
test_that("list translations work",{

  localeDir <- system.file("tests", "testthat", "locale_test", package = "shi18ny")
  i18n <- list(
    localeDir = localeDir,
    defaultLang = "es",
    fallbacks = list("es" = "en")
  config <- i18nConfig(i18n)

  l <- list(label = "hello", numbers = "abort",
            custom_text = "myslang.hi",
            undefined = "undefined.hi",
            x = "abort")
  l_es <- i_list(l, lang = "es", i18n = i18n,
                 keys = c("label","numbers", "custom_text", "undefined"))
  expect_equal(names(l), names(l_es))
  expect_equal(l_es$label, "Hola!!!")
  expect_equal(l_es$numbers, "Cancelar")
  expect_equal(l_es$custom_text, "Quiubo")
  expect_equal(l_es$undefined, "undefined.hi")

  # Check it works with nested lists
  l <- list(
    label = "hello",
    numbers = "myslang.hi",
    info = list(title = "hello world", information = "information",
                more = list(
                  label = "abort",
                  more2 = "more2"

  xl <- i_list(l, lang = "es", i18n = i18n, keys = c("label","numbers","title"))
  expect_equal(xl$label, "Hola!!!")
  expect_equal(xl$numbers, "Quiubo")
  expect_equal(xl$info$more$label, "Cancelar")
  expect_equal(xl$info$more$more2, l$info$more$more2)

  xl2 <- i_(l, lang = "es", i18n = i18n, keys = c("label","numbers","title"))
  expect_equal(xl2$label, "Hola!!!")
  expect_equal(xl2$numbers, "Quiubo")
  expect_equal(xl2$info$more$label, "Cancelar")
  expect_equal(xl2$info$more$more2, l$info$more$more2)

  expect_equal(xl, xl2)

  # Check it works with chr and non-chr lists

  l <- list(
    label = "hello",
    numbers = 1:3,
    info = list(title = "hello world", information = TRUE,
                more = list(
                  label2 = "abort",
                  more2 = ggplot2::qplot()
  xl <- i_list(l, "es", keys = c("label","label2"))
  expect_equal(xl$label, "hola")
  expect_equal(xl$numbers, 1:3)
  expect_equal(xl$info$more$label2, "Cancelar")
  expect_equal(xl$info$more$more2, l$info$more$more2)

  # Check keys work

  # First level
  l <- list(label = "hello", information = "information")
  xl <- i_list(l, "es", keys = c("information"))
  expect_equal(xl$label, "hello")
  expect_equal(xl$information, "información")
  xl <- i_list(l, "es", keys = c("label"))
  expect_equal(xl$label, "hola")
  expect_equal(xl$information, "information")

  # Unnamed lists
  l <- list(list(label = "hello", information = "information"),
            list(label = "hello", information = "information"))
  xl <- i_list(l, "es", keys = c("label"))
  expect_equal(unique(xl[[1]]$label), "hola")
  expect_equal(unique(xl[[1]]$information), "information")

  # More levels
  l <- list(label = "hello", information = "information",
            more = list(label = "hello", information = "information"))
  xl <- i_list(l, "es", keys = c("information"))
  expect_equal(xl$label, "hello")
  expect_equal(xl$information, "información")
  expect_equal(xl$more$label, "hello")
  expect_equal(xl$more$information, "información")
  xl <- i_list(l, "es", keys = c("label"))
  expect_equal(xl$label, "hola")
  expect_equal(xl$information, "information")
  expect_equal(xl$more$label, "hola")
  expect_equal(xl$more$information, "information")

  # More levels with unnamed lists
  l <- list(label = "hello",
            inputs = list(
              list(id = "hello", label = "hello"),
              list(id = "hello", label = "hello")
            information = "information" )
  xl <- i_list(l, "es", keys = c("label"))
  expect_equal(xl$label, "hola")
  expect_equal(xl$inputs[[2]]$label, "hola")

  l <- list(label = "hello", information = "information",
            more = list(label = "hello", information = "information",
                        inputs = list(
                          list(id = "hello", label = "hello"),
                          list(id = "hello", label = "hello")
  xl <- i_list(l, "es", keys = c("label"))
  expect_equal(xl$label, "hola")
  expect_equal(xl$information, "information")
  expect_equal(xl$more$label, "hola")
  expect_equal(xl$more$information, "information")
  expect_equal(xl$more$inputs[[1]]$id, "hello")
  expect_equal(xl$more$inputs[[1]]$label, "hola")

  # Empty list
  empty_list <- list()
  with_empty_list <- list(label = "hello", y = list())
  expect_equal(i_list(with_empty_list, "es", keys = "label"),
               list(label = "hola", y = list()))


test_that("named lists works",{

  if (require("parmesan", character.only = TRUE)){

    path <- system.file("examples", "ex03-shi18ny", "parmesan", package = "parmesan")
    parmesan <- parmesan::parmesan_load(path)
    localeDir <- system.file("examples", "ex03-shi18ny", "locale", package = "parmesan")
    opts <- list(
      localeDir = localeDir,
      defaultLang = "es",
      fallbacks = list("es" = "en")
    config <- i18nConfig(opts)
    i18n <- i18nLoad(opts)
    parmesan_es <- i_(parmesan, "es", i18n = i18n)

    path <- system.file("examples", "ex07-reactive-output-shi18ny", "parmesan", package = "parmesan")
    parmesan <- parmesan::parmesan_load(path)

    localeDir <- system.file("examples", "ex07-reactive-output-shi18ny", "locale", package = "parmesan")
    opts <- list(
      localeDir = localeDir,
      defaultLang = "es",
      fallbacks = list("es" = "en")

    config <- i18nConfig(opts)
    i18n <- i18nLoad(opts)

    parmesan_es <- i_(parmesan, "es", i18n = i18n)


jpmarindiaz/shi18ny documentation built on March 31, 2021, 5:15 p.m.