news_tone: News coverage reliability data set, Table 1 from Hayes &...

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An example reliability data set from Hayes & Krippendorf (2007). It is cast to_long_form, with missing observations simply not present in the dataset: there are no NA in this dataset. See news_tone_wide for the wide version ontaining NA.




A 'data.table' with 200 rows and 3 variables:


Unit observed


Name of the observer


Tone rated by the observer, ordinal between 0 and 3


From the original article: “The data for this example come from five observers who were asked to evaluate the local news coverage given to the challenger running against an incumbent for a political office in one of several political races. The observers were given 40 news- paper articles describing the race published by the largest circulation newspaper in the incumbent's district within 1 week prior to the election. These 40 articles were randomly selected from the pool of all articles published during that 1-week period. Observers rated whether the tone of the article suggested the challenger was a sure loser (0), somewhat competitive (1), competitive (2), or a likely winner (3). After training, observers read and judged the articles independently. The data were entered into SPSS such that each article was represented with a row in the data file, and each observer's evaluation of the articles was located in the columns, with the columns labeled "obs1," "obs2," "obs3," "obs4," and "obs5." Thus, in this example, the data occupied a 40 (articles) x 5 (observers) matrix, with each cell in the matrix containing a 0, 1, 2, 3, or a period character (".") for missing judgments.”

TODO(jucor): Find how to cite Hayes 2007 properly with @references

See Also


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