Man pages for jumentib/useFonc
Useful Functions

binbin : Transformation of a continuous data vector into a... :
colSDcolSD : SD for each column of a matrix
colVarcolVar : variance for each column of a matrix
cor.ldcor.ld : Correlation calculation with nearest neighbor in...
cor.ld.pascor.ld.pas : Correlation calculation with nearest neighbor in...
cor.pairedcor.paired : Correlation calculation with nearest neighbor
cor.pascor.pas : Correlation calculation with nearest neighbor (with...
F1F1 : Calcul F1 score for a simulation (on effect sizes)
F1.LDF1.LD : Calcul F1 score for a simulation (on effect sizes),...
F1.SCORE.FOR.BMAF1.SCORE.FOR.BMA : F1 score for bigmma package (for...
F1.SCORE.FOR.HIMAF1.SCORE.FOR.HIMA : F1 score for HIMA package (for...
F1.SCORE.FOR.SPARSEF1.SCORE.FOR.SPARSE : F1 score for sparse LFMM package (for...
f1.score.prsf1.score.prs : Calcul of the F1 score and the Polygenic Risk...
fnfn : imput mean for NA data
gemmagemma : GEMMA programme in R
gemma2gemma2 : GEMMA programme in R (better version of gemma)
lfmm_lasso2lfmm_lasso2 : lfmm lasso with no scale on data
lfmm_ridge2lfmm_ridge2 : lfmm ridge with no scale on data
med.testmed.test : The Sobel mediation test
panel.corpanel.cor : pairs function
panel.histpanel.hist : pairs function
pwer.effectpwer.effect : Calculate the power and the calibration of...
rank.pwerrank.pwer : Calculate the power and the calibration of...
rank.pwer.sparserank.pwer.sparse : Calcul the AUC of the Hits Rank Curve for... :
refactor2refactor2 : fonction refactor
r_mediationr_mediation : function to simulate DNA methylation data for...
r_mediation_cell_typer_mediation_cell_type : function to simulate DNA methylation...
r_mediation_naturalr_mediation_natural : function to simulate DNA methylation...
r_mediation_real_cell_typer_mediation_real_cell_type : function to simulate DNA...
r_mediation_real_gener_mediation_real_gene : function to simulate DNA methylation...
RMSERMSE : Calcul Root Square Mean Error
rowSDrowSD : SD for each row of a matrix
rowVarrowVar : variance for each row of a matrix
simulator_ewassimulator_ewas : function to simulate DNA methylation data...
simulator_ewas_realsimulator_ewas_real : function to simulate DNA methylation...
sob.parallelsob.parallel : The Sobel mediation test for high dimension
jumentib/useFonc documentation built on Nov. 18, 2019, 3:17 p.m.