
Defines functions fevd.msvar fevd.tvar fevd.bvar fevd fevd1 gfevd

Documented in fevd fevd.bvar fevd.msvar fevd.tvar

#' @title internal function to calculate a generalized fevd
#' @param Alpha VAR-coefficients
#' @param Sigma Variance-Covariance matrix
#' @param h fevd-horizon
#' @param intercept whether the model had an intercept or not
#' @param nolags the number of lags in the model
#' @noRd

gfevd <- function(Alpha,Sigma,h,intercept,nolags){
  nvar <- dim(Sigma)[1]
  # if the model has an intercept delete the first row
    Alpha <- Alpha[-c(1),]
  varcoef <- array(0,dim=c(nvar,nvar,nolags))
  for(ii in 1:nolags){
    varcoef[,,ii] <- Alpha[((ii - 1) * nvar + 1):(ii * nvar),]
  # transform into vma form
  vmacoef <- var2vma(varcoef,h,nolags,nvar)

  # Calculate the generalized fevd
  deltatemp <- array(0,dim=c(nvar,nvar))
  for(i in 1:nvar){

    ei <- array(0,dim=c(nvar))
    ei[i] <- 1
    tsum2 <- 0

    for(hh in 1:h){

      tmp <- t(ei) %*% vmacoef[,,hh] %*% Sigma[,] %*% t(vmacoef[,,hh]) %*% ei
      tsum2 <- tsum2 + tmp

    for(j in 1:nvar){

      ej <- array(0, dim=c(nvar))
      ej[j] <- 1
      tsum <- 0

      for(hh in 1:h){

        tmp <- (ei %*% vmacoef[,,hh] %*% ej)^2
        tsum <- tsum + tmp


      deltatemp[i,j] <- Sigma[i,i]^(-1)*tsum/tsum2




#' @title internal function to compute a forecast error variance decomposition
#' @param Alpha VAR-coefficients
#' @param Variance-Covariance matrix
#' @param h fevd-horizon
#' @param intercept whether the model had an intercept or not
#' @param nolags number of lags in the VAR model
#' @noRd

fevd1 <- function(Alpha,Sigma,h,intercept,nolags,id_obj){
  nvar <- dim(Sigma)[1]
  J <- array(0,dim=c(nvar,nvar*nolags))
  J[1:nvar,1:nvar] <- diag(1,nvar)

  # Coefficients in compannion form

    Alpha <- Alpha[-c(1),]


  A <- companionmatrix(Alpha,nolags)
  A0 <- diag(1,dim(A)[1])

  # Start computing fevd
  idSigma <- structural(id_obj, Alpha, Sigma)
  TH1 <- J %*% A0 %*% t(J)
  TH  <- t(TH1 %*% idSigma)
  TH2 <- (TH * TH)
  TH3 <- TH2
  if(h > 1){
    B = A
    for(i in 2:h){

      TH  <- t(J %*% B %*% t(J) %*% idSigma)
      TH2 <- TH * TH
      TH3 <- TH3 + TH2
      B = B %*% A



#' @export
#' @title Forecast error variance decomposition
#' @param obj S3 object generated by bvar, tvar or msvar
#' @param h forecast horizon
#' @param id_obj S3 object containing information about identifying the VAR model
#' @param type Type of forecast error variance decomposition. If type = "general" the generalized forecast error variance decomposition is used. For any other values the standard method. While the generalized fevd doesn't use an indefication method to identify structural shocks in the VAR model, this is not true for the standard method. Hence for the generalized fevd there is no need to supply the function via id_obj. If id_obj is not null, there will be a warning message but will still proceed.
#' @param normalize whether the fevd should be normalized or not
#' @param ... currently not used
#' @rdname fevd
fevd <- function(obj,h=12,id_obj=NULL,type="general",normalize = TRUE,...) UseMethod("fevd")

#' @export
#' @rdname fevd
fevd.bvar <- function(obj,h=12,id_obj=NULL,type="general",normalize = TRUE,...){

  if(type == "general" && !is.null(id_obj)){

    message("Ignoring identification method for generalized forecast error variance decomposition.\n")


  Alpha <- obj$mcmc_draws$Alpha
  Sigma <- obj$mcmc_draws$Sigma
  nreps <- dim(Alpha)[3]
  nVar  <- dim(Alpha)[2]
  intercept <- obj$general_info$intercept
  nolags <- obj$general_info$nolags

  fevd_return <- array(0,dim=c(nVar,nVar,1,nreps))

  if(type == "general"){

    for(ii in 1:nreps){

      current_Alpha <- Alpha[,,ii]
      current_Sigma <- Sigma[,,ii]

      fevd_return[,,1,ii] <- gfevd(Alpha = current_Alpha,Sigma = current_Sigma, h = h, nolags = nolags, intercept = intercept)#deltatemp
  else if(type == "standard"){

    for(ii in 1:nreps){

      current_Alpha <- Alpha[,,ii]
      current_Sigma <- Sigma[,,ii]

      fevd_return[,,1,ii] <- fevd1(Alpha = current_Alpha, Sigma = current_Sigma,h=h,nolags=nolags,intercept=intercept,id_obj=id_obj)



    stop("The type of the forecast error variance decomposition can be 'general' or 'standard'")

  fevd_ret <- 0
  for(ii in 1:nreps){

    fevd_ret <- fevd_ret + fevd_return[,,1,ii]

  fevd_ret <- fevd_ret / nreps

    t1 <- rowSums(fevd_ret)
    for(ii in 1:nVar){
      fevd_ret[ii,] <- fevd_ret[ii,] / t1[ii]



  retlist = structure(list(fevd = fevd_ret,noregimes = 1),class="bvfevd")

