Man pages for jvanheld/stats4bioinfo
Utilities for the book "Statistics for bioinformatics"

AUCfromROCtableCompute the area under the ROC
featureColorsGiven a vector of feature statuses (and optional positions),...
heatmap.simpleDraw a simple heatmap from a matrix, with values written in...
kmerFrequenciesToMarkovCompute the parameters of a Markov model (transition matrix)...
meanEqualityTestsMultiple test for mean equality
meanEqualityTests.compareSignifFeaturesReturn a contingency table for several tests with a...
meanEqualityTests.compareTwoTestsCompare the feature lists called significant by two tests...
meanEqualityTests.plotVolcanoVolcano plot from meanEqualityTest object
mulitpleTestingCorrections.plotCorrectedVsPvalPlot corrected p-values versus nominal p-value
mulitpleTestingCorrections.plotPvalDistribMultiple corrections for multiple testing
mulitpleTestingCorrections.plotSignifFeaturesPlot number of significant features as a function of the...
multipleTestingCorrectionsMultiple corrections for multiple testing
plotPvalCompaDraw an XY plot comparing two series of p-values (or...
plot.ROCPlot a ROC curve
plotROCframePlot an empty frame to draw a ROC curve
randIndexDetailedCompute Rand Contingency Index from a contingency table.
rnormPerGroupGenerate a data frame with random normal values sampled...
ROCstatisticsROC statistics
rowwisePermGroupBalancedPermute rows in a group-balanced way
rowwiseRandomNormalGenerate a data frame where each row follows a custom random...
rowwiseSamplePermute the values of each row of the input matrix or data...
sampleClassesResample the elements of a named vector (typically class...
seqToPSSMBuild a position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) from a set of...
shadeAreaPlot a curve with a shaded area.
shadeTailsPlot a distribution and shade one or two tails.
stats4bioinfoStatistics for bioinformatics - utilities and sample datasets
statsPerRowDescriptive statistics on each row of the input matrix
stderPlotStandard error plot
tTestPerRowT-test (Student or Welch) on each row of a data frame.
tTestPerRow.bootstrapEstimate robustness of tTestPerRow by running a bootstrap...
tTestPerRow.bootstrap.histPlot an histogram with a bootstrap test result.
tTestPerRow.bootstrap.VolcanoBoxPlotVolcano box plot from the result of multiple student tests...
tTestPerRow.plotVolcanoVolcano plot from a tTestPerRow result object.
verboseDisplay messages at a given verbosity level
VolcanoPlotDraw a Volcano plot.
wilcoxTestPerRowRun Wilcoxon rank-sum test (Mann-Whitney) on each row of a...
jvanheld/stats4bioinfo documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:16 a.m.