### Function profilePlot ###
#' Profile Plots
#' A profile plot shows Log Intensity on the X axis and Log Ratios on the Y axis.
#' This function is intended to show the profile plot from a dataframe
#' created by topTable or topTreat. Properly normalized data will generally be
#' centered around LogRatio = 0.
#' By default, the plot places "logFC" on the Y axis and "AveExpr" on the X
#' axis. By default, a reference horizontal line is shown at LogRatio = 0 on the
#' Y axis. Optionally, additional reference lines will be drawn at +/- a user
#' supplied logratio threshold. A loess line fit is drawn through the actual
#' data. The points are color coded using the significance measure (pvalue or
#' FDR threshold) supplied by the user. By default, the P.Value field is used
#' with a threshold of 0.01 to color code the points.
#' The profilePlot has also been implemented
#' with a scalable theme that makes it easy to scale font sizes larger
#' or smaller for PPT or Knitr output. Just add baseFont(n),
#' where n equals the base font size (12 works well for knitr, 18 or 24 works well
#' for PPT). e.g. MyPlot + theme_grey(18).
#' \strong{Data Structure for the input dataframe:}
#' The defaults are set for dataframes produced by topTable and topTreat. The columns named "logFC",
#' "AveExpr" and "P.Value" are used by default to accommodate the column
#' names used in topTable/topTreat dataframes. Any other dataframe
#' can be used with foldchange, intensity and significance measures. In this case you must use
#' the appropriate arguments to define the column names to use. By default, the
#' column names will be used for the axis labels. You can overide the xylabels
#' the xlab and ylab arguments.
#' A significance measure (which defaults to P.Value <= 0.01) is used to color code genes that
#' are significantly increased or decreased. Use the appropriate arguments to use an FDR measure instead.
#' Sensible defaults are chosen for symbols (Size, Shape, Color and Fill). Optionally,
#' there are arguments to allow you to fiddle with these settings. A length of 3 is
#' required for these arguments which applies the attributes in this order:
#' Increased, NoChange, Decreased.
#' @author John Thompson, \email{jrt@@thompsonclan.org}
#' @keywords compare plot ggplot2 logratio scatterplot
#' @param df A dataframe with LogRatio and LogIntensity columns and optionally a pvalue or FDR column.
#' @param logRatioCol name of the LogRatio column (Default = "logFC")
#' @param logIntCol name of the LogIntensity column (Default = "AveExpr")
#' @param pvalCol name of the pvalue or FDR column (Default = "P.Value")
#' @param xlab X axis label (default the LogIntensity column name)
#' @param ylab Y axis label (default the LogRatio column name)
#' @param title Plot title (optional)
#' @param pthreshold Used to color points (default = 0.01)
#' @param geneSym A character vector of gene to label (must be the name space of the column
#' specified by geneSymCol)
#' @param geneSymCol Name of the gene symbol column in df. The gene symbol is
#' not in topTable output by default so the user has to bind this column
#' to the dataframe in advance. Then this column will be used to label
#' significantly changed points
#' @param rugColor Specify color for rug density plot along xy axes. Set to NULL
#' to disable rug layer. (Default=NULL)
#' @param rugAlpha Sets the transparency for the rug layer. An alpha <1.0 takes
#' a long time to draw (~10 min on 32bit Win7). So I set the default at 1.0,
#' but for a final plot try 0.1 or 0.2 for alpha for more informative rug.
#' @param symbolSize Size of symbols for Up, no change and Down. default = c(4, 1, 4);
#' Note: you cannot choose the exact same size for all three. But you can use decimal
#' values.
#' @param symbolShape Shape of the symbols for Up, no change and Down; Default = c(21, 20, 21)
#' (20 = filled circle, 21 = fillable open circle); Note: you cannot choose the same
#' symbol shape for all three.
#' See \url{http://www.cookbook-r.com/Graphs/Shapes_and_line_types}
#' @param symbolColor c(Up, NoChange, Down); default = c("black", "grey25", "grey0")
#' See \url{http://research.stowers-institute.org/efg/R/Color/Chart}
#' Note: You cannot duplicate colors.
#' @param symbolFill Set the fill color for the symbols. Note only symbols 21-25 are fillable.
#' This will have no effect on other symbols.
#' Default = c("red3", "grey25", "deepskyblue4")
#' Note: You cannot duplicate colors.
