
Defines functions render_latex mathpix rmarkdown_block mathpix_api get_api_key credentials

Documented in credentials get_api_key mathpix mathpix_api render_latex rmarkdown_block

#' Detect mathpix credentials
#' Checks environmental variables for `MATHPIX_APP_ID` and `MATHPIX_APP_KEY` values.
#' @md
#' @importFrom utils askYesNo
#' @export
#' @return a list of detected credentials (or this package's credentials)
credentials <- function() {

    app_id <- Sys.getenv("MATHPIX_APP_ID")
    app_key <- Sys.getenv("MATHPIX_APP_KEY")

    if (app_id == "") {
            "No entries found in MATHPIX_APP_ID... Visit\n\n",
            "   >> https://dashboard.mathpix.com/ <<\n\n",
            "   to sign up for an account then store your ID as\n\n",
            "   MATHPIX_APP_ID='xxxxxxxxx'\n\n",
            "   in your .Renviron file", immediate. = TRUE)
        if (utils::askYesNo("Do you want to launch a browser to get an API key?")) get_api_key()
    if (app_key == "") {
            "No entries found in MATHPIX_APP_KEY... Visit\n\n",
            "   >> https://dashboard.mathpix.com/ <<\n\n",
            "   to sign up for an account then store your key as\n\n",
            "   MATHPIX_APP_KEY='xxxxxxxxx'\n\n",
            "   in your .Renviron file", immediate. = TRUE)
        if (utils::askYesNo("Do you want to launch a browser to get an API key?")) get_api_key()

    return(list(app_id = app_id, app_key = app_key))

#' Get a mathpix API key
#' @return NULL (invisibly). Used for the side-effect of opening a browser.
#' @importFrom utils browseURL
#' @export
get_api_key <- function() {

# curl -X POST https://api.mathpix.com/v3/latex \
#     -H 'app_id: trial' \
#     -H 'app_key: xxxx' \
#     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
#     --data '{ "url": "data:image/jpeg;base64,'$(base64 -i limit.jpg)'" }'

## curl 7.35.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.35.0

#' Connect to the mathpix API and translate an image to LaTeX
#' @param img image to be converted to LaTeX
#' @details You must save your own API key in your
#'   environment (e.g. `~/.Renviron`) with the identifiers `MATHPIX_APP_ID` and
#'   `MATHPIX_APP_KEY`. This can be tested with `mathpix:::credentials()`.
#' @return a character string of LaTeX commands (or NULL if fails).
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom purrr safely
#' @importFrom base64enc base64encode
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
mathpix_api <- function(img) {

    if (!file.exists(img)) {
        stop("Unable to locate that image.", call. = FALSE)

    creds <- credentials()
    if (is.null(creds)) stop("Unable to find credentials.")
    app_id <- creds$app_id
    app_key <- creds$app_key

    message(paste0("Using Mathpix APP_ID = ", app_id))

    url <- "https://api.mathpix.com/v3/latex"
    body <- paste0('{"url": "data:image/jpeg;base64, ',
           '\" }')

    safePOST <- purrr::safely(httr::POST)

    res <- safePOST(url,
                    httr::add_headers(app_id = app_id,
                                      app_key = app_key),
                    httr::user_agent("{mathpix} R package"),
                    body = body)

    if (!is.null(res$error)) stop(res$error)
    if (!identical(httr::status_code(res$result), 200L)) {
        warning(paste("httr POST returned", httr::status_code(res$result)))
    } else {
        resp <- httr::content(res$result)
        ## content may contain an internal error
        if (resp$error != "") {
            warning(paste0("Mathpix says:\n", resp$error), call. = FALSE)


