
#' Calculate mean number of sleep bouts per day
#' This function calculates the mean number of sleep bouts per day for each fly.
#' @param obj A valid DAM S4 object where \code{\link{calcSleep}} has already
#'   been performed.
#' @return A named vector of the number of sleep bouts/length of your experiment in days
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' sleep <- calcSleep(dropDead(DAM_DD))
#' calcNumBouts(sleep)
setGeneric("calcNumBouts", function(obj) {standardGeneric("calcNumBouts")})
setMethod("calcNumBouts", signature = "DAM",
          definition = function(obj) {
            bouts <- getSleepBouts(obj)
            boutNum <- unlist(lapply(bouts, length))
            readTimes <- obj@data$read_time
            readTimes <- readTimes[!is.na(readTimes)]
            days <- as.numeric(difftime(readTimes[length(readTimes)],
                                        units = "days"))
            return(boutNum / days)

#' Calculate mean duration of each sleep bout
#' This method calculates the mean duration of each sleep bout in minutes.
#' @inheritParams calcNumBouts
#' @return A named vector with the duration of each bout in minutes.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' sleep <- calcSleep(dropDead(DAM_DD))
#' calcMeanBout(sleep)
setGeneric("calcMeanBout", function(obj) {standardGeneric("calcMeanBout")})
setMethod("calcMeanBout", signature = "DAM",
          definition = function(obj) {
            bouts <- getSleepBouts(obj)
            bouts <- unlist(lapply(bouts, mean))
            bouts[is.na(bouts)] <- 0 # for flies that never sleep

#' Calculate duration and number of sleep bouts
#' Returns a list with the duration of each sleep bout for each fly.
#' @param obj A valid DAM S4 object (created by \code{\link{newExperiment}})
#' @return Returns a list with the duration of each sleep bout (in minutes).
#' @export
setGeneric("getSleepBouts", function(obj) {standardGeneric("getSleepBouts")})
setMethod("getSleepBouts", signature = "DAM",
          definition = function(obj) {
            vals <- getVals(obj@data)
            allBouts <- apply(vals, 2, calcBouts)
            # convert to minutes
            allBouts <- lapply(allBouts, "*", getInterval(obj) / 60)

#' Calculate bout number and duration for a single animal
#' @param vector This is a 1D vector pertaining to a single fly's sleep data.
#' @return Returns sleep bout and duration in terms of number of indices where
#'   the fly was asleep.
calcBouts <- function(vector) {
  vector <- vector[!is.na(vector)] # make this function NA-proof
  logic <- logical(length(vector))
  logic[vector != 0] <- TRUE # TRUE if asleep
  bouts <- whichChanged(logic, 0)
  # clip ends of incompletely recorded bouts
  if (logic[1]) { # remove first index if flies started asleep
    bouts <- bouts[-1]
  if (logic[length(logic)]) { # remove first index if flies ended asleep
    bouts <- bouts[-length(bouts)]
  # catch flies that NEVER sleep
  if (length(bouts) == 0) {
    return(integer(0)) # flies asleep whole time
  #okay so we have the start and end of the bouts, now which corresponds to the
  #start, and which corresponds to the end?
  starts <- bouts[seq(1, length(bouts), 2)]
  ends <- c(bouts[seq(2,length(bouts),2)])
  finalBouts <- ends - starts
  # remove zero-length bouts (could just be my test case here)
  finalBouts <- finalBouts[finalBouts != 0] 
jstaf/actmon documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:11 a.m.