
#' French Lottery Winning Bets 1779-1833
#' The winning quaterne (four-number) bets for the French lottery, 1797 to 1833.
#' In the French lottery (Loterie), a drawing consisted of drawing five balls without replacement,
#' from a bin of balls numbered 1 to 90. Players could place bets by specifying a set of numbers,
#' which had different names and payoffs based on the number specified.
#' \tabular{rrl}{
#' name \tab number correct \tab payoff \cr
#' quine \tab five \tab 1,000,000 \cr
#' quaterne \tab four \tab 75,000 \cr
#' terne \tab three \tab 5,000 \cr
#' ambe \tab two \tab 270 \cr
#' extrait \tab one \tab 15
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 327 rows and 4 columns.
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' name \tab type \tab description \cr
#' \code{X1} \tab \code{"integer"} \tab First number \cr
#' \code{X2} \tab \code{"integer"} \tab Second number \cr
#' \code{X3} \tab \code{"integer"} \tab Third number \cr
#' \code{X4} \tab \code{"integer"} \tab Fourth number \cr
#' }
#' @source \url{http://www.stat.uchicago.edu/~stigler/French_Lottery_Data.html}
#' @references Stephen M. Stigler. 2003. \dQuote{Casanova, Bonaparte and the Loterie de France}, \emph{Journal de la Société Française de Statistique}
#' @references Stigler, Stephen M. \emph{The Seven Pillars of Statistical Wisdom}, p. 166-170.
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