
Defines functions ww_current_conditions

Documented in ww_current_conditions

#' Get Current Conditions
#' @return a \code{tibble} with current conditions and attributes from USGS dashboard.
#' @note The time zone used in the URL call is the R session time zone. Also, the time is 1-hour behind.
#' Here are the attributes that are with the data.frame: AgencyCode,SiteNumber,SiteName,SiteTypeCode,Latitude,Longitude,
#' CurrentConditionID,ParameterCode,TimeLocal,TimeZoneCode,Value,
#' ValueFlagCode,RateOfChangeUnitPerHour,StatisticStatusCode,FloodStageStatusCode.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' current_conditions <- ww_current_conditions()
#' }
ww_current_conditions <- function(){

  user_date <- lubridate::as_date(Sys.time())
  user_time <- format(Sys.time()-3600, "%H:%M:%S")

  ids <- paste0("https://dashboard.waterdata.usgs.gov/service/cwis/1.0/odata/CurrentConditions?$top=15000&$filter=(UpdatedUtc%20gt%20",

  error_ids <- httr::GET(url = ids,
                         httr::write_disk(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                                                           "nld_tmp.json"),overwrite = TRUE))

  status_current <- jsonlite::fromJSON(file.path(tempdir(),"nld_tmp.json"))$value %>%

  status_current <- status_current %>%
      StatisticsStatusDescription = dplyr::case_when(
        StatisticStatusCode == "P0" ~'All-time low for this day',
        StatisticStatusCode == "P0_10"~"Much below normal",
        StatisticStatusCode == "P10_25"~"Below normal",
        StatisticStatusCode == "P25_75"~"Normal",
        StatisticStatusCode == "P75_90"~"Above normal",
        StatisticStatusCode == "P90_100"~"Much above normal",
        StatisticStatusCode == "P100" ~ 'All-time high for this day',
        StatisticStatusCode == "NR_0FLOW"~"Not flowing",
        StatisticStatusCode == "NR_REVFLOW"~"Not ranked",
        StatisticStatusCode == "NR_NOMEAS"~"Measurement flag",
        !is.na(ValueFlagCode) & is.na(StatisticStatusCode) ~ "Measurement flag",
        TRUE~"Not ranked"
      StatisticsStatusDescription = factor(StatisticsStatusDescription,
                                           levels = c("Not ranked",
                                                      "Measurement flag",
                                                      "Not flowing",
                                                      "All-time low for this day",
                                                      "Much below normal",
                                                      "Below normal",
                                                      "Above normal",
                                                      "Much above normal",
                                                      "All-time high for this day")),
      StatisticsStatusColorFill = dplyr::case_when(
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Not ranked" ~ '#999999',
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Measurement flag" ~ '#989898',
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Not flowing" ~ '#a9a9a9',
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "All-time low for this day" ~ "#FF0000",
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Much below normal" ~ "#BB2222",
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Below normal" ~ "#FFAA00",
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Normal" ~ "#00ff00",
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Above normal" ~ "#44dddd",
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Much above normal" ~ "#0000FF",
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "All-time high for this day" ~ "#000055",
        TRUE ~ NA_character_

      StatisticsStatusColorStroke = dplyr::case_when(
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Not ranked" ~ '#666666',
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Measurement flag" ~ '#996633',
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Not flowing" ~ '#997700',
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "All-time low for this day" ~ "#990000",
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Much below normal" ~ "#661111",
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Below normal" ~ "#996600",
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Normal" ~ "#009900",
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Above normal" ~ "#11aaaa",
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "Much above normal" ~ "#000099",
        StatisticsStatusDescription == "All-time high for this day" ~ "#000000",
        TRUE ~ NA_character_
joshualerickson/whitewater documentation built on July 1, 2024, 10:14 p.m.