R package - Krippendorff Alpha for reliability analysis

R build status Codecov test coverage Lifecycle: experimental

This is an R package used to do the reliability analysis. While the packaging is not finished, the key functions are there.


These functions were written to handle computation of Krippendorff's Alpha reliability index in the case of large, sparse matrices typical of crowdsourced/citizen-science efforts. After three years sitting on them thinking "I should really package this", I decided to provide them online as-is in case they could help someone. Who knows, with some time I might even be able to do a nicer package!


This package:

The computation-heavy parts are in C++ under the hood, for computational efficiency


At the moment this package is not on CRAN. You can install it using the remotes package:



jucor/krippendorff documentation built on May 4, 2021, 6:06 p.m.