
Defines functions getSyntheticPSFrame poststratify

Documented in getSyntheticPSFrame poststratify

#Poststratification Functions

#' Generate poststratified estimates
#' @param pred A vector of predicted values for each row in PSFrame
#' @param PSFrame A dataframe containing the empirical frequency of each unique demographic group within a subnational unit
#' @return A dataframe containing the unit IDs and poststratified estimates
#' @note PSFrame must have 'unit' variable denoting the unit ID, and 'freq' variable denoting the frequency within each cell
#' @note length(pred) must equal nrow(PSFrame)
poststratify <- function(pred, PSFrame){

  dat <- PSFrame %>%
    mutate(pred = pred) %>%
    group_by(unit) %>%
    summarise(poststratifiedEstimate = weighted.mean(pred, freq))


#' Generate a synthetic poststratification frame
#' @description Returns a synthetic frequency distribution derived from the product of marginal distributions. in two input PSFrames. This can be repeated recursively to include more features.
#' @param PSFrame1 A dataframe containing the empirical frequency for each demographic group within each subnational unit
#' @param PSFrame A dataframe containing the empirical frequency for each demographic group within each subnational unit
#' @return A synthetic poststratification frame computed from the marginal frequencies in PSFrame1 and PSFrame2
getSyntheticPSFrame <- function(PSFrame1, PSFrame2){

  # Get Total Populations of Geographic Units
  pop <- PSFrame1 %>%
    group_by(unit) %>%
    summarise(unitPop = sum(freq))

  # Convert frequencies to probabilities
  PSFrame1 <- PSFrame1 %>%
    left_join(pop, by = 'unit') %>%
    mutate(prob1 = freq/unitPop) %>%

  PSFrame2 <- PSFrame2 %>%
    left_join(pop, by = 'unit') %>%
    mutate(prob2 = freq/unitPop) %>%

  # If there are shared variables, marginalize them out in PSFrame2
  shared_vars <- intersect(names(PSFrame1), names(PSFrame2))
  unique_vars <- names(PSFrame2)[!(names(PSFrame2) %in% c(shared_vars, 'prob2'))]
  PSFrame2 <- PSFrame2 %>%
    group_by_at(vars(unit,unique_vars)) %>%
    summarise(prob2 = sum(prob2)) %>%

  # Merge the two and multiply the marginal probabilities
  PSFrame <- left_join(PSFrame1, PSFrame2, by = 'unit') %>%
    mutate(prob = prob1 * prob2)

  # Multiply by unit-level populations to get synthetic frequencies
  PSFrame <- PSFrame %>%
    left_join(pop, by = 'unit') %>%
    mutate(freq = prob * unitPop) %>%
    select(-prob1, -prob2, -prob, -unitPop)


joeornstein/SRP documentation built on Oct. 15, 2020, 8:30 p.m.