
Defines functions apply_ref assert_matches kinfunction_obj kinfunction_strict kinfunction event_obj event_strict event parameter_obj parameter_strict parameter reaction_obj reaction_strict reaction compartment_obj compartment_strict compartment quantity_obj quantity_strict quantity species_obj species_strict species

#' Entity finders
#' The entity finder family of functions are a set of helpers to
#' get unique identifiers for the various entities defined in COPASI.
#' They give a quick overview of available species, compartments, etc.
#' There are two classes of entity finders.
#' The main functions are flexible and return a vector of all entities matching a given name fragment.
#' The `_strict` varieties expect for all input keys to uniquely match one entity and throw errors otherwise.
#' This ensures that there are always as many identifiers returned as are given to the functions.
#' This mechanism is also used by CoRC internally to ensure that functions like \code{\link{getSpecies}}
#' return one row in the output for each key given as parameter.
#' Whereas the main functions generally won't help separate an entity `a` from and entity `ab`, the
#' `_strict` varieties will accept a key "a" because it fully matches the entity `a`, which gets preference
#' over the partial match with `ab`.
#' The matching mechanism can be tuned using a \code{\link{regex}} mechanism.
#' The functions can also be used to find value references by giving the `reference` argument.
#' Various references such as "Value" or "InitialConcentration" are available for some types of entities.
#' The \href{https://jpahle.github.io/CoRC/articles/entity_management.html}{online article on managing model entities} provides some further context.
#' @name entity_finders
#' @param key entity name fragments
#'   * main varieties: a string.
#'   * `_strict` varieties: a character vector with each entry uniquely matching one entity.
#' @param reference an optional string naming the value references to be returned.
#' @param model a model object.
#' @return A character vector of species identifiers or references.
#'   References are in the form of "\{name\}" or in rare cases in the form of "<CN=...>" and can
#'   be used in expressions or functions such as \code{\link{getValue}}.

#' @rdname entity_finders
#' @family species functions
#' @export
species <- function(key = "", reference = NULL, model = getCurrentModel()) {
  c_datamodel <- assert_datamodel(model)
    is.string(key), !is.na(key),
    is.null(reference) || is.string(reference)
  cl_metabs <- get_cdv(c_datamodel$getModel()$getMetabolites())
  keys <- get_key(cl_metabs, is_species = TRUE)
  if (key == "") {
    matches <- seq_along(cl_metabs)
  } else {
    matches <- stringr::str_which(
  if (is.null(reference))
    as_ref(apply_ref(cl_metabs[matches], reference), c_datamodel)

#' @rdname entity_finders
#' @family species functions
#' @export
species_strict <- function(key, reference = NULL, model = getCurrentModel()) {
  c_datamodel <- assert_datamodel(model)
  cl_metabs <- species_obj(key, c_datamodel, reference)
  if (is.null(reference))
    get_key(cl_metabs, is_species = TRUE)
    as_ref(cl_metabs, c_datamodel)

species_obj <- function(key, c_datamodel, reference = NULL) {
    is.character(key), noNA(key), !("" %in% key),
    is.null(reference) || is.string(reference) || is.character(reference) && length(key) == length(reference)
  # If names are already DN to metabolites we accept them (disabled for regex)
  if (!has_engine(key))
    matches <- map(key, dn_to_object, c_datamodel, accepted_types = "_p_CMetab")
    matches <- list_along(key)
  matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
  if (!all(matched)) {
    info <- "species"
    cl_metabs <- get_cdv(c_datamodel$getModel()$getMetabolites())
    keys_model <- get_key(cl_metabs, is_species = TRUE)
    # keys are needed as list, else attributes are lost on subsetting
    key_l <- seq_along(key) %>% map(subset_engine, x = apply_engine(key))
    # find full matches to ObjectDisplayName
    # str_replace as hack to find complete matches
    matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], ~ which(stringr::str_replace(keys_model, .x, "") == ""))
    matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
    if (!all(matched)) {
      ns <- cl_metabs %>% map_swig_chr("getObjectName")
      # find full matches to ObjectName
      matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], ~ which(stringr::str_replace(ns, .x, "") == ""))
      matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
      if (!all(matched)) {
        # then partial matches to ObjectDisplayName
        matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], stringr::str_which, string = keys_model)
        assert_matches(matches, key, keys_model, info)
        matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
        assert_that(all(matched), msg = paste0(
          "Couldn't match ", info, ' "',
          key[!matched], '".',
          collapse = '", "'
    # the matches list contains integers and objects
    # integers signal matches and have to be converted to objects before returning
    matches <-
      matches %>%
        map_lgl(., is_scalar_integer),
        ~ cl_metabs[[.x]]
  if (is.null(reference))
    apply_ref(matches, reference)

