linmod: Linear Models for Bias Correction

View source: R/linmod.R

linmodR Documentation

Linear Models for Bias Correction


Compute calibration for biases that follow various linear models in dependence of lead time, forecast anomalies and initialization / forecast time.


  fcst.out = fcst,
  fc.time = NULL,
  fcout.time = NULL,
  formula = obs ~ fcst,
  recal = FALSE,
  smooth = nrow(fcst) > 1,
  smoothobs = nrow(fcst) > 1,
  span = min(1, 91/nrow(fcst)),
  bleach = nrow(fcst) > 1,
  differences = FALSE,
  type = c("calibration", "prediction"),



n x m x k array of n lead times, m forecasts, of k ensemble members


n x m matrix of veryfing observations


array of forecast values to which bias correction should be applied (defaults to fcst)


forecast times as R-dates for trend aggregation


forecast time for array to which bias correction is applied for back compatibility with leave-one-out cross-validation in debias


model formula to model deviations from the climatology (see details)


logical, should the ensemble spread be recalibrated? (see details)


logical, should model climatology (and ensemble spread) be smoothed?


logical, should observation climatology (and residual standard deviation) be smoothed?


the parameter which controls the degree of smoothing (see loess)


logical, should variance of the residuals be controlled for (see details)?


logical, should model be fit on first order differences (see details)?


one of prediction or calibration, where signal calibration uncertainties are propagated for type = "prediction" (see details).


additional arguments for compatibility with other calibration methods


This is the workhorse for calibration methods that can be expressed as linear models. The systematic model errors are decomposed into a seasonally varying (and thus lead-time dependent) bias and ensemble mean errors that depend on forecast anomalies from the mean forecast, on lead time, and/or on forecast date.

A variety of linear models for calibration can be specified using R's formula notation and a few examples are given below (see also example(linmod)).

obs ~ offset(fcst) - 1

Simple bias correction with seasonally varying mean bias

obs ~ fcst

Model error dependent on forecast (with dependence being constant across lead times)

obs ~ fcst + fcst:poly(lead,3)

Model error dependent on forecast with dependence varying across lead times

obs ~ offset(fcst) + year

Linear time trend in bias (time trend constant across lead times)

obs ~ offset(fcst) + year*as.factor(format(date, "%m"))

Linear time trend in bias with trend depending on forecast month

In addition to complex dependence of the systematic ensemble mean errors on forecast, lead-time, and forecast dates, linmod also allows a recalibration of the ensemble spread. If recal = TRUE, the lead time dependent ensemble spread is inflated (shrunk) to reflect the lead time dependent standard deviation of the observation residuals. In addition, if type = 'prediction', the ensemble spread matches the predictive standard deviation for the out-of-sample forecast. That is, for a simple linear model with y = ax + b + \varepsilon, the predictive standard error is \sigma \sqrt{1 + 1/n + {x_0}^2 / \sum{x_j^2}}, where n is the number of forecasts in the calibration set, x_0 is the ensemble mean of the foracst that is to be bias-corrected, and x_j are the forecast ensemble means in the calibration set.

The underlying assumption of iid residuals in the linear model is generally not fullfilled, thus weighted least squares can be used instead with bleach = TRUE. The weighting is chosen proportional to the inverse of the lead-time dependent variance of the residuals.

By default, the seasonally varying bias and the residual errors and model spread are smoothed using a loess smoothing. Smoothing of the model ensemble mean and model spread can be switched of with smooth = FALSE, smoothing of the observation climatology and residual standard deviation can be switched of with smoothobs = FALSE

Both the residual standard deviation (psd) and the ensemble spread (fsd) are smoothed using loess as follows.

psd.smooth = exp(loess(log(psd) ~ log(seq(along=psd)), span=span)$fit)

Alternatively, the model parameters can be estimated on time series after taking first-order differences (but preserving the forecast signal) to reduce the effect of auto-correlation in the residuals with differences = TRUE.


The linear models are fit using maximum likelihood assuming iid residuals which will generally not apply for real forecasts (auto-correlation and heteroscedasticity).


seasonal   <- sin(seq(0,4,length=215)) 
signal     <- outer(seasonal, rnorm(30), '+') 
fcst       <- array(rnorm(215*30*51), c(215,30, 15)) + 2*c(signal) 
obs        <- array(rnorm(215*30, mean=outer(seasonal,
  seq(1,3,length=30), '+')), c(215, 30)) + signal 
fc.time    <- outer(1:215, 1981:2010, 
  function(x,y) as.Date(paste0(y, '-11-01')) - 1 + x) 
fdeb       <- list() 
fdeb$raw   <- fcst[,21:30,] ## explore calibration with varying complexity 
fdeb$bias  <- biascorrection:::linmod(fcst[,1:20,], obs[,1:20],
fcst.out=fcst[,21:30,], fc.time=fc.time[,1:20], fcout.time=fc.time[,21:30],
formula=obs ~ offset(fcst)) 
fdeb$trend <- biascorrection:::linmod(fcst[,1:20,], obs[,1:20], 
fcst.out=fcst[,21:30,], fc.time=fc.time[,1:20], fcout.time=fc.time[,21:30], 
formula=obs ~ offset(fcst) + year + year:poly(lead,3)) 
fdeb$cond  <- biascorrection:::linmod(fcst[,1:20,], obs[,1:20], 
fcst.out=fcst[,21:30,], fc.time=fc.time[,1:20], fcout.time=fc.time[,21:30], 
formula=obs ~ fcst + fcst:poly(lead,3)) 
fdeb$all   <- biascorrection:::linmod(fcst[,1:20,], obs[,1:20], 
fcst.out=fcst[,21:30,], fc.time=fc.time[,1:20], fcout.time=fc.time[,21:30], 
formula=obs ~ fcst + fcst:poly(lead,3) + year +
fdeb$month <- biascorrection:::linmod(fcst[,1:20,], obs[,1:20], 
fcst.out=fcst[,21:30,], fc.time=fc.time[,1:20], fcout.time=fc.time[,21:30], 
formula=obs ~ fcst*as.factor(format(date, '%m')))

fdeb.rmse  <- lapply(fdeb, function(x) sqrt(apply((rowMeans(x,dims=2) -
obs[,21:30])**2, 1, mean))) 
boxplot(fdeb.rmse, ylab='RMSE of the ensemble

jonasbhend/biascorrection documentation built on Nov. 11, 2023, 1:16 a.m.