
##  Test matching of mz values...
detach("package:xcmsExtensions", unload=TRUE)
## library(faahKO)
## library(RUnit)
## xset <- faahko
## suppressWarnings(
##     xraw <- getXcmsRaw(xset, 1)
## )

test_matching <- function(){

    ## Testing the lowest level function.
    gotMz <- 2.23
    matchWith <- seq(1, 10, by=0.1)
    ## Will not find anything with the "standard" settings.
    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.singleMatchMz(gotMz, matchWith)
    checkTrue([, 1]))
    ## Tune the ppm so that we find 2.2.
    accPpm <- 0.03 * 1000000 / gotMz
    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.singleMatchMz(gotMz, matchWith, mzdev=0, ppm=accPpm)
    checkEquals(nrow(res), 1)
    checkEquals(unname(res[1, 1]), which(matchWith == 2.2))
    ## Increasing the search range to include also 2.3; setting mzdev to 0.4
    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.singleMatchMz(gotMz, matchWith, mzdev=0.04, ppm=accPpm)
    checkEquals(nrow(res), 2)
    checkEquals(unname(res[, 1]), which(matchWith %in% c(2.2, 2.3)))

    ## Just using the mzdev and skip the ppm
    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.singleMatchMz(gotMz, matchWith, mzdev=0.04)
    checkEquals(nrow(res), 1)
    checkEquals(unname(res[1, 1]), which(matchWith == 2.2))

    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.singleMatchMz(gotMz, matchWith, mzdev=0.07)
    checkEquals(nrow(res), 2)
    checkEquals(unname(res[, 1]), which(matchWith %in% c(2.2, 2.3)))

    ## Just trying a second value:
    gotMz <- 2.53
    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.singleMatchMz(gotMz, matchWith)
    checkTrue([, 1]))
    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.singleMatchMz(gotMz, matchWith, ppm=0, mzdev=0.03)
    checkEquals(nrow(res), 1)
    checkEquals(unname(res[1, 1]), 16)
    ## with mzdev=0.07 I should get 2.5 and 2.6
    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.singleMatchMz(gotMz, matchWith, ppm=0, mzdev=0.07)
    checkEquals(nrow(res), 2)

    ## OK, now testing for x being a RANGE: in this case we're looking for a mass
    ## that's in the middle of these, i.e. at 2.24, but using an mzdev of 0.01.
    gotMz <- c(2.23, 2.25)
    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.singleMatchMz(gotMz, matchWith, mzdev=0)
    checkTrue([, 1]))
    ## That way we find only 2.2
    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.singleMatchMz(gotMz, matchWith, mzdev=0, ppm=accPpm)
    checkEquals(nrow(res), 1)
    checkEquals(unname(res[1, 1]), which(matchWith == 2.2))
    ## To get also 2.3 we need to increase the mzdev a little, i.e. from 2.25 to 2.3
    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.singleMatchMz(gotMz, matchWith, mzdev=0.05, ppm=0)
    checkEquals(nrow(res), 2)
    checkEquals(unname(res[, 1]), which(matchWith %in% c(2.2, 2.3)))

    ## While I wouldn't find the 2.3 if I used just the midpoint.
    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.singleMatchMz(2.24, matchWith, mzdev=0.05, ppm=0)
    checkEquals(nrow(res), 1)

    ## Test the multi matching stuff...
    gotMz <- c(2.23, 2.53)
    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.multiMatchMzNumeric(gotMz, matchWith)
    checkEquals(length(res), 2)
    res <-, res)
    checkTrue(all([, 1])))

    ## Now doing serious stuff.
    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.multiMatchMzNumeric(gotMz, matchWith, ppm=accPpm)
    res <-, res)
    checkEquals(unname(res[, 1]), which(matchWith %in% c(2.2, 2.5)))

    ## Just check what happens if we revert...
    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.multiMatchMzNumeric(gotMz[c(2, 1)], matchWith, ppm=accPpm)
    res <-, res)
    checkEquals(unname(res[, 1]), c(16, 13))