#' @rdname entity_finders
#' @family global quantity functions
#' @export
quantity <- function(key = "", reference = NULL, model = getCurrentModel()) {
  c_datamodel <- assert_datamodel(model)
    is.string(key), !is.na(key),
    is.null(reference) || is.string(reference)
  cl_quants <- get_cdv(c_datamodel$getModel()$getModelValues())
  keys <- get_key(cl_quants)
  if (key == "") {
    matches <- seq_along(cl_quants)
  } else {
    matches <- stringr::str_which(
  if (is.null(reference))
    as_ref(apply_ref(cl_quants[matches], reference), c_datamodel)

#' @rdname entity_finders
#' @family global quantity functions
#' @export
quantity_strict <- function(key, reference = NULL, model = getCurrentModel()) {
  c_datamodel <- assert_datamodel(model)
  cl_quants <- quantity_obj(key, c_datamodel, reference)
  if (is.null(reference))
    map_swig_chr(cl_quants, "getObjectDisplayName")
    as_ref(cl_quants, c_datamodel)

quantity_obj <- function(key, c_datamodel, reference = NULL) {
    is.character(key), noNA(key), !("" %in% key),
    is.null(reference) || is.string(reference) || is.character(reference) && length(key) == length(reference)
  # If names are already DN to metabolites we accept them (disabled for regex)
  if (!has_engine(key))
    matches <- map(key, dn_to_object, c_datamodel, accepted_types = "_p_CModelValue")
    matches <- list_along(key)
  matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
  if (!all(matched)) {
    info <- "global quantity(s)"
    cl_quants <- get_cdv(c_datamodel$getModel()$getModelValues())
    keys_model <- get_key(cl_quants)
    # keys are needed as list, else attributes are lost on subsetting
    key_l <- seq_along(key) %>% map(subset_engine, x = apply_engine(key))
    # find full matches to ObjectDisplayName
    # str_replace as hack to find complete matches
    matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], ~ which(stringr::str_replace(keys_model, .x, "") == ""))
    matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
    if (!all(matched)) {
      ns <- cl_quants %>% map_swig_chr("getObjectName")
      # find full matches to ObjectName
      matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], ~ which(stringr::str_replace(ns, .x, "") == ""))
      matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
      if (!all(matched)) {
        # then partial matches to ObjectDisplayName
        matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], stringr::str_which, string = keys_model)
        assert_matches(matches, key, keys_model, info)
        matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
        assert_that(all(matched), msg = paste0(
          "Couldn't match ", info, ' "',
          key[!matched], '".',
          collapse = '", "'
    # the matches list contains integers and objects
    # integers signal matches and have to be converted to objects before returning
    matches <-
      matches %>%
        map_lgl(., is_scalar_integer),
        ~ cl_quants[[.x]]
  if (is.null(reference))
    apply_ref(matches, reference)

#' @rdname entity_finders
#' @family compartment functions
#' @export
compartment <- function(key = "", reference = NULL, model = getCurrentModel()) {
  c_datamodel <- assert_datamodel(model)
    is.string(key), !is.na(key),
    is.null(reference) || is.string(reference)
  cl_comps <- get_cdv(c_datamodel$getModel()$getCompartments())
  keys <- get_key(cl_comps)
  if (key == "") {
    matches <- seq_along(cl_comps)
  } else {
    matches <- stringr::str_which(
      cl_comps %>% map_swig_chr("getObjectDisplayName"),
  if (is.null(reference))
    as_ref(apply_ref(cl_comps[matches], reference), c_datamodel)

