging (Figure 3 in Hoffman & Gelman, 2014);
#' - the other with the effective sample size (ESS).
#' @param theta0 inizialization
#' @param L callable function needed in Leapfrog
#' @param M the number of iterations of the algorithm
#' @param Madapt the number of iterations of the warmup phase
#' @return A list whose first element is the matrix DualAvMatrix of 10 discrepancies for
#' each value of \delta and the second element is the matrix ESSMatrix
#' of 10 ESS for each value of \delta.

PerfPlotNuts<-function(theta0, L, M = 2000, Madapt = 1000){
  deltaSeq <-seq(0.25, 0.95, length = 15)
  seed <- 0:9
  DualAvMatrix <- expand.grid(Seed = seed, Delta = deltaSeq, Discrepancy = NA, Model = "NUTS")
  EssMatrix <- expand.grid(Seed = seed, Delta = deltaSeq, ESS = NA, Model = "NUTS")
  for(i in 1:dim(DualAvMatrix)[1]){
    set.seed(i %% 10)
    g(samples, acceptrate) %=% NutsDual(theta0, delta = DualAvMatrix$Delta[i], L, M, Madapt)
    EssMatrix$ESS[i] <- multiESS(samples)   ### replaced multiESS with ess
  return(list(DualAvMatrix = DualAvMatrix, EssMatrix = EssMatrix))

#' ##################################################################
#' #Example 1 - Bivariate Normal Distribution #######################
#' ##################################################################
#' #' Bivariate Normal - Gradient
#' #'
#' #' @param theta a 2-dimensional vector of parameters
#' #'
#' #' @return A list containing the evaluation of the log distribution
#' #' and its gradient evaluated at \theta
#' L <- function(theta){
#'   cov =c(1,4)
#'   grad0 = - theta/cov
#'   log0 = 0.5*t(theta) %*%grad0
#'   return(list(log0, grad0))
#' }
#' #' Sequence logarithmically scaled
#' #'
#' #' @param from the starting point of the desired sequence
#' #' @param scale the ratio between the first and last element of the sequence
#' #' @param len the length of the sequence
#' #'
#' #' @return A sequence of length len containing the sequence of logarithmically scaled values
#' lseq <- function(from=0.5, scale = 40, len = 9) {
#'   return(from*scale^(0:(len-1)/len))
#' }
#' ### Run the functions PerfPlot
#' plotmatHMC<-PerfPlotHmc(theta0 = c(rnorm(1),rnorm(1,sd=2)), lambda=lseq(0.03318664)[c(1,3,5,7,9)], L = L, M = 2000, Madapt = 1000)
#' plotmatNUTS<-PerfPlotNuts(theta0 = c(rnorm(1),rnorm(1,sd=2)), L = L, M = 2000, Madapt = 1000)
#' finalplot.dualav <-$DualAvMatrix,plotmatHMC$DualAvMatrix))
#' finalplot.ESS <-$ESSMatrix,plotmatHMC$ESSMatrix))
#' ### Plot the discrepancies as in Figure 3 in Hoffman & Gelman (2014)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' sp <- ggplot(finalplot.dualav, aes(x=Delta, y=Discrepancy)) + ylim(-0.1,0.2) + geom_point(shape=1)
#' sp <- sp + facet_grid( ~ Model)
#' sp <- sp + stat_summary(fun.y=mean, colour="red", geom="line")
#' sp <- sp + theme_bw()
#' sp <- sp + ggtitle("2D Normal") + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
#' sp <- sp + labs(x = expression("Target acceptance rate statistics "*delta), y = expression("h - "*delta))
#' sp
#' ### Plot the discrepancies (not exactly) like in Figure 6 in Hoffman & Gelman (2014)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' spESS <- ggplot(finalplot.ESS, aes(x=Delta, y=ESS)) + ylim(0,2000) + geom_point(shape=1)
#' spESS <- spESS + facet_grid( ~ Model)
#' spESS <- spESS + stat_summary(fun.y=mean, colour="red", geom="line")
#' spESS <- spESS + theme_bw()
#' spESS <- spESS + ggtitle("2D Normal") + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
#' spESS <- spESS + labs(x = expression("Target acceptance rate statistics "*delta), y = "ESS")
#' spESS
jodie0399/NUTS documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:06 a.m.