Man pages for josteist/Compadre
Analysis of Macroevolutionary Rates of Speciation, Extinction and Sampling using Capture-Mark-Recapture techniques

Alroy_3timersFunction to calculate Alroy's three-timer rates of...
checkchainsA quick function to plot chains and calc ESS's for drivers...
colbottomSimple function to add colorbars at the lower end of a plot....
contMCMC_CMRFunction to continue sampling a fit, without adaptation.
doBMLFunction to approximate Bayesian model probability using...
ESSFunction to extract effective sample sizes from a MCMC-CMR...
Foote_percapFunction to calculate Foote's rates of macroevolutionary...
getInitA function to generate sensible initial values for MCMC...
HPDIFunction to extract highest posterior density intervals. HPDI...
make_BayesCMRFunction to construct one clade CMR-model.
make_BayesCMR_2cladesFunction to construct two clade CMR-model.
make_unvdGenerate datavectors used in Pradel likelihood calculations.
MCMC_CMRAn adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler for estimating...
plot.cmr_simulationPlots simulation output in Compadre.
plotDriversFunction to make simple plot of estimated drivers (and...
plotfun_internalinternal plottingfunction export
plotRatesExtract and plot macroevolutionary rates from a CMR model...
pradel_unvdInternal function used to calculate the likelihood of the...
pradel_unvd_gamInternal function used to calculate the likelihood of the...
prob2rateFunction transform a probability into a rate for an interval
prob_extA function to calculate the probability of extinction for a...
rate2probA simple function to translate a rate into a probability.
remake_fosrecFunction to resample a fossil record from a simulated clade.
rescale_timeFunctino to rescale between time-scales.
sampFosRecFunction to sample fossil from a lineage.
sim_BDFunction to simulate a birth-death-fossilization process.
josteist/Compadre documentation built on June 3, 2021, 1:02 p.m.