#' Add LaTeX commands as an `rmarkdown` equation
#' Converts an image to LaTeX then inserts that into an `rmarkdown` equation
#' (surrounded by $$).
#' @md
#' @inheritParams mathpix_api
#' @param retry If Mathpix is not able to process the image, should we try again with
#'   a re-processed image?
#' @details You must save your own API key in your
#'   environment (e.g. `~/.Renviron`) with the identifiers `MATHPIX_APP_ID` and
#'   `MATHPIX_APP_KEY`. This can be tested with `mathpix:::credentials()`.
#' @return an `rmarkdown` equation block
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
rmarkdown_block <- function(img, retry = FALSE) {

    header <- "$$\n"
    footer <- "\n$$"

    body <- mathpix_api(img = img)

    if (!is.null(body) && body == "") {
        warning("Unable to process image.", call. = FALSE)
        if (retry) {
            message("Attempting repeat with grayscale converted image.")
            newimg <- magick::image_convert(magick::image_read(img), format = "png", type = "bilevel", colorspace = "gray")
            newimg <- magick::image_contrast(newimg)
            newimg <- magick::image_resize(newimg, geometry = "800x800>")
            newimg <- magick::image_despeckle(newimg)
            newimg <- magick::image_enhance(newimg)
            newimg <- magick::image_background(newimg, "white", flatten = TRUE)
            tmpimg <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
            magick::image_write(newimg, tmpimg, flatten = TRUE)
            body <- mathpix_api(img = tmpimg)

            ## if still not good, exit
            if (body == "") {
                stop("Still unable to process image after retrying. Exiting", call. = FALSE)
            } else {
                message("Ignore warnings; conversion appears successful.")

        } else {
            stop("Unable to process image. Use retry=TRUE to try pre-processing first. Exiting", call. = FALSE)

    return(paste(header, body, footer))


# @examples
# \dontrun{
# mathpix(system.file("extdata", "eq_no_01.png", package = "mathpix"), insert = FALSE)
# ## returns
# ## $$\n \\int \\frac { 4x } { \\sqrt { x ^ { 2} + 1} } d x \n$$}

#' Convert an image of an equation to a 'LaTeX' expression
#' Given an image file location, \code{mathpix} performs the relevant
#' transformations and send the data to the 'Mathpix' API, which returns a
#' 'LaTeX' expression which should generate the typeset equation/expression in
#' that image. When using 'RStudio', the resulting 'LaTeX' expression is
#' automatically inserted into the current `rmarkdown` document.
#' @md
#' @inheritParams mathpix_api
#' @param retry If Mathpix is not able to process the image, should we try again with
#'   a re-processed image?
#' @param insert Should the resulting LaTeX block be inserted into the document (default: TRUE)
#' @details You must save your own API key in your
#'   environment (e.g. `~/.Renviron`) with the identifiers `MATHPIX_APP_ID` and
#'   `MATHPIX_APP_KEY`. This can be tested with `mathpix:::credentials()`.
#' @return (invisibly) the `rmarkdown` LaTeX equation block
#' @importFrom rstudioapi insertText isAvailable
#' @references \url{https://mathpix.com/}
#' @export
mathpix <- function(img, insert = TRUE, retry = FALSE) {

    block <- rmarkdown_block(img, retry = retry)
    if (!is.null(block) && insert) {
        if (rstudioapi::isAvailable() && interactive()) rstudioapi::insertText(text = block)


# @examples
# \dontrun{
# ## requires pdflatex
# latex_expression <- "$$\\int \\frac { 4 x } { \\sqrt { x ^ { 2 } + 1 } } d x$$"
# render_latex(latex_expression)}

#' Convert a 'LaTeX' expression to an image (render)
#' This calls \code{tex_preview} to render a 'LaTeX'
#' expression into an image, either as a temporary file or saved to disk.
#' @param latex 'LaTeX' code to be evaluated. Surround in \code{$} or \code{$$}.
#' @param fileDir directory in which to save the image to (defaults to
#'   `/tmp/tempfile()`).
#' @param ... other options to pass to \code{tex_preview}.
#' @return NULL (invisibly)
#' @importFrom purrr safely
#' @export
render_latex <- function(latex, fileDir = NULL, ...) {
    .Deprecated(msg = "texPreview has been archived on CRAN, so this functionality is no longer supported.")
    # safe_png <- purrr::safely(texPreview::tex_preview)
    # img <- safe_png(obj = latex, stem = "eq", fileDir = fileDir)
    # if (!is.null(img$error)) stop(img$error)

jonocarroll/mathpix documentation built on April 26, 2024, 1:38 p.m.