qqmap: Quantile Mapping

View source: R/qqmap.R

qqmapR Documentation

Quantile Mapping


Computes bias correction with quantile mapping (i.e. additive quantile correction). A short-hand for multiplicative (qqmap_mul) quantile mapping is also provided. Furthermore, a quantile mapping approach in which the algorithm moves on in jumps rather than sequantially along lead times is provided via fastqqmap and fastqqmap_mul, respectively.


  fcst.out = fcst,
  prob = seq(0.01, 0.99, 0.01),
  window = min(nrow(fcst), 31),
  jump = 1,
  multiplicative = FALSE,
  lower.bound = NULL,
  anomalies = FALSE,
  debias = FALSE,
  smoothobs = TRUE,
  smooth = smoothobs,
  span = min(91/nrow(fcst), 1),
  type = 8,

  fcst.out = fcst,
  prob = prob,
  multiplicative = FALSE,
  type = 8

qqmap_mul(..., multiplicative = TRUE)

fastqqmap(fcst, window = min(nrow(fcst), 31), jump = min(window, 11), ...)

  window = min(nrow(fcst), 31),
  jump = min(window, 11),
  multiplicative = TRUE,

qqmap_debias(..., debias = TRUE)



n x m x k array of n lead times, m forecasts, of k ensemble members


n x m matrix of veryfing observations


array of forecast values to which bias correction should be applied (defaults to fcst)


quantiles for which quantile correction is estimated


width of window to be used for quantile mapping


minimum number of days the moving quantile window jumps (see below)


logical, is quantile correction to be applied multiplicatively?


is used to truncate output if set (e.g. to zero for precipitation)


logical, should quantile mapping be applied to forecast and observed anomalies (from forecast ensemble mean) only (see below)?


logical, should quantile mapping be applied to anomalies from smoothed climatology (only additive)?


logical, should observation climatology be smoothed?


logical, should forecast climatology be smoothed?


the smoothing bandwidth (see loess)


an integer between 1 and 9 selecting one of the nine quantile algorithms detailed below to be used (see quantile).


additional arguments for compatibility with other bias correction methods


The quantile mapping algorithm estimates quantile correction factors for q quantiles. For each forecast value in fcst.out, the percentile within which the value falls in the distribution of input forecasts fcst is determined and the corresponding quantile correction applied. For multiplicative quantile mapping (multiplicative = TRUE), the bias corrected forecast (fcst.out) is divided by the ratio of forecast to observed quantiles, whereas for additive quantile mapping multiplicative = FALSE (the default), the difference between the forecast and observed quantiles are subtracted from fcst.out.

The quantile mapping is lead time dependent, parameter window is used to select the number of lead times on either side of the lead time that is to be corrected to be included in the quantile estimation. For the begining and end of the series, the lead-time interval is kept constant, so that to estimate the quantile correction for the first lead time, the first window lead times are used. If exact = FALSE, the lead time dependent quantiles for the forecast are directly estimated from single lead times without the surrounding window lead times. This is a quick and dirty fix to speed up processing.


If debias = TRUE, the quantile correction is applied to the anomalies from the long-term lead-time dependent climatology (from the observations and forecasts respectively). The quantile corrected forecast anomalies are finally added to the observed climatology to produce an approximately unbiased, quantile corrected forecast. If smoothobs = TRUE and/or smooth = TRUE, the lead-time dependent climatology of the observations and/or forecasts are smoothed using a loess smoother with bandwidth span. Whether there are use-cases for which such an a priori de-biasing is beneficial is not obvious and needs further exploration.


If anomalies is set, forecast and observed anomalies are computed with reference to the forecast ensemble mean (the signal) and the quantile correction is only applied to the anomalies with the signal being left uncorrected. It is speculated that such an approach may more explicitly reflect the skill / calibration relationship of forecasts (i.e. the option has been implemented without theoretical underpinning nor an existing use-case that illustrates the benefits of applying quantile corrections as described in this paragraph ;-).


## initialise forcast observation pairs
nens <- 51
signal <- outer(sin(seq(0,4,length=215)), sort(rnorm(30, sd=0.2)), '+') + 2
fcst <- list(raw=array(rgamma(length(signal)*nens, shape=2, scale=2), c(dim(signal), nens)) *
  c(signal) * (runif(length(signal)*nens) > 0.1))
obs <- array(rgamma(length(signal), shape=3, scale=1), dim(signal)) *
  signal * (runif(length(signal)) > 0.3)
fcst$qqmap <- debias(fcst$raw[,1:20,], obs[,1:20], 
  method = "qqmap", fcst.out=fcst$raw, lower.bound=0)
fcst$qqmap_mul <- debias(fcst$raw[,1:20,], obs[,1:20], 
  method = "qqmap_mul", fcst.out=fcst$raw, lower.bound=0)
oprob <- (seq(obs[,21:30]) - 1/3) / (length(obs[,21:30]) + 1/3)
oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
plot(density(obs[,21:30], from=0, to=80, bw=1), type='n',
     main='Distribution in validation period')
for (i in 1:length(fcst)) lines(density(fcst[[i]][,21:30,1], from=0, to=80, bw=1), lwd=2, lty=i)
lines(density(obs[,21:30], from=0, to=80, bw=1), lwd=2, col=2)
legend('topright', c('Observations', 'No bias correction', names(fcst)[-1]), 
       lwd=2, col=c(2,rep(1, length(fcst))), lty=c(1,seq(fcst)), inset=0.05)
plot(quantile(obs[,21:30], type=8, oprob), 
  quantile(fcst[[1]][,21:30,], type=8, oprob),
  type='l', lwd=2, xlab='Observed quantiles',
  ylab='Forecast quantiles',
  main='Out-of-sample validation for qqmap')
abline(c(0,1), lwd=2, col=2)
for (i in 2:length(fcst)) lines(quantile(obs[,21:30], type=8, oprob),
  quantile(fcst[[i]][,21:30,], type=8, oprob), lwd=2, lty=i)
legend('topleft', c('No bias correction', names(fcst)[-1]), lwd=2, lty=seq(along=fcst), inset=0.05)

jonasbhend/biascorrection documentation built on Nov. 11, 2023, 1:16 a.m.