#' @rdname entity_finders
#' @family compartment functions
#' @export
compartment_strict <- function(key, reference = NULL, model = getCurrentModel()) {
  c_datamodel <- assert_datamodel(model)
  cl_comps <- compartment_obj(key, c_datamodel, reference)
  if (is.null(reference))
    map_swig_chr(cl_comps, "getObjectDisplayName")
    as_ref(cl_comps, c_datamodel)

compartment_obj <- function(key, c_datamodel, reference = NULL) {
    is.character(key), noNA(key), !("" %in% key),
    is.null(reference) || is.string(reference) || is.character(reference) && length(key) == length(reference)
  # If names are already DN to metabolites we accept them (disabled for regex)
  if (!has_engine(key))
    matches <- map(key, dn_to_object, c_datamodel, accepted_types = "_p_CCompartment")
    matches <- list_along(key)
  matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
  if (!all(matched)) {
    info <- "compartment(s)"
    cl_comps <- get_cdv(c_datamodel$getModel()$getCompartments())
    keys_model <- get_key(cl_comps)
    # keys are needed as list, else attributes are lost on subsetting
    key_l <- seq_along(key) %>% map(subset_engine, x = apply_engine(key))
    # find full matches to ObjectDisplayName
    # str_replace as hack to find complete matches
    matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], ~ which(stringr::str_replace(keys_model, .x, "") == ""))
    matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
    if (!all(matched)) {
      ns <- cl_comps %>% map_swig_chr("getObjectName")
      # find full matches to ObjectName
      matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], ~ which(stringr::str_replace(ns, .x, "") == ""))
      matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
      if (!all(matched)) {
        # then partial matches to ObjectDisplayName
        matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], stringr::str_which, string = keys_model)
        assert_matches(matches, key, keys_model, info)
        matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
        assert_that(all(matched), msg = paste0(
          "Couldn't match ", info, ' "',
          key[!matched], '".',
          collapse = '", "'
    # the matches list contains integers and objects
    # integers signal matches and have to be converted to objects before returning
    matches <-
      matches %>%
        map_lgl(., is_scalar_integer),
        ~ cl_comps[[.x]]
  if (is.null(reference))
    apply_ref(matches, reference)

#' @rdname entity_finders
#' @family reaction functions
#' @export
reaction <- function(key = "", reference = NULL, model = getCurrentModel()) {
  c_datamodel <- assert_datamodel(model)
    is.string(key), !is.na(key),
    is.null(reference) || is.string(reference)
  cl_reacts <- get_cdv(c_datamodel$getModel()$getReactions())
  keys <- get_key(cl_reacts)
  if (key == "") {
    matches <- seq_along(cl_reacts)
  } else {
    matches <- stringr::str_which(
  if (is.null(reference))
    as_ref(apply_ref(cl_reacts[matches], reference), c_datamodel)

#' @rdname entity_finders
#' @family reaction functions
#' @export
reaction_strict <- function(key, reference = NULL, model = getCurrentModel()) {
  c_datamodel <- assert_datamodel(model)
  cl_reacts <- reaction_obj(key, c_datamodel, reference)
  if (is.null(reference))
    map_swig_chr(cl_reacts, "getObjectDisplayName")
    as_ref(cl_reacts, c_datamodel)

reaction_obj <- function(key, c_datamodel, reference = NULL) {
    is.character(key), noNA(key), !("" %in% key),
    is.null(reference) || is.string(reference) || is.character(reference) && length(key) == length(reference)
  # If names are already DN to metabolites we accept them (disabled for regex)
  if (!has_engine(key))
    matches <- map(key, dn_to_object, c_datamodel, accepted_types = "_p_CReaction")
    matches <- list_along(key)
  matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
  if (!all(matched)) {
    info <- "reaction(s)"
    cl_reacts <- get_cdv(c_datamodel$getModel()$getReactions())
    keys_model <- get_key(cl_reacts)
    # keys are needed as list, else attributes are lost on subsetting
    key_l <- seq_along(key) %>% map(subset_engine, x = apply_engine(key))
    # find full matches to ObjectDisplayName
    # str_replace as hack to find complete matches
    matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], ~ which(stringr::str_replace(keys_model, .x, "") == ""))
    matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
    if (!all(matched)) {
      ns <- cl_reacts %>% map_swig_chr("getObjectName")
      # find full matches to ObjectName
      matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], ~ which(stringr::str_replace(ns, .x, "") == ""))
      matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
      if (!all(matched)) {
        # then partial matches to ObjectDisplayName
        matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], stringr::str_which, string = keys_model)
        assert_matches(matches, key, keys_model, info)
        matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
        assert_that(all(matched), msg = paste0(
          "Couldn't match ", info, ' "',
          key[!matched], '".',
          collapse = '", "'
    # the matches list contains integers and objects
    # integers signal matches and have to be converted to objects before returning
    matches <-
      matches %>%
        map_lgl(., is_scalar_integer),
        ~ cl_reacts[[.x]]
  if (is.null(reference))
    apply_ref(matches, reference)

