
Defines functions glm_gam_test

Documented in glm_gam_test

#' Comparison of GAM and GLM models
#' Function builds GLM or GAM, compares AIC and outputs the winner.
#' @param dataset = dataset containing y and all x covariates. should be scaled and centered (mean = 0, sd = 1)
#' @param exp.names = explanatory covariate names, passed as vector of characters
#' @param indicator = y variable of interest (character)
#' @param family = GLM family distribution, takes 'gaussian' or 'Gamma'
#' @keywords model comparison
#' @export
#' @examples
#' glm_gam_test

glm_gam_test<-function(dataset, exp.names, indicator, family){

  # library(gamm4)

  # Arguments:
  # dataset = dataset containing y and all x covariates. should be scaled and centered (mean = 0, sd = 1)
  # exp.names = explanatory covariate names, passed as vector of characters
  # indicator = y variable of interest (character)
  # family = GLM family distribution, takes 'gaussian' or 'Gamma'

  # Build global model and check for collinearity, and print model diagnostic plots#
## rearrange exp.names for gam notation
t<-strsplit(exp.names, ',', fixed=TRUE)

linear.exp.names<-paste(t, collapse=' + ')
smooth.exp.names<-paste('s(', t, ')', sep='')
smooth.exp.names<-paste(smooth.exp.names,  collapse=' + ')

# create formula for GLM and GAM
f <- as.formula(paste(indicator, linear.exp.names, sep="~"))
f.smooth <- as.formula(paste(indicator, smooth.exp.names, sep="~"))

# build GLM
if(family == 'Gamma'){
M_FULL.glm<-glm(f,   data=dataset, family=Gamma(link=log))}

if(family == 'gaussian'){
M_FULL.glm<-glm(f,   data=dataset, family='gaussian')}

## build GAM
if(family == 'Gamma'){
M_FULL.gam<-gam(f.smooth,   data=dataset, family=Gamma(link=log))}

if(family == 'gaussian'){
M_FULL.gam<-gam(f.smooth,   data=dataset, family='gaussian')}

# extract AIC for GLM and GAM

## compare full gam with full linear model. Print results.
if(aic.glm>aic.gam){print(paste("GAM supported. AICc", round(aic.glm-aic.gam, digits=2), 'units lower'))}
if(aic.gam>aic.glm){print(paste("GLM supported. AICc", round(aic.gam-aic.glm, digits=2), 'units lower'))}

## check for collinearity
if(aic.glm>aic.gam){  print(concurvity(M_FULL.gam)) }
if(aic.gam>aic.glm){  print(vif(M_FULL.glm)) }

## Save best supported model type for remaining analyses
if(aic.glm>aic.gam){  M_FULL <- M_FULL.gam }
if(aic.gam>aic.glm){  M_FULL <- M_FULL.glm }

# pdf(file=paste('MMI_GLM_GAM_diagnostic_', indicator,'.pdf', sep=""))
hist(dataset[,indicator], main=paste('Hist of', indicator, sep=' '))
plot(fitted(M_FULL), dataset[,indicator], main=paste('Fitted vs. obs', indicator, sep=' '))
plot(resid(M_FULL), main=paste('Residuals of', indicator, sep=' '))
hist(resid(M_FULL), main=paste('Hist of residuals of', indicator, sep=' '))
# dev.off()


jpwrobinson/funk documentation built on Nov. 21, 2021, 11:23 p.m.