#' @param alpha Controls the transparency of the plotted points (0-1; default = 0.5)
#' @param sizeBySignificance Set to TRUE to size points by the negative Log10 of the
#' Significance measure (Default = FALSE)
#' @param referenceLine Color for an intercept=0 horizontal reference line
#' (Default = "blue"; NULL disables)
#' @param foldChangeLines Position of reference horizontal lines for fold change
#' (Default = log2(1.5); NULL disables)
#' @param lineFitType Enable a linefit through the data (Default = "loess";
#' "lm" produces a linear fit. NULL disables)
#' @param lineFitColor Color for the fit line (Default = "goldenrod1")
#' @param legendPosition One of "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "ne", "se", "nw", "sw", NULL.
#' top/bottom/left/right place the legend outside the figure. ne/se/nw/sw place the figure
#' inside the figure. NULL disables the legend. Default = "right"
#' @param baseFontSize The smallest size font in the figure in points. Default = 12
#' @param themeStyle "bw" or "grey" which correspond to theme_bw or theme_grey respectively.
#' Default = bw"
#' @param footnote optional string placed right justified at bottom of plot.
#' @param footnoteSize applies to footnote. (default = 3)
#' @param footnoteColor applies to footnote. (default = "black")
#' @param footnoteJust Value 0-1. 0 is left justified, 1 is right justified, 0.5 is centered. (default=1)
#' @return ggplot object
#' @examples
#' Simple plot with custom title(df is a topTable dataframe)
#' MyPlot = profilePlot(df, title = "Plot Title")
#' Some options with a custom datafile
#' MyPlot = profilePlot (df, pthreshold = 0.1,
#' logRatioCol = "Log2ratio",
#' logIntCol = "AverageIntensity",
#' pvalCol = "BHFDR",
#' xlab = "Log2Intensity", ylab = "Log2Ratio",
#' title = "Profile Plot Title",
#' referenceLine = "blue",
#' legendPosition="ne")
#' @import ggplot2 magrittr
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join filter arrange
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @export
profilePlot <- function(df,
logRatioCol = "logFC",
logIntCol = "AveExpr",
pvalCol = "P.Value",
rugColor = NULL,
rugAlpha = 1.0,
xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, title=NULL,
symbolSize = c(4, 1, 4),
symbolShape = c(21, 20, 21),
symbolColor = c("black", "grey25", "grey0"),
symbolFill = c("red3", "grey25", "deepskyblue4"),
alpha = 0.5,
sizeBySignificance = FALSE,
referenceLine = "grey25",
foldChangeLines = log2(1.5),
refLineThickness = 1,
lineFitType = "loess",
lineFitColor = "goldenrod1",
legendPosition = "right",
baseFontSize = 12,
themeStyle = "grey",
#JRT 11Feb2018: fails when trying to override default column choices.
#argument checks
# Make sure specified columns exist
assertthat::assert_that (logRatioCol %in% colnames(df), msg="logRatioCol column not found in df.")
assertthat::assert_that (logIntCol %in% colnames(df), msg="logIntCol column not found in df.")
assertthat::assert_that (pvalCol %in% colnames(df), msg="pvalCol column not found in df.")
if (!missing(geneSymCol))
assertthat::assert_that (geneSymCol %in% colnames(df), msg="geneSymol column not found in df.")