#' @rdname entity_finders
#' @family reaction functions
#' @export
parameter <- function(key = "", reference = NULL, model = getCurrentModel()) {
  c_datamodel <- assert_datamodel(model)
    is.string(key), !is.na(key),
    is.null(reference) || is.string(reference)
  cl_params <-
    get_cdv(c_datamodel$getModel()$getReactions()) %>%
    map_swig("getParameters") %>%
    map(function(paramgrp) {
      seq_along_v(paramgrp) %>% map(~ paramgrp$getParameter(.x))
    }) %>%
  keys <- get_key(cl_params)
  if (key == "") {
    matches <- seq_along(cl_params)
  } else {
    matches <- stringr::str_which(
  if (is.null(reference))
    as_ref(apply_ref(cl_params[matches], reference), c_datamodel)

#' @rdname entity_finders
#' @family reaction functions
#' @export
parameter_strict <- function(key, reference = NULL, model = getCurrentModel()) {
  c_datamodel <- assert_datamodel(model)
  cl_params <- parameter_obj(key, c_datamodel, reference)

  if (is.null(reference))
    map_swig_chr(cl_params, "getObjectDisplayName")
    as_ref(cl_params, c_datamodel)

parameter_obj <- function(key, c_datamodel, reference = NULL) {
    is.character(key), noNA(key), !("" %in% key),
    is.null(reference) || is.string(reference) || is.character(reference) && length(key) == length(reference)
  # If names are already DN to metabolites we accept them (disabled for regex)
  if (!has_engine(key))
    matches <- map(key, dn_to_object, c_datamodel, accepted_types = "_p_CCopasiParameter")
    matches <- list_along(key)
  matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
  if (!all(matched)) {
    info <- "parameter(s)"
    cl_params <-
      get_cdv(c_datamodel$getModel()$getReactions()) %>%
      map_swig("getParameters") %>%
      map(function(paramgrp) {
        seq_along_v(paramgrp) %>% map(~ paramgrp$getParameter(.x))
      }) %>%
    keys_model <- get_key(cl_params)
    # keys are needed as list, else attributes are lost on subsetting
    key_l <- seq_along(key) %>% map(subset_engine, x = apply_engine(key))
    # find full matches to ObjectDisplayName
    # str_replace as hack to find complete matches
    matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], ~ which(stringr::str_replace(keys_model, .x, "") == ""))
    matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
    if (!all(matched)) {
      ns <- cl_params %>% map_swig_chr("getObjectName")
      # find full matches to ObjectName
      matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], ~ which(stringr::str_replace(ns, .x, "") == ""))
      matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
      if (!all(matched)) {
        # then partial matches to ObjectDisplayName
        matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], stringr::str_which, string = keys_model)
        assert_matches(matches, key, keys_model, info)
        matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
        assert_that(all(matched), msg = paste0(
          "Couldn't match ", info, ' "',
          key[!matched], '".',
          collapse = '", "'
    # the matches list contains integers and objects
    # integers signal matches and have to be converted to objects before returning
    matches <-
      matches %>%
        map_lgl(., is_scalar_integer),
        ~ cl_params[[.x]]
  if (is.null(reference))
    apply_ref(matches, reference)

#' @rdname entity_finders
#' @family event functions
#' @export
event <- function(key = "", model = getCurrentModel()) {
  c_datamodel <- assert_datamodel(model)
    is.string(key), !is.na(key)
  cl_events <- get_cdv(c_datamodel$getModel()$getEvents())
  keys <- get_key(cl_events)
  if (key == "") {
    matches <- seq_along(cl_events)
  } else {
    matches <- stringr::str_which(

