  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


In this exercise we will be using the package quantrra for risk assessment. Make sure you have installed the latest version quantrra. The objectives for this lab are:

# Libraries we will use
library(sf); library(dplyr)


Sampling distributions

By default, R has several functions to sample a distribution and plot the results. For example, if we would like to sample a normal distribution with a mean of 5 and standard deviation of 0.12, we can use the following code:

# sample the distribution and save it to an object
x <- rnorm(n = 100, # Number of observations to sample
           mean = 5, # Mean 
           sd = 0.12) # Standard deviation

# Plot the observations

In this lab we will be using the package quantrra, which is specifically developed for risk assessment in R. The function ra_sample() conveniently wraps functions to sample multiple distributions such as: Normal, binomial, uniform, pert, among others. The function requires two arguments:

n <- 100 # number of observations
d <- 'Normal(5, 0.12)' # Distribution to sample

x <- ra_sample(x = d, n = n) # Function to sample the distribution

# We can use the function ra_plot_dist() from the package quantrra to get a more familiar output:
ra_plot_dist(x, # the values sampled
         main = 'Distribution of x') # A title for our plot

The model file

Now we will create our first model. The main function ra_run() requires two arguments:

Lets see an example of a pre-made model file. The following model was based on a risk assessment performed by the OIRSA (Organismo Internacional Regional de Sanidad Agropecuaria) for the introduction of ASF into the countries that are part of OIRSA, you can read more about this report in this link. The model estimates the number of introduction events from imported animal products swill feeding in a given year.

To represent the model we must identify the inputs and the outputs we want to calculate. The following figure was adapted from the report by OIRSA

Lets have a look of how we would represent this in R. This model was adapted and its contained in the package, to access the model file use the following code:

# lets save the model to a new object:
m1 <- quantrra::OIRSA

# now we will examine the object

The first data.frame (nodes) is what we call a node table, where each row represents a node in our risk assessment tree. The node table contains the following columns:

The second table in our list is an edge table, which is used for visualization purposes.

We can obtain a visual representation of our model using the function ra_plot_tree(). This function takes a list with named elements for the nodes and edges. Let's give it a try:


Running the model

Let's run the model now. We use the function ra_run() on the object containing our model. The function only uses the node table, so we will specify to use only that

m1 <- OIRSA
# Run the model 5000 times
mo <- ra_run(m = m1$nodes, nsim = 5000)
# Visualize the results:

The result of this is a table with the distributions sampled for the inputs, and the ones calculated for the outputs. Based on the results, we can estimate the probability that the number of introduction events will be more than 1:

sum(mo$P > 1) / length(mo$P)

Sensitivity analysis

We can perform sensitivity analysis on the model to identify the most relevant parameters and explore the parameters sample space, for this we can use the function ra_gsa() from the quantrra package. The function uses random forest to estimate the relative importance of the parameters, and classification and regression trees to visualize the interactions between the parameters sampled. The function requires 3 main arguments:

# First we specify the formula:
f <- P ~ P1 + P2 + P3 + R1 + R2 + H1 + H2
# Then we use the function with our results
sa <- ra_gsa(data = mo, f = f, tree = 'interactive')
# The results contain 3 objects:
sa$VarianceExp # The variance explained by our parameters
sa$RelImport # The relative importance of our parameters
sa$RT # The classification and regression tree

Case study: ASF

Now let's try a different model. We will load a model used in the publication: Quantitative risk assessment of African swine fever introduction into Spain by legal import of swine products. You can see more information of the parameters in the model by looking at the publication. The model is contained in the quantrra library and we can access to it by using:

# save the model to a new object
m2 <- quantrra::asf_products

# examine the model

# Obtain a visual representation of the model

You will notice that this model has 3 elements inside the list, we already covered the first two elements (nodes and edges). The third element is a stratified table, which is meant to provide different parametrization for each of the importing countries.

Similarly than with the previous example, we can run our model using the function ra_run():

ra_run(m = m2$nodes, nsim = 10e3) %>% # run the model
  pull(Pf) %>% # get the main output
  ra_plot_dist() # plot the distribution

But since we also have a stratified table, we can run the model stratified to estimate the risk of introduction for each of it's partner countries:

# Run the stratified model
mos <- ra_run_strat(m = m2$nodes, tbl = m2$stratified, nsim = 1000)

# The output will be a data frame with the mean and 95 percentiles for each of the outputs form our model:

As you notice, by default the function already computes the mean and 95 percentiles for us. If you want to keep all the results, we can use the argument simplify = F, but we wont do it here.

The function ra_plot_ranking() can be used to represent visually the estimates for each of the strata:

ra_plot_ranking(x = mos, var = "Pf")
ra_plot_ranking(x = mos, var = "Pf", format = "interactive")

mos %>% 
w <- quantrra::wm %>% 
  left_join(mos, by = c("name" = "ids")) 

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = w, aes(fill = Pf_m), col = "black") +
    legend.position = "bottom",
    legend.text = element_text(angle = 25),
    panel.background = element_blank()
  ) +
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "#200000", high = "red")

Using quantrra outside R

So far we covered how to use the functions in models that are already defined. One of the objectives of quantrra is to simplify the process of model sharing for reproducibility purposes. There are multiple ways to interact with quantrra outside R, this might be useful to facilitate the risk assessment and parametrization for people that does not feels as confortable using programming languages.

# default export method is in a xlsx
ra_export(m = m2, dir = "model")
# model can also be exported as a zip
ra_export(m = m2, dir = "model", format = "zip")

When model is created outside R, can be imported using the function ra_import() this function automatically identified if a model is in xlsx or zip format

ra_import("model.xlsx") %>% 

jpablo91/QuantRRA documentation built on July 3, 2024, 10:46 p.m.