
Defines functions pca_calc

Documented in pca_calc

#' PCA calculation with centering and scaling
#' Performs Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with centering and scaling
#' @param data a matrix with input data
#' @return pca_list Output list, with loadings, center, scaling, and importance.
#' @examples
#' pca_calc()
#' @export

pca_calc <- function(data) {

###  Perform PCA with scaling using SVD
pca_svd <- prcomp (data, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)

###  Show the loadings to two decimal places
pc_importance <- summary (pca_svd , loadings=TRUE, digits=2)

### Extract loadings
pca_loadings <- pca_svd$rotation
pca_colnames <- colnames(pca_loadings)

### Fix sign of loadings, setting the largest absolute value to be positive
pc_max_load <- apply(pca_loadings,2,function(x){x[which.max(abs(x))]})
#pc_max_load  <- apply(pca_loadings,2,median)
### Determine the sign of the maximum loading and rescale to be positive
pc_sign_max <- sign(pc_max_load)
pca_loadings <- pca_loadings %*% diag(pc_sign_max)

### Reset column names
colnames(pca_loadings) <- pca_colnames

pca_list <- list(loadings=pca_loadings, center = pca_svd$center, scale=pca_svd$scale, importance=pc_importance$importance)

### Return results

#' PCA reconstruction using loading
#' Calculates Principal Component Analysis (PCA) scores from a loading matrix and new data.
#' @param data a matrix with input data
#' @param pca_fit a PCA object from the function pca_calc
#' @return x A time series of PCA scores.
#' @examples
#' pca_reconstruct()
#' @export

pca_reconstruct <- function (data, pca_fit) {
### Extract needed variables
loading <- pca_fit$loading
center <- pca_fit$center
scale <- pca_fit$scale

## Recalculate time series
x <- sweep(data, 2, center)
x <- as.matrix(x) %*% diag(1/scale)
x <- x %*% loading
jstagge/staggefuncs documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:11 a.m.