
Defines functions tidyContrasts

Documented in tidyContrasts

### Function tidyContrasts ###
#' Function  tidyContrasts
#' Takes a DGEobj or contrast list as input and merges them into one tidy dataframe.
#' A contrast list is simply a list of topTable contrast dataframes. For
#' example, DGEobj::getType(mydgeobj, "topTable") would retrieve a list of
#' contrasts from a DGEobj.  The contrast list must be a named list as the
#' contrast names are used during the merge operation.
#' The input may or may not have rownames. If supplied rownameColumn does not exist as a colname in
#' the dataframes, it is created from the rownames.  In tidy style, the output will have no rownames.
#' The contrast names will be used as a new column in the tidy output format.
#' @author John Thompson, \email{john.thompson@@bms.com}
#' @keywords RNA-Seq; contrasts; tidy merge
#' @param x A DGEobj or named list of contrast dataframes
#'   (required).
#' @param rownameColumn Name of the rowname column. If a column by this
#'   name does not exist, it is created from the rownames property (rownames_to_column(var=rownameColumn))
#' @param includeColumns A character vector of columns to include in the output (default = colnames of the first contrast)
#' @return A DF with merged contrast data.
#' @examples
#'   #Get contrasts directly from a DGEobj
#'   MyMergedTidyDF <- tidyContrasts (myDgeObj)
#'   #Assemble a list of contrasts from two DGEobjs; just logFC and conf intervals
#'   myContrasts <- c(getType(DGEobj1, "topTable"), getType(DEobj2, "topTable"))
#'   MyMergedTidyDF <- tidyContrasts (myContrasts, includeColumns = c("logFC", "CI.R", "CI.L"))
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom dplyr select bind_rows
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @importFrom DGEobj getType
#' @export
tidyContrasts <- function(x, rownameColumn="rownames", includeColumns){

  assertthat::assert_that(class(x)[[1]] %in% c("DGEobj", "list"))

  if (class(x)[[1]] == "DGEobj"){
    dgeObj <- x
    x <- DGEobj::getType(dgeObj, "topTable")
    if (length(x) == 0)
      stop("No topTable dataframes found in DGEobj\n")
  }  #x is now a contrastlist

  #make sure list contains only dataframes
  if (all(sapply(x, class) == "data.frame") == FALSE)
    stop ("Input list must contain only dataframes\n")

  #make sure each df has a name.
  minNameLen <- min(sapply(names(x), nchar))
  if (minNameLen == 0) {
    stop("At least one of the dataframes in the input list has no name.\n")

  #Set default columns
  if (missing(includeColumns))
    includeColumns <- colnames(x[[1]])

  #find the common set of columns present in all dataframes.
  commonColumns <- colnames(x[[1]])
  for (i in 2:length(x))
    commonColumns <- intersect(commonColumns, colnames(x[[i]]))

 #make sure user-requested columns are present
  if (!all(includeColumns %in% commonColumns))
    warning("Some requested columns are not present in all dataframes.")
  commonColumns <- intersect(commonColumns, includeColumns)

  #Does the rownameColumn exist in df1?
  if (!rownameColumn %in% colnames(x[[1]])) {
    #move rownames to rownameColumn
    x <- lapply(x, rownames_to_column, var=rownameColumn)
    commonColumns <- c(rownameColumn, commonColumns)

  #reduce all dataframes to the selected columns
  #this also insures same column order in each df
  x <- lapply(x, select, commonColumns)

  #add a contrast name column to each DF
  for (name in names(x)){
    x[[name]]["Contrast"] <- name

  #Now merge the dataframes vertically
  x <- dplyr::bind_rows(x)

jrthompson54/DGE.Tools2 documentation built on May 12, 2021, 8:47 p.m.