#' Save SCEmbroider files
#' Save a Seurat Object into SCEmbroider files. These file is used when loading new data in SCEmbroider program. Runs PCA, TSNE, UMAP if do not exists.
#' @param object A Seurat object
#' @param path Path of directory to save files
#' @param assay Name of Assay to make files
#' @param dims Which dimensions to use as input features (Only if pca, tsne or umap is missing)
#' @param cluster.id If set, save name of the cluster idents with this column instead of default idents
#' @return A Seurat object modified in this function
#' @export
saveSCEFile <- function(object, path = "./", assay = "RNA", dims = 1:5, cluster.id = NULL) {
new_object <- UpdateSeuratObject(object)
if(length(VariableFeatures(new_object)) == 0) {
message("\n\nCannot find VariableFeatures in this Seurat object\n Running SCTransform...")
new_object <- SCTransform(new_object, assay = assay, verbose = TRUE)
assay = "SCT"
if(is.null(new_object@reductions[["pca"]])) {
message("\n\nCannot find 'pca' in this Seurat object\n Running RunPCA...")
new_object <- RunPCA(new_object, verbose = FALSE)
META <- new_object[[]]
if(is.null(cluster.id) & is.null(META$seurat_clusters)){
yesNo <- askYesNo("\n\nCannot find cluster info in this object. Do you want to find
clusters automatically?")
if(yesNo == TRUE) {
new_object <- FindNeighbors(new_object, reduction = "pca", dims = dims)
new_object <- FindClusters(new_object, verbose = FALSE)
} else {
if(is.null(new_object@reductions[["tsne"]])) {
message("\n\nCannot find 'tsne' in this Seurat object\n Running RunTSNE...")
new_object <- RunTSNE(new_object, assay = assay, dims = dims)
if(is.null(new_object@reductions[["umap"]])) {
message("\n\nCannot find 'umap' in this Seurat object\n Running RunUMAP...")
new_object <- RunUMAP(new_object, assay = assay, dims = dims)
TSNE <- new_object@reductions[["tsne"]]@cell.embeddings
UMAP <- new_object@reductions[["umap"]]@cell.embeddings
GCidx <- new_object@assays[[assay]]@data@i
GCnum <- new_object@assays[[assay]]@data@p
GCval <- new_object@assays[[assay]]@data@x
GCdim <- new_object@assays[[assay]]@data@Dim
nFeature_name = paste("nFeature", assay, sep = "_")
GCsum <- new_object@meta.data[[nFeature_name]]
GENE <- new_object@assays[[assay]]@data@Dimnames[[1]]
BCODE <- new_object@assays[[assay]]@data@Dimnames[[2]]
META <- new_object[[]]
Annotation <- META %>% dplyr::select(orig.ident)
if(!is.null(cluster.id)) {
Annotation$cluster.ident <- dplyr::select(META, cluster.id)
else {
Annotation$cluster.ident <- Idents(object = new_object)
writeMat(paste(path, './SCE/GC_Data.mat'),
GCidx = GCidx, GCval = GCval, GCnum = GCnum, GCdim = GCdim, GCsum = GCsum, TSNE = TSNE, UMAP = UMAP)
write.csv(GENE, paste(path, './SCE/Gene_Name.csv'))
write.csv(Annotation, paste(path, './SCE/Cell_Type.csv'))
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.