
### R code from vignette source 'ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:19-23
## ex-tcltk-dnd
## Example of drag and drop
## idea from

### code chunk number 2: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:29-35
window <- tktoplevel()
b_drag <- ttkbutton(window, text = "Drag me")
b_drop <- ttkbutton(window, text = "Drop here")
tkpack(ttklabel(window, text = "Drag over me"))

### code chunk number 3: dndGlobalVariables
.dragging <- FALSE                 # currently dragging?
.drag_value <- ""                  # value to transfer
.last_widget_id <- ""              # last widget dragged over

### code chunk number 4: defineDragLabel
## make a drag label to pop up during dragging to show text
## label idea from
## not shown in text, but here as an example if desired
tcl("image", "create", "photo", "::dnd::icon",
    data = paste(                         # uuencode gif image of document
      sep = ""))
drag_label <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(drag_label, "")
tkwm.resizable(drag_label, FALSE,FALSE)  # no size handler in Mac OS X
tkwm.withdraw(drag_label)                # minimize window
tclServiceMode(TRUE)                    # back to redrawing
tkwm.overrideredirect(drag_label, TRUE)  # Should remove title bar (not in Mac OS X)
## can set this using tkconfigure
drag_label_label <- ttklabel(drag_label, image = "::dnd::icon", text = "this space for rent", compound = "left")

### code chunk number 5: buttonPressEvent
tkbind(b_drag,"<ButtonPress-1>",function(W) {
  .dragging <<-  TRUE
  .drag_value <<- as.character(tkcget(W,text = NULL))
  .last_widget_id <<- as.character(W)

### code chunk number 6: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:84-86
## If using drag_label, you can add this line to handler code:
## tkconfigure(drag_label_label, text = .drag_value)

### code chunk number 7: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:103-122
tkbind(window, "<B1-Motion>", function(W, X, Y) {
  if(!.dragging) return()
  ## see cursor help page in API for more options
  ## For custom cursors cf. 
  tkconfigure(W, cursor = "coffee_mug")  # set cursor

  win <- tkwinfo("containing", X, Y)    # widget mouse is over
  if(as.logical(tkwinfo("exists", win))) # does widget exist?
    tkevent.generate(win, "<<DragOver>>")

  ## generate drag leave if we left last widget
  if(as.logical(tkwinfo("exists", win)) &&
     nchar(as.character(win)) > 0 && 
     length(.last_widget_id) > 0) {     # if not character(0) 
    if(as.character(win) != .last_widget_id) 
      tkevent.generate(.last_widget_id, "<<DragLeave>>")
  .last_widget_id <<- as.character(win)

### code chunk number 8: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:125-129
## if doing example with drag label, include the following in the motion event callback
## XXX Doesn't raise window above
##  tkwm.deiconify(drag_label)
##  tkwm.geometry(drag_label, paste("+",X,"+",Y, sep = "")) # put in offset if desired

### code chunk number 9: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:136-149
 tkbind(b_drag, "<ButtonRelease-1>", function(W, X, Y) {
  if(!.dragging) return()
  w <- tkwinfo("containing", X, Y)
  if(as.logical(tkwinfo("exists", w))) {
    tkevent.generate(w, "<<DragLeave>>")
    tkevent.generate(w, "<<DragDrop>>")
    tkconfigure(w, cursor = "")
  .dragging <<- FALSE
  .last_widget_id <<- "" 
  tkconfigure(W, cursor = "")

### code chunk number 10: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:152-154
## if doing drag_label, we have this as well:
## tkwm.withdraw(drag_label)

### code chunk number 11: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:161-165
tkbind(b_drop,"<<DragOver>>",function(W) {
    tcl(W, "state", "active")

### code chunk number 12: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:170-176
tkbind(b_drop,"<<DragLeave>>", function(W) {
  if(.dragging)  {
    tkconfigure(W, cursor = "")
    tcl(W, "state", "!active")  

### code chunk number 13: ex-tcltk-dnd.Rnw:182