### Function mapDGEobj ###
#' Function mapDGEobj
#' Reads a DGEobj and produces a node pair file defining parent/child relationships between
#' data items in the DGEobj. Plot them with Function graphDGEobj.
#' @author John Thompson, \email{jrt@@thompsonclan.org}
#' @keywords RNA-Seq, unit conversion
#' @param DGEobj A workflow object of DGEobj class data.
#' @return A class igraph network object.
#' @examples
#' library(igraph)
#' library(RColorBrewer)
#' # Prepare an iGraph object for plotting
#' mynet <- mapDGEobj(dgeObj)
#' #define a layout
#' lay.sug <- layout_with_sugiyama(mynet)
#' #2D Plot
#' plot(mynet,
#' edge.arrow.size=.3,
#' vertex.color="dodgerblue2",
#' vertex.frame.color="dodgerblue4",
#' layout=lay.sug$layout)
#' #2D Plot; colorby the basetype attribute
#' pal <- brewer.pal(length(unique(V(mynet)$basetype)), "Set1")
#' myPallet <- pal[as.numeric(as.factor(vertex_attr(mynet, "basetype")))]
#' plot(mynet,
#' edge.arrow.size=.3,
#' vertex.color = myPallet,
#' vertex.label.family = "Helvetica",
#' layout=lay.sug$layout
#' )
#' #2D Interactive plot
#' plotHandle <- tkplot(net,
#' vertex.color=myPallet,
#' vertex.frame.color="dodgerblue4",
#' canvas.width = 800,
#' canvas.height = 800,
#' layout=lay.sug$layout)
#' tk_close(plotHandle)
#' @import magrittr
#' @importFrom DGEobj inventory
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_data_frame
#' @export
mapDGEobj <- function(dgeObj, directed=TRUE) {
assertthat::assert_that(class(dgeObj)[[1]] == "DGEobj")
# df <- DGEobj::inventory(dgeObj) %>%
# select(Child = ItemName, Parent)
child <- names(dgeObj)
parent <- attr(dgeObj, "parent") %>% as.character()
type <- attr(dgeObj, "type") %>% as.character()
basetype <- attr(dgeObj, "basetype") %>% as.character()
edges <- as.data.frame(cbind(parent=parent,
# type = as.character(type),
# basetype = as.character(basetype)),
#remove incomplete edges (children without parents)
idx <- lapply(parent, nchar) != 0
edges <- edges[idx,]
nodes <-data.frame(node=names(dgeObj),
type = as.character(type),
basetype = as.character(basetype))
igraph::graph_from_data_frame(d=edges, vertices=nodes, directed=directed)
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