
context("parrows tests")

test <- FALSE

if (test) {
  # plot image using bonne projection (w/o grid lines)
  pimage(lon, lat, tasmax[, , 1], proj = "bonne", parameters = 40, paxes.args = list(grid = FALSE))
  # some locations for u.s. cities taken from data(us.cities, package =
  # 'maps')
  boston <- c(-71.02, 42.34)
  la <- c(-118.41, 34.11)
  ny <- c(-73.94, 40.67)
  sf <- c(-122.45, 37.77)
  # plot arrows between sf, la and ny boston
  x0 <- c(sf[1], ny[1])
  y0 <- c(sf[2], ny[2])
  x1 <- c(la[1], boston[1])
  y1 <- c(la[2], boston[2])
  parrows(x0, y0, x1, y1, proj = "bonne", lwd = 3)
  citycoords <- rbind(sf, la, ny, boston)
  cityxy <- list(x = citycoords[, 1], y = citycoords[, 2])
  citynames <- c("san francisco", "los angeles", "new york", "boston")
  ptext(cityxy, labels = citynames, proj = "bonne")
  title("arrows b/w sf/la and ny/boston")
jpfrench81/autoimage documentation built on March 17, 2021, 12:09 a.m.