#' @rdname entity_finders
#' @family event functions
#' @export
event_strict <- function(key, model = getCurrentModel()) {
  c_datamodel <- assert_datamodel(model)
  cl_events <- event_obj(key, c_datamodel)
  map_swig_chr(cl_events, "getObjectDisplayName")

event_obj <- function(key, c_datamodel) {
    is.character(key), noNA(key), !("" %in% key)
  # If names are already DN to metabolites we accept them (disabled for regex)
  if (!has_engine(key))
    matches <- map(key, dn_to_object, c_datamodel, accepted_types = "_p_CEvent")
    matches <- list_along(key)
  matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
  if (!all(matched)) {
    info <- "event(s)"
    cl_events <- get_cdv(c_datamodel$getModel()$getEvents())
    keys_model <- get_key(cl_events)
    # keys are needed as list, else attributes are lost on subsetting
    key_l <- seq_along(key) %>% map(subset_engine, x = apply_engine(key))
    # find full matches to ObjectDisplayName
    # str_replace as hack to find complete matches
    matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], ~ which(stringr::str_replace(keys_model, .x, "") == ""))
    matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
    if (!all(matched)) {
      ns <- cl_events %>% map_swig_chr("getObjectName")
      # find full matches to ObjectName
      matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], ~ which(stringr::str_replace(ns, .x, "") == ""))
      matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
      if (!all(matched)) {
        # then partial matches to ObjectDisplayName
        matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], stringr::str_which, string = keys_model)
        assert_matches(matches, key, keys_model, info)
        matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
        assert_that(all(matched), msg = paste0(
          "Couldn't match ", info, ' "',
          key[!matched], '".',
          collapse = '", "'
    # the matches list contains integers and objects
    # integers signal matches and have to be converted to objects before returning
    matches <-
      matches %>%
        map_lgl(., is_scalar_integer),
        ~ cl_events[[.x]]

#' @rdname entity_finders
#' @family reaction functions
#' @export
kinfunction <- function(key = "") {
    is.string(key), !is.na(key)
  c_fun_db <- CRootContainer_getFunctionList()
  cl_funs <- c_fun_db$loadedFunctions() %>% get_cdv()
  keys <- get_key(cl_funs)
  if (key == "") {
    matches <- seq_along(cl_funs)
  } else {
    matches <- stringr::str_which(

#' @rdname entity_finders
#' @family reaction functions
#' @export
kinfunction_strict <- function(key) {
  cl_funs <- kinfunction_obj(key)
  map_swig_chr(cl_funs, "getObjectDisplayName")

kinfunction_obj <- function(key) {
    is.character(key), noNA(key), !("" %in% key)
  c_fun_db <- CRootContainer_getFunctionList()
  info <- "functions(s)"
  cl_funs <- c_fun_db$loadedFunctions() %>% get_cdv()
  keys_model <- get_key(cl_funs)
  # keys are needed as list, else attributes are lost on subsetting
  key_l <- seq_along(key) %>% map(subset_engine, x = apply_engine(key))
  # find full matches to ObjectDisplayName
  # str_replace as hack to find complete matches
  matches <- map(key_l, ~ which(stringr::str_replace(keys_model, .x, "") == ""))
  matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
  if (!all(matched)) {
    ns <- cl_funs %>% map_swig_chr("getObjectName")
    # find full matches to ObjectName
    matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], ~ which(stringr::str_replace(ns, .x, "") == ""))
    matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
    if (!all(matched)) {
      # then partial matches to ObjectDisplayName
      matches[!matched] <- map(key_l[!matched], stringr::str_which, string = keys_model)
      assert_matches(matches, key, keys_model, info)
      matched <- lengths(matches) == 1L
      assert_that(all(matched), msg = paste0(
        "Couldn't match ", info, ' "',
        key[!matched], '".',
        collapse = '", "'
  # the matches list contains integers and objects
  # integers signal matches and have to be converted to objects before returning
  matches %>%
      map_lgl(., is_scalar_integer),
      ~ cl_funs[[.x]]

# Give helpfull error if matches are non-unique
assert_matches <- function(matches, keys, names, info) {
  iwalk(matches, ~ {
      length(.x) <= 1L,
      msg = paste0(
        '"', keys[.y], '" matches ', info, ' "',
        paste0(names[.x], collapse = '", "'),

# if a reference is requested, convert a list of objects to a list of references
apply_ref <- function(cl_objs, refs) {
  # If given reference string is scalar we replicate it for all matches
  if (length(refs) == 1L)
    refs <- rep_along(cl_objs, refs)
    cl_objs, refs,
    ~ {
      c_obj <- .x$getObject(CCommonName(paste0("Reference=", .y)))
      assert_that(!is.null(c_obj), msg = paste0('Failed to gather reference "', .y, '".'))
jpahle/CoRC documentation built on April 15, 2024, 11:11 a.m.