#' @export
#' @rdname fevd
fevd.tvar <- function(obj,h=12,id_obj=NULL,type="general",normalize = TRUE,...){

  Alpha <- obj$mcmc_draws$Alpha
  Sigma <- obj$mcmc_draws$Sigma
  nreps <- dim(Alpha)[3]
  nvar  <- dim(Alpha)[2]
  intercept <- obj$general_info$intercept
  nolags <- obj$general_info$nolags

  fevd_return <- array(0,dim=c(nvar,nvar,2,nreps))
  if(type == "general"){

    for(ii in 1:nreps){

      current_Alpha <- Alpha[,,1,ii]
      current_Sigma <- Sigma[,,1,ii]

      fevd_return[,,1,ii] <- gfevd(Alpha = current_Alpha,Sigma = current_Sigma, h = h,
                                   nolags = nolags, intercept = intercept)

      current_Alpha <- Alpha[,,2,ii]
      current_Sigma <- Sigma[,,2,ii]

      fevd_return[,,2,ii] <- gfevd(Alpha = current_Alpha,Sigma = current_Sigma, h = h,
                                   nolags = nolags, intercept = intercept)
  else if(type == "standard"){
    for(ii in 1:nreps){

      current_Alpha <- Alpha[,,1,ii]
      current_Sigma <- Sigma[,,1,ii]

      fevd_return[,,1,ii] <- fevd1(Alpha = current_Alpha,Sigma = current_Sigma, h = h,
                                   nolags = nolags, intercept = intercept)

      current_Alpha <- Alpha[,,2,ii]
      current_Sigma <- Sigma[,,2,ii]

      fevd_return[,,2,ii] <- fevd1(Alpha = current_Alpha,Sigma = current_Sigma, h = h,
                                   nolags = nolags, intercept = intercept)

    stop("Currently only generalized Forecast Error Variance Decomposition is implemented")

  fevd_ret <- array(0,dim=c(nvar,nvar,2))
  for(ii in 1:nreps){

    fevd_ret[,,1] <- fevd_ret[,,1] + fevd_return[,,1,ii]
    fevd_ret[,,2] <- fevd_ret[,,2] + fevd_return[,,2,ii]

  fevd_ret <- fevd_ret / nreps


    t1 <- rowSums(fevd_ret[,,1])
    t2 <- rowSums(fevd_ret[,,2])
    for(ii in 1:nvar){

      fevd_ret[ii,,1] <- fevd_ret[ii,,1] / t1[ii]
      fevd_ret[ii,,2] <- fevd_ret[ii,,2] / t2[ii]


  retlist = structure(list(fevd = fevd_ret,noregimes = 2),class="bvfevd")


#' @export
#' @rdname fevd
fevd.msvar <- function(obj,h=12,id_obj=NULL,type="general",normalize = TRUE,...){

  Alpha <- obj$mcmc_draws$Alpha
  Sigma <- obj$mcmc_draws$Sigma
  nreps <- dim(Alpha)[3]
  nvar  <- dim(Alpha)[2]
  intercept <- obj$general_info$intercept
  nolags <- obj$general_info$nolags
  noregimes <- obj$general_info$noregimes

  fevd_return <- array(0,dim=c(nvar,nvar,noregimes,nreps))
  if(type == "general"){

    for(ii in 1:nreps){
      for(jj in 1:noregimes){

        current_Alpha <- Alpha[,,jj,ii]
        current_Sigma <- Sigma[,,jj,ii]

        fevd_return[,,jj,ii] <- gfevd(Alpha = current_Alpha,Sigma = current_Sigma, h = h,
                                     nolags = nolags, intercept = intercept)

  else if(type == "standard"){

    for(ii in 1:nreps){
      for(jj in 1:noregimes){

        current_Alpha <- Alpha[,,jj,ii]
        current_Sigma <- Sigma[,,jj,ii]

        fevd_return[,,jj,ii] <- fevd1(Alpha = current_Alpha,Sigma = current_Sigma, h = h,
                                      nolags = nolags, intercept = intercept)



    stop("Currently only generalized Forecast Error Variance Decomposition is implemented")

  fevd_ret <- array(0,dim=c(nvar,nvar,noregimes))
  for(ii in 1:nreps){
    for(jj in 1:noregimes){

      fevd_ret[,,jj] <- fevd_ret[,,jj] + fevd_return[,,jj,ii]

  fevd_ret <- fevd_ret / nreps

    for(jj in 1:noregimes){

      t1 <- rowSums(fevd_ret[,,jj])
      for(ii in 1:nvar){

        fevd_ret[ii,,jj] <- fevd_ret[ii,,jj] / t1[ii]

  retlist = structure(list(fevd = fevd_ret,noregimes = noregimes),class="bvfevd")

joergrieger/bvar documentation built on July 3, 2020, 5:34 p.m.