
#' A function similar to combine multiple timeseries plots in a column
#' This function is based on the rbind function in the gtable package. The function is designed 
#' to work with time series plots and allow for the combination of multiple plots. 
#' @title combine multiple time series ggplots
#' @description This function combines multiple time series gplots. It allows for setting the x limits
#' of all plots and removes x axis labels. 
#' @param ggplot_list A \code{list} of ggplot objects in order to be plotted. Ordered from top to bottom
#' @param limits a \code{vector} (n = 2) of \code{as.POSIXct} objects representing the minimum and maximum dates of the timeseries
#' @param hide_x_labels a logical value indicating if the x axis labels, ticks and title should be suppressed from all but the last plot. Default is \code{TRUE}
#' @param shrink_space a logical value indicating if the space between the plots should be reduced. Ignored if \code{hide_x_labels = FALSE}. Default is \code{TRUE}
#' @param shrink_factor a numerical value indicating the distance between each of the plots.
#' @return returns a \code{grob} object using the \code{arrangeGrob} function.
#' @description This function sets the range of timeseries ggplots
#'  and combines them in one column and returns a \code{grob} object. 
#' @export
#'  @examples
#'  # Load some example time series data
#'  library(lubridate)
#'  library(dplyr)
#'  library(reshape2)
#'  library(ggthemes)
#'  data(breamar)
#'  breamar$date <- ymd(paste(breamar$year, breamar$month, "1"))
#'  # Create three plots without subsetting the data.
#'  rain_plot <- ggplot() + geom_line(aes(date, rain_mm), breamar) + theme_few(20)
#'  min_temp_plot <- ggplot() + geom_line(aes(date, min_temp), breamar) + theme_few(20)
#'  max_temp_plot <- ggplot() + geom_line(aes(date, max_temp), breamar) + theme_few(20)
#'  # Plot all three together
#'  combined_plot <- rbind_ggplot_timeseries(ggplot_list = list(rain_plot,
#'                                             min_temp_plot,
#'                                             max_temp_plot
#'                                        ),
#'                          limits = c(dmy("01011960", "31122014"))
#'  )
#' combined_plot
#'  # Plot all together with zooming in on 1990 - 2000
#'  combined_plot <- rbind_ggplot_timeseries(ggplot_list = list(rain_plot,
#'                                             min_temp_plot,
#'                                             max_temp_plot
#'                                        ),
#'                          limits = c(dmy("01011990", "31122000"))
#'  )
#'  combined_plot
#'  # An example with data from different time frames
#'  # Plot monthly rain from 1960 - 1980
#'  rain_plot <- breamar %>%
#'      filter(date<=dmy("01011980")) %>%
#'      ggplot() + geom_line(aes(date, rain_mm)) + theme_few(20)
#'  rain_plot
#'  # Plot monthly minimum temp from 1980 - 2000
#'  min_temp_plot <- breamar %>%
#'    filter(date>=dmy("01011980")&date<=dmy("01012000")) %>%
#'    ggplot() + geom_line(aes(date, min_temp)) + theme_few(20)
#'  min_temp_plot
#'  # Plot  monthly maximum temp from 2000 onwards
#'  max_temp_plot <- breamar %>%
#'    filter(date>=dmy("01012000")) %>%
#'    ggplot() + geom_line(aes(date, max_temp)) + theme_few(20)
#'  max_temp_plot
#'  # Plot all three timeseries together. 
#'  combined_plot <- rbind_ggplot_timeseries(ggplot_list = list(rain_plot,
#'                                             min_temp_plot,
#'                                             max_temp_plot
#'                                            ),
#'                          limits = c(dmy("01011960", "31122014"))
#'  )
#' # An example with a legend
#' # Create three plots without subsetting the data.
#' rain_plot <- ggplot() + geom_line(aes(date, rain_mm), breamar) + theme_few(20)
#' # Create a plot with groups and a legend. 
#' temp_data <- melt(breamar[, c("date", "min_temp", "max_temp")],
#'                   id.var = "date"
#'                   )
#' temp_plot <- ggplot() + geom_line(aes(date, value, colour=variable), temp_data) + 
#'                         theme_few(20)
#' combined_plot <- rbind_ggplot_timeseries(ggplot_list = list(rain_plot, 
#'                                                             temp_plot
#'                                                             ),
#'                                          limits = c(dmy("01011990", "31122000"))
#' )
rbind_ggplot_timeseries <- function(ggplot_list=list(), limits, hide_x_labels = TRUE, 
                                    shrink_space = TRUE, shrink_factor = 0.2){
  ## Taken and modified from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13294952/
  if(!all(sapply(ggplot_list, ggplot2::is.ggplot))){
    stop("all plots must be of class ggplot")
    stop("hide_x_labels must be logical")
    stop("shrink_space must be logical")
    stop("shrink_factor must be numeric and of length 1.")
  ggplots <- set_x_scales(limits=limits, ggplot_list)
    ggplots <- hide_x_labels(ggplots)
      ggplots <- shrink_space(ggplots, shrink_factor)

  if(!all(sapply(ggplots, ggplot2::is.ggplot))){
    stop("All objects must be of class ggplot (see ?is.ggplot)")
  gtl <- lapply(ggplots, ggplot2::ggplotGrob)
  bind2 <- function (x, y) 
    ## Temp fix to remove this and allow for legends.
    #if(ncol(x) != ncol(y)){
    #  stop("plots have incorrect dimensions")
    if (nrow(x) == 0) 
    if (nrow(y) == 0) 
    y$layout$t <- y$layout$t + nrow(x)
    y$layout$b <- y$layout$b + nrow(x)
    x$layout <- rbind(x$layout, y$layout)
    x$heights <- insert.unit(x$heights, y$heights)
    x$rownames <- c(x$rownames, y$rownames)
    x$widths <- grid::unit.pmax(x$widths, y$widths)
    x$grobs <- append(x$grobs, y$grobs)
  gridExtra::arrangeGrob(Reduce(bind2, gtl), ncol=1)
johnDorian/ggsnippets documentation built on May 19, 2019, 3:02 p.m.