
Defines functions validate

Documented in validate

#' validate.R
#' @description This function provides users with validation on the
#' PDB and HGNC database generated from the BCB420.2019.PDB
#' package. It performs a MSA between the provided Transcript
#' and PDB chain sequences to determine if the two sequenes are
#' identical. It also verifies that for both the
#' Transcript and PDB chain map to the same gene coordinates.
#' @param transcriptHGNC The stable transcript ID of a transcript
#' @param chainID The ID of the PDB chain
#' @param myDB The annotated database loaded in the environment
#' @param gffData A dataframe containing the Gencode data imported
#' manually by the user
#' @param showConsensus A boolean value determining if the user
#' would like to see the consensus sequence.
#' Set to TRUE automatically
#' @export

validate <- function(transcriptHGNC, chainID, myDB, gffData,
                     showConsensus = TRUE) {

  ### ============ Validate transcript and PDB chain sequences ============= ###

  # Retrieve the transcript ID to fetch the sequence from biomaRt
  transcriptID <- myDB$Transcripts[myDB$Transcripts$ID == transcriptHGNC,]$stableID

  # Retrieve transcript sequences using Ensembl
  mart <- biomaRt::useMart(biomart = "ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
  transcriptSeq <- biomaRt::getSequence(id = transcriptID, type = "ensembl_transcript_id",
                     mart = mart, seqType = "peptide")

  # Retrieve PDB chain sequences through the annotated database
  chainSeq <- myDB$pdbChains[chainID == myDB$pdbChains$ID,]$Sequence

  # Use multiple sequence alignment to validate sequences
  msaSeqs <- Biostrings::AAStringSet(c(transcriptSeq[[1]], chainSeq))
  names(msaSeqs) <- c(as.character(transcriptHGNC), as.character(chainID))
  myMsa <- msa::msa(msaSeqs, method = "ClustalW",
                    type = "protein")

  # Show the consensus sequence and generate printed MSA if
  # the user requests it
  if (showConsensus) {
    cat(sprintf("This is the Consensus Sequence\n %s\n",

  ### ================ Validate gene coordinates =============== ###

  coordinateData <- gffData[!is.na(gffData$transcript_id) & !is.na(gffData$start)
                     & !is.na(gffData$end),]
  coordinateData <- unique(gffData[grepl(transcriptID,

  gffStart <- coordinateData$start[1]
  gffEnd <- coordinateData$end[1]

  pdbStart <- myDB$Transcripts[as.character(transcriptHGNC)
                               == myDB$Transcripts$ID,]$start
  pdbEnd <- myDB$Transcripts[as.character(transcriptHGNC)
                             == myDB$Transcripts$ID,]$end

  if (gffStart == pdbStart & gffEnd == pdbEnd) {
    cat("The coordinates are the same for the transcript and the
             PDB chain.")


  else {
    cat("The coordinates are not equal for the transcript and
            the PDB chain")

# [END]
judyheewonlee/BCB420.2019.PDB documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:50 a.m.