
Defines functions make_bubbles panel.bubbleplot bubbleplot.formula bubbleplot

Documented in bubbleplot bubbleplot.formula make_bubbles panel.bubbleplot

#' Bubbleplots
#' Draws bubbleblots -- trivariate plots where the third dimension is mapped
#' to the size of the points drawn on the screen.
#' @author Johan Larsson
#' @inherit lattice::qqmath return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bubbleplot(disp ~ hp * wt, groups = cyl, data = mtcars, auto.key = TRUE)
#' bubbleplot(disp ~ hp * mpg | factor(cyl), groups = gear, data = mtcars,
#'            auto.key = TRUE)
bubbleplot <- function(x, data = NULL, ...) UseMethod("bubbleplot")

#' @param x A formula of the form `z ~ x * y`, where `x` and `y` have the usual
#'   interpretation in trellis graphics (see [lattice::xyplot()]) and `z` is
#'   mapped to the size of bubbles.
#' @param data A data.frame, list or environment wherein the formula and
#'   groups arguments can be evaluated.
#' @param maxsize Maximum size (in cex) for the bubbles.
#' @param bubblekey Set to `TRUE` to draw an informative legend about the
#'   bubbles. Uses [lattice::draw.key()]. See the **key** section of the
#'   documentation in [lattice::xyplot()]. If both `auto.key` and `bubblekey`
#'   are given and their `space` arguments (positions) conflict, bubblekey
#'   will silently override the position of `auto.key`.
#' @param panel See [lattice::xyplot()]. Here, we are passing an additional
#'   variable, `z`, which is then used in [panel.bubbleplot()].
#' @param groups See [lattice::xyplot()]
#' @param subset See [lattice::xyplot()]
#' @param outer Ignored.
#' @param allow.multiple Ignored.
#' @param drop.unused.levels See [lattice::xyplot()]
#' @param ... Further arguments to pass to [lattice::xyplot()].
#' @rdname bubbleplot
#' @export
bubbleplot.formula <-
           data = NULL,
           maxsize = 3,
           bubblekey = TRUE,
           panel = panel.bubbleplot,
           groups = NULL,
           subset = TRUE,
           drop.unused.levels = lattice.getOption("drop.unused.levels"),
  new_groups <- substitute(groups)
  groups <- eval(substitute(groups), data, environment(x))
  subset <- eval(substitute(subset), data, environment(x))

  if (!missing(outer))
    warning("'outer' is ignored.")
  if (!missing(allow.multiple))
    warning("'allow.multiple' is ignored.")

  # Parse the formula as z ~ x * y
  form <- latticeParseFormula(
    model = x,
    data = data,
    dimension = 3,
    subset = subset,
    groups = groups,
    multiple = FALSE,
    outer = FALSE,
    subscripts = TRUE,
    drop = drop.unused.levels

  new_form <- xyz_to_xy(form)

  # Compute bubble sizes
  z <- form$left
  bubbles <- make_bubbles(z, maxsize)

  # Retrieve call
  ccall <- match.call()

  ocall <- sys.call(sys.parent())
  ocall[[1]] <- quote(bubbleplot)

  # Update call
  ccall$x <- new_form
  ccall$z <- bubbles$x
  ccall$panel <- panel

  # Make the call
  ccall[[1]] <- quote(lattice::xyplot)
  ans <- eval.parent(ccall)
  ans$call <- ocall

  # Set up bubblekey (if required)
  ans$legend <- setup_key(
    list(text = list(as.character(bubbles$breaks)),
         title = form$left.name,
         points = list(
           col = if (is.null(groups)) trellis.par.get("plot.symbol")$col else 1,
           pch = trellis.par.get("plot.symbol")$pch,
           fill = trellis.par.get("plot.symbol")$fill,
           alpha = trellis.par.get("plot.symbol")$alpha,
           font = trellis.par.get("plot.symbol")$font,
           cex = bubbles$breaks_cex
         padding.text = maxsize * 1.3),

#' Panel Function for Bubble Plots
#' @inheritParams lattice::panel.xyplot
#' @param z A numeric vector that areas of circles will be mapped to.
#' @param groups Grouping variable (see [lattice::xyplot()]).
#' @param cex Is used internally and user settings will be ignored.
#' @param ... Further arguments to pass to [lattice::panel.xyplot()].
#' @param subscripts A vector of indexes to specify which observation to plot.
#'   Normally does not need to be provided by the user.
#' @return Plots a layer inside a panel of a `lattice` plot.
#' @export
panel.bubbleplot <- function(
    groups = NULL,
    cex = NULL,
  ) {
  # include cex as argument in top function and then ignore it

  if (!is.null(groups))
    panel.superpose(x = x,
                    y = y,
                    z = z,
                    subscripts = subscripts,
                    groups = groups,
    panel.xyplot(x, y, cex = z[subscripts], ...)

#' Make Bubbles
#' Map `z` to the area of bubbles.
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param maxsize The max size (in cex) of the bubbles.
#' @return A list with the new bubbles as well as pretty breakpoints along with
#'   their respective cex values.
#' @keywords internal
make_bubbles <- function(x, maxsize) {
  stopifnot(all(x >= 0), is.numeric(x))

  # compute required radii for breaks and values
  breaks <- pretty(x, n = 4)

  # Drop first level if it is 0
  if (breaks[1] == 0)
    breaks <- breaks[-1]

  breaks_cex <- sqrt(breaks / pi)
  x <- sqrt(x / pi)

  # pad with zero and max of breaks and values
  roof <- max(c(x, breaks_cex), na.rm = TRUE)

  breaks_cex <- rescale(c(0, breaks_cex, roof), 0, maxsize)
  breaks_cex <- breaks_cex[-c(1, length(breaks_cex))]

  x <- rescale(c(0, x, roof), 0, maxsize)
  x <- x[-c(1, length(x))]
  list(x = x, breaks = breaks, breaks_cex = breaks_cex)
jolars/latticework documentation built on May 28, 2023, 2:42 a.m.