
#' Sets zeros to Na's in vectors and other stuff and returns
#' This function removes the intercept bahavior of all the varibles in a decomposition and returns the new decompsition
#' @author Johan Gudmundsson, \email{jgu@blackwoodseven.com}
#' @param x 	vector or matrix, hopfully  
#' @return A vector or matrix
#' @export
zerosToNa <- function(x){
  x[x==0] <- NA

#' Checks if variance excits for selected columns in a data frame, and retuns the column names where variance excist
#' This function checks if variance excits for selected columns in a data frame, and retuns the column names where variance excist
#' @author Johan Gudmundsson, \email{jgu@blackwoodseven.com}
#' @param names 	names of columns to be checked 
#' @param df a data frame with a date column 
#' @param startDate the starting date of where the evaluation should start
#' @return a character vector
#' @export
checkIfVarinaceExcist <- function(names, df, startDate){
  okNames <- c()
  for( nn in names){
    if(sd(df[which(df$date>=startDate),nn]) >0){
      okNames <- c(okNames, nn)

#' Checks if the names of a character vector or colnames of a data frames are valid C varibles
#' Checks if the names of a character vector or colnames of a data frames are valid C varibles
#' @author Johan Gudmundsson, \email{jgu@blackwoodseven.com}
#' @param x 	data frame or caracter vectror
#' @return a character vector with names who are not valid C varibles, if it returns
#' character(0) all names are fine
#' @importFrom dautility stringsToCVariable
#' @export
checkCVarNames <- function(x){
  if(class(x) == "data.frame" ){
    # n <- names(x)[names(x)!=stringsToCVariable(names(x))]
    x <- names(x)
  n <- x[x!=stringsToCVariable(x)]

#' Subtract the min value of a vector from each elemnt in the vector
#' Checks if the names of a character vector or colnames of a data frames are valid C varibles
#' @author Johan Gudmundsson, \email{jgu@blackwoodseven.com}
#' @param x 	vectror
#' @return vector vector with same structure as input vector
#' @export
subtractMin <- function(x) {
  x<- x-min(x, na.rm = T)

#' Shifts columns so that the min value for each column in a data frame becomes zero 
#' Shifts columns so that the min value for each column in a data frame becomes zero, 
#' if a column is named 'date' will not be affected by the transformation
#' @author Johan Gudmundsson, \email{jgu@blackwoodseven.com}
#' @param df 	data frame 
#' @return data frame with same structure as the input data frame
#' @export
shiftMinToZero<- function(df){ 
  temp<- as.data.frame(lapply(df[, names(df) != 'date'],subtractMin))
    temp <- cbind(as.Date(df$date), temp)
johan-gudmundsson/JGTools documentation built on May 19, 2019, 3:02 p.m.