#symbol parameters must all be length=3
if (!length(symbolSize)==3 || !length(symbolShape)==3 ||
!length(symbolColor)==3 || !length(symbolFill)==3){
stop("symbol arguments must be length=3 (symbolSize, SymbolShape, SymbolColor, symbolFill)")
groupNames <- c("Increased", "No Change", "Decreased")
names(symbolShape) = groupNames
names(symbolSize) = groupNames
names(symbolColor) = groupNames
names(symbolFill) = groupNames
ssc = data.frame(group = groupNames,
symbolShape = symbolShape,
symbolSize = symbolSize,
symbolColor = symbolColor,
symbolFill = symbolFill,
order = c(1,3,2),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% dplyr::arrange(order)
#setting the order defines the legend order
#columns to plot
#capture the labels from the colname
xlabel = logIntCol
ylabel = logRatioCol
#now make the columnames suitable for use with aes_string
x = make.names(colnames(df)[colnames(df)==logIntCol])
y = make.names(colnames(df)[colnames(df)==logRatioCol])
colnames(df)[colnames(df)==logIntCol] = make.names(colnames(df)[colnames(df)==logIntCol])
colnames(df)[colnames(df)==logRatioCol] = make.names(colnames(df)[colnames(df)==logRatioCol])
#need a NLP column for sizing
if (sizeBySignificance==TRUE) {
df$negLog10P = -log10(df[[pvalCol]])
### DELUXE PLOT: plot groups in different colors/shapes
#Let's plot the subsets
DEup <- df[[pvalCol]] <= pthreshold & df[[logRatioCol]] > 0
DEdn <- df[[pvalCol]] <= pthreshold & df[[logRatioCol]] < 0
DEnot <- !DEup & !DEdn
#create group factor column in df
df$group <- NA
df$group[DEup] <- "Increased"
df$group[DEdn] <- "Decreased"
df$group[DEnot] <- "No Change"
df %<>% dplyr::left_join(ssc)
df$group %<>% factor(levels=c("Increased", "Decreased", "No Change"))
#set an order field to force plotting of NoChange first
df$order <- NA
df$order[DEup] <- 1
df$order[DEdn] <- 1
df$order[DEnot] <- 0
profilePlot <- ggplot (df, aes_string(x=x, y=y)) +
aes(shape=group, size=group,
color=group, fill=group,
order=order) +
#scale lines tell it to use the actual values, not treat them as factors
scale_shape_manual(name="Group", guide="legend", labels=ssc$group,
values=ssc$symbolShape) +
scale_size_manual(name="Group", guide="legend", labels=ssc$group,
values=ssc$symbolSize) +
scale_color_manual(name="Group", guide="legend", labels=ssc$group,
values=ssc$symbolColor) +
scale_fill_manual(name="Group", guide="legend", labels=ssc$group,
values=ssc$symbolFill) +
### Optional Decorations
if (!is.null(rugColor)){
profilePlot <- profilePlot + geom_rug(data=df, inherit.aes=FALSE,
color = rugColor,
aes_string(x=x, y=y))
if (sizeBySignificance==TRUE) {
profilePlot <- profilePlot + aes(size=negLog10P) +
if (!is.null(referenceLine)){
profilePlot <- profilePlot +
geom_hline(yintercept=0, color=referenceLine,
size=refLineThickness, alpha=0.5)
if (!is.null(foldChangeLines)){
profilePlot <- profilePlot +
geom_hline(yintercept=foldChangeLines, color=symbolFill["Increased"],
size=refLineThickness, alpha=0.5) +
geom_hline(yintercept=-foldChangeLines, color=symbolFill["Decreased"],
size=refLineThickness, alpha=0.5)
if (!is.null(lineFitType)){
profilePlot <- profilePlot +
geom_smooth(aes(group=NULL, shape=NULL, size=NULL, color=NULL, fill=NULL),
method = tolower(lineFitType),
size=refLineThickness, color=lineFitColor, alpha=alpha,
se=FALSE, show.legend=FALSE)
#Add genesym labels to increased, decreased genes.
if (!missing(geneSymLabels) & !missing(geneSymCol)){
#filter df to changed genes
idx <- df[[geneSymCol]] %in% geneSymLabels
dfsubset <- df[idx,]
profilePlot <- profilePlot +
geom_text_repel(data=dfsubset, aes_string(x=x, y=y, label=geneSymCol),
### Add axis Labels
if (is.null(xlab)){ #use colname unless supplied as argument
profilePlot <- profilePlot + xlab(xlabel)
} else {
profilePlot <- profilePlot + xlab(xlab)
if (is.null(ylab)){
profilePlot <- profilePlot + ylab(ylabel)
} else {
profilePlot <- profilePlot + ylab(ylab)
if (!is.null(title)){
profilePlot <- profilePlot +
#Set the font size before placing the legend
if (tolower(themeStyle) == "bw") {
profilePlot <- profilePlot + theme_bw() + baseTheme(baseFontSize)
} else {
profilePlot <- profilePlot + theme_grey() + baseTheme(baseFontSize)
if (!missing(footnote))
profilePlot <- addFootnote (profilePlot, footnoteText=footnote,
profilePlot <- setLegendPosition(profilePlot, legendPosition, themeStyle)
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