
Defines functions playground raruma rarima rarma rsigpn rcof rwnv rpsi rfreq rb1 rb0 rtheta rphi phicheck rthetalen rphilen rint rszn rtype

Documented in phicheck playground rarima rarma raruma rsigpn

types <- c(rep("arima",15), rep("arma", 10), rep("aruma",15), rep("sigplusnoise", 3) )

# because i dont understand signal plus noise well, weights can be adjusted

# random type of time series
rtype <- function() sample(types,1)

# random seasonal component
rszn <- function() floor(stats::runif(1,0,25))

# random integrated component (goes from 0 to 3)
rint <- function() floor(stats::runif(1,0,4))

# random p order (could be improved)
rphilen <- function() floor(stats::runif(1,0.99,20))

# random q order
rthetalen <- function() floor(stats::runif(1,0,5))

#' check if ar component is stationary (stolen from the R stats source code)
#' @param phi phi for AR component
phicheck <- function(phi){

# recursively defined random phis, lots of room for improvement
# if it is nonzero length, return a stationary vector of phis
rphi <- function(){
  len <- rphilen()
  phis <- stats::rnorm(len, 0,1)
  if(length(phis > 0)){
    if (phicheck(phis) <= 1){
    else {

  else return(0)

# random thetat vector
rtheta <- function(){
  len <- rthetalen()
  thetas <- stats::runif(len, -1.5, 1.5)
  if(length(thetas) >0) {
  else {

# random sigplusnoise component
rb0 <- function() stats::runif(1, -100,100)
rb1 <- function() stats::runif(1, -2, 2)
rfreq <- function() stats::runif(2, 0, .5)
rpsi <- function() stats::runif(2, 0, 2*pi)
rwnv <- function() abs(stats::rnorm(1,1,1))
rcof <- function() stats::runif(2, -2, 2)

#' random signal plus noise
#' @param n the length of the resulting time series
#' @param p TRUE|FALSE Should the resulting realization be plotted?
rsigpn <- function(n, p) {
  tswge::gen.sigplusnoise.wge( n,
                               b0 = rb0(),
                               b1 = rb1(),
                               freq = rfreq(),
                               psi = rpsi(),
                               vara = rwnv(),
                               coef = rcof(), plot = p)

#' random arma
#' @param n the length of the resulting time series
#' @param p TRUE|FALSE Should the resulting realization be plotted?
rarma <- function(n, p) {
  tswge::gen.arma.wge( n,
                       phi = rphi(),
                       theta = rtheta(), plot = p)

#' radnom arima
#' @param n the length of the resulting time series
#' @param p TRUE|FALSE Should the resulting realization be plotted?
rarima <- function(n, p) {
  tswge::gen.arima.wge( n,
                        phi = rphi(),
                        theta = rtheta(),
                        d = rint(), plot = p)

#' random aruma
#' @param n the length of the resulting time series
#' @param p TRUE|FALSE Should the resulting realization be plotted?
raruma <- function(n, p) {
  tswge::gen.aruma.wge( n,
                        phi = rphi(),
                        theta = rtheta(),
                        d = rint(),
                        s = rszn(), plot = p)

#' Playground: generate a random time series for practice
#' @param n the length of the resulting time series
#' @param plot TRUE|FALSE Should the resulting realization be plotted?
#' @return a random time series, TODO add weights
#' @export
playground <- function(n, plot = TRUE) {
  type <- rtype()
         "arima" = return(rarima(n, p = plot)),
         "aruma" = return(raruma(n, p = plot)),
         "arma" = return(rarma(n, p = plot)),
         "sigplusnoise" = return(rsigpn(n, p = plot))
josephsdavid/tswgewrapped documentation built on July 31, 2020, 9:36 a.m.