    ## Get multiple stuff...
    res <- xcmsExtensions:::.multiMatchMzNumeric(gotMz, matchWith, mzdev=0.07, ppm=0)
    res <-, res)
    checkEquals(unname(res[, 1]), c(13, 14, 16, 17))

test_matchmz_numeric <- function(){
    ## Repeating some of the stuff from above.

    gotMz <- 2.23
    matchWith <- seq(1, 10, by=0.1)
    ## Will not find anything with the "standard" settings.
    res <- mzmatch(gotMz, matchWith)
    res <-, res)
    checkTrue([, 1]))
    ## Tune the ppm so that we find 2.2.
    accPpm <- 0.03 * 1000000 / gotMz
    res <- mzmatch(gotMz, matchWith, mzdev=0, ppm=accPpm)
    res <-, res)
    checkEquals(nrow(res), 1)
    checkEquals(unname(res[1, 1]), which(matchWith == 2.2))
    ## Increasing the search range to include also 2.3; setting mzdev to 0.4
    res <- mzmatch(gotMz, matchWith, mzdev=0.04, ppm=accPpm)
    res <- res[[1]]
    checkEquals(nrow(res), 2)
    checkEquals(unname(res[, 1]), which(matchWith %in% c(2.2, 2.3)))

    gotMz <- c(2.23, 2.53)
    res <- mzmatch(gotMz, matchWith)
    checkEquals(length(res), 2)
    res <-, res)
    checkTrue(all([, 1])))

    ## Now doing serious stuff.
    res <- mzmatch(gotMz, matchWith, ppm=accPpm)
    res <-, res)
    checkEquals(unname(res[, 1]), which(matchWith %in% c(2.2, 2.5)))

    ## Just check what happens if we revert...
    res <- mzmatch(gotMz[c(2, 1)], matchWith, ppm=accPpm)
    res <-, res)
    checkEquals(unname(res[, 1]), c(16, 13))

    ## Get multiple stuff...
    res1 <- mzmatch(gotMz, matchWith, mzdev=0.07, ppm=0)
    res2 <- mzmatch(gotMz, matchWith, mzdev=0.07)
    checkEquals(res1, res2)

    res <-, res1)
    checkEquals(unname(res[, 1]), c(13, 14, 16, 17))

test_matchmz_matrix <- function(){

    ## Jump directly into the multi stuff....
    matchWith <- seq(1, 10, by=0.1)
    xM <- rbind(c(2.23, 2.25),
                c(3.23, 3.25),
                c(2.53, 2.55))
    res <- mzmatch(xM, matchWith)
    res <-, res)
    checkTrue(all([, 1])))
    ## Expanding by 0.03 -> should get 1 each
    res <- mzmatch(xM, matchWith, mzdev=0.03)
    checkTrue(unique(unlist(lapply( res, nrow))) == 1)
    res <-, res)
    checkEquals(unname(res[, 1]), c(13, 23, 16))
    ## Expanding by 0.05 -> should get 2 each
    res <- mzmatch(xM, matchWith, mzdev=0.05, ppm=0)
    checkTrue(unique(unlist(lapply( res, nrow))) == 2)
    res <-, res)
    checkEquals(unname(res[, 1]), c(13, 14, 23, 24, 16, 17))


## testApply <- function(x){
##     tmp <- apply(x, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(z){
##         return(xcmsExtensions:::.singleMatchMz(z, matchWith, mzdev=0, ppm=accPpm))
##     })
##     return(tmp)
## }

## testLapply <- function(x){
##     tmp <- lapply(split(x, f=1:nrow(x)), function(z){
##         return(xcmsExtensions:::.singleMatchMz(z, matchWith, mzdev=0, ppm=accPpm))
##     })
##     return(tmp)
## }

## Test <- matrix(rep(c(2.23, 2.25), each=10000), ncol=2)
## system.time(testApply(Test))
## system.time(testLapply(Test))
## ## lapply slightly faster!

