### Function OmicsoftToDgeObj ###
#' Function OmicsoftToDgeObj
#' Build a DGEobj from Omicsoft output or tabbed text files.
#' User provides separate tab-delimited text files for row (gene) annotation,
#' column (sample) anotation and "assays" (matrices of RxC e.g. counts, FPKM, etc).
#' Two global variables hold the names of the Omicsoft data files; .geneData
#' and .isoformData.
#' Data Requirements:
#' Assay data should have rownames (sequence ids) and column names (sample IDs).
#' Sequence annotation should also have the same rownames as assays.
#' If possible, the sequence annotation should include chromosome position data (chr,
#' start, end, strand).
#' Sample annotation is one row for each column in the count table.
#' rownames(sampleannotation) == colnames(counts).
#' Function DGEobj::annotateDGEobj provides an easier way than the customAttr argument
#' here. annotateDGEobj reads key=value pairs from a text file to define
#' attributes.
#' @author John Thompson, \email{jrt@@thompsonclan.org}
#' @keywords Omicsoft, DGEObj, RNA-Seq, Data loading
#' @param path File path for the three data files (Default = "./")
#' @param counts A text file name for count data (gene rows by sample columns) (required)
#' [Default = "RNA-Seq.Count.Table.txt"]
#' @param seqAnnotation Filename for Gene, isoform or exon level (row) annotation (required)
#' [Default = "RNA-Seq.Count.Annotation.txt"]
#' @param design Filename for sample annotation with expt factors and other sample-associated
#' data (required) [Default = RNA-Seq.Design.txt"]
#' @param level One of "gene", "isoform", "exon" (required) [Default = "gene"]
#' @param source Default = "Omicsoft. Change if your data if from somewhere else.
#' @param customAttr A named list of custom attributes to attach to the DGEobj;
#' Optional but highly encouraged; suggestions: list(PID = "20170101-0001",
#' XpressID = "123456", Genome = "Mouse.B38", GeneMobel = "Ensembl.R84")
#' @return A DGEobj
#' @examples
#' #Defaults set for an omicsoft dataset:
#' MyDgeObj <- OmicsoftToDgeObj (customAttr=list(
#' PID = "20170101-0001",
#' XpressID = "123456",
#' Genome = "Mouse.B38",
#' GeneMobel = "Ensembl.R84")
#' #I have data files from somewhere else
#' MyDgeObj = OmicsoftToDgeObj (MyCounts, MyGeneAnnotation, MyDesign,
#' level = "gene",
#' customAttr = list(
#' PID = "20170101-0001",
#' XpressID = "123456",
#' Genome = "Mouse.B38",
#' GeneMobel = "Ensembl.R84")
#' )
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @importFrom DGEobj initDGEobj
#' @export
OmicsoftToDgeObj <- function (counts = "RNA-Seq.Count.Table.txt",
seqAnnotation = "RNA-Seq.Count.Annotation.txt",
design = "RNA-Seq.Design.txt",
level = "gene",
source = "Omicsoft",
path = ".",
message("OmicsoftToDgeObj is deprecated as of 0.9.56. Use textToDgeObj instead.")
#add support for gzipped files
if (gz==TRUE){
gz <- ".gz"
} else {
gz <- ""
counts <- stringr::str_c(counts, gz)
seqAnnotation <- stringr::str_c(seqAnnotation, gz)
design <- stringr::str_c(design, gz)
#change default filenames if not given and level = isoform
if (tolower(level) == "isoform") {
if (missing(counts))
counts <- stringr::str_c("RNA-Seq.Transcript_Count.Table.txt", gz)
if (missing(seqAnnotation))
seqAnnotation <- stringr::str_c("RNA-Seq.Transcript_Count.Annotation.txt", gz)
if (missing(design))
design <- stringr::str_c("RNA-Seq.Design.txt", gz)
#get the data
countData <- Txt2DF(file.path(path, counts))
seqData <- Txt2DF(file.path(path, seqAnnotation))
designData <- Txt2DF(file.path(path, design))
rownames(designData) <- make.names(rownames(designData))
#add source to customAttr
if (missing(customAttr)) {
customAttr <- list(source="Omicsoft")
} else {
assertthat::assert_that(class(customAttr)[[1]] == "list")
customAttr$source <- source
#Add DGE.Tools2Version info
customAttr$DGE.Tools2 <- packageVersion("DGE.Tools2")
customAttr$DGEobj <- packageVersion("DGEobj")
#build the DgeObj
DgeObj <- DGEobj::initDGEobj(counts=countData, rowData=seqData,
colData=designData, level,
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