
# cardealers.R
# This is a simple demonstration that generates a panel data set for "New Car
# Dealers" (NAICS 441110). The data set ranges from 2000 to 2009 and contains
# all Micropolitan Statistical Areas. It aggregates up the firm count data from
# the County Business Pattern into Micropolitan Statistical Areas and returns
# a dataset with annual data on the firm count and population figures for each 
# Micropolitan Statistical Area.


# define the location of data_in and data_out
setCbpPath('~/cbpR_data_source', '~/cbpR_data_final')

# download the data (if needed)

# define naics code: 441110 = 'new car dealers'
naics = '441110';
# define the years (these are all the years made available through this package)
years = c('09','08','07','06','05','04','03','02','01','00')

# get the population data for all core based statistical areas
population = getPopulationData()

# get the county definitions of cbsas, drop states and cbsas for which
# we don't have population numbers
cbsa = getCBSAs(metro=FALSE, 
                drop_states = c('PR', 'AS', 'VI', 'DC', 'GU'),
                drop_cbsas = c('31920', '48220', '45540')

# get the firm count for each county for a specific industry
firms = getFirmCount(naics = naics, years=years)

# limit firms to counties that show up the micropolitan statistical area list
firmsSubSet = firms[as.numeric(firms$fips) %in% as.numeric(cbsa$counties$fips), ]

# simple function that maps fips into cbsaid
fips2cbsa = function(fips) { 
  ret = cbsa$counties$cbsa[as.numeric(cbsa$counties$fips)==as.numeric(fips)][1]  
  if(length(ret)==0) {
  } else {

# assign the cbsa id
firmsSubSet$cbsaid = sapply(firmsSubSet$fips, fips2cbsa)

# group by cbsa id and merge the data with population figures
dataSet = sqldf("SELECT F.cbsaid AS cbsaid, F.fipsstate, (F.year+2000) AS year,
                 SUM(F.est) AS est,
                 SUM(F.n1_4) AS n1_4,
                 SUM(F.n5_9) AS n5_9,
                 SUM(F.n10_19) AS n10_19,
                 SUM(F.n20_49) AS n20_49,
                 SUM(F.n50_99) AS n50_99,
                 SUM(F.n100_249) AS n100_249,
                 SUM(F.n250_499) AS n250_499,
                 SUM(F.n500_999) AS n500_999,
                 SUM(F.n1000plus) AS n1000plus,
                 P.population AS population
                 FROM firmsSubSet F LEFT JOIN population P ON F.cbsaid=P.cbsaid AND (F.year+2000)=P.year
                 GROUP BY F.cbsaid, F.year ORDER BY F.cbsaid ASC, F.year ASC")

# save the data set as csv file
write.csv(dataSet, sprintf('%s/data_%s.txt', getCbpPath()$data_out,  naics))

# compute a matrix that counts the transitions from one year to the next across all markets
transitions = sqldf("SELECT F.est AS n, T.est AS nPrime FROM dataSet F, dataSet T 
                    WHERE F.cbsaid=T.cbsaid AND F.year+1=T.year")
nCheck = 15
transitions$n[transitions$n>=nCheck] = nCheck;
transitions$nPrime[transitions$nPrime>=nCheck] = nCheck;
transitionMatrix = matrix(0, nrow=nCheck+1, ncol=nCheck+1)
for(nX in 1:nCheck+1) {
  for(nPrimeX in 1:nCheck+1) {
    transitionMatrix[nX,nPrimeX] = sum(transitions$n==(nX-1) & transitions$nPrime==(nPrimeX-1))
jtilly/cbpR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 3:13 a.m.