notrun_test_ppm_conversion <- function(){
    ## That's pretty tricky; I just want to calculate all possible adducts from the input, but
    ## not from the database. But the ppm relates to the mz, not its mass!
    ppm <- 1000
    mzval <- 3012
    maxDiff <- mzval * ppm/1000000

    ## Calculate the mass assuming this was M+H for this.
    mass <- adductmz2mass(mzval, ionName="M+H")[[1]]
    ## Now, given that mass and the 1000 ppm I would search for:
    minmass <- mass - mass * ppm/1000000
    maxmass <- mass + mass * ppm/1000000

    ## What would be the mass of the minmzval?
    minmzval <- mzval - mzval * ppm/1000000
    maxmzval <- mzval + mzval * ppm/1000000

    ## Now, the mass of that:
    adductmz2mass(minmzval, ionName="M+H")

    ## obviously not the same than minmass... do I have to convert also the ppm???
    massppm <- adductmz2mass(ppm, ionName="M+H")[[1]]

    ## Get the mass for the minmz and maxmz
    minmzvalMass <- adductmz2mass(minmzval, ionName="M+H")[[1]]
    maxmzvalMass <- adductmz2mass(maxmzval, ionName="M+H")[[1]]

    ## Use the massppm to calculate the minmass and maxmass.
    minmass2 <- mass - mass * massppm/1000000
    maxmass2 <- mass + mass * massppm/1000000

    ## AAAh; wrong way round!
    checkEquals(minmzvalMass, minmass2)

test_adducts <- function(){
    mzs <- c(200, 210, 300, 314)
    hmass <- adductmz2mass(mzs, ionAdduct="M+H")[[1]]
    ## Now, if we calculate that back it should be the same than mzs
    hmz <- mass2adductmz(hmass, ionAdduct="M+H")[[1]]
    checkEquals(mzs, hmz)

    masses <- adductmz2mass(mzs)
    checkEquals(names(masses), sort(supportedIonAdducts()))
    masses <- adductmz2mass(mzs, ionAdduct=supportedIonAdducts(charge="neg"))
    checkEquals(names(masses), sort(supportedIonAdducts(charge="neg")))

    masses <- adductmz2mass(mzs)
    mz2 <- mass2adductmz(masses[["M+H"]], ionAdduct="M+H")
    checkEquals(mzs, mz2[[1]])

    mz3 <- adductmz2mass(mzs, ionAdduct=NULL)
    checkEquals(names(mz3), "M")
    mz4 <- mass2adductmz(mzs, ionAdduct=NULL)
    checkEquals(mz3, mz4)

notrun_for_db <- function(){
    mzs <- c(200, 210, 300, 314)
    ppm <- 10
    mzdev <- 0.01

    ## Idea is to first get the mzmin, mzmax based on the ppm and mzdev,
    ## then convert that to masses and search using these.
    ## So, want to have a matrix, two cols.
    ppm <- 10/1000000
    mzd <- mzs*ppm + mzdev

    minmasses <- adductmz2mass(mzs - mzd)
    maxmasses <- adductmz2mass(mzs + mzd)

    ## I could cbind?
    minmassMat <-, minmasses)
    maxmassMat <-, maxmasses)

    ## I need:
    ## data.frame with
    ## mzidx, adduct, minmass, maxmass
    df <- data.frame(
        mzidx=rep(1:length(mzd), length(minmasses)),
        adduct=rep(names(minmasses), each=length(mzs)),
        minmass=unlist(minmasses, use.names=FALSE),
        maxmass=unlist(maxmasses, use.names=FALSE)
    ## OK, now we can proceed; split by row.
    spl <- split(df, f=1:nrow(df))
    ## I would need to split now by row.
    ## 2 options:
    ## do it feature-wise
    ## It's faster I have a longer x

    x <- c(300.1898, 298.1508, 491.2000)
    ppm <- 10/1000000

    Test <- mzmatch(x, mz=scDb)
jotsetung/xcmsExtensions documentation built on May 19, 2019, 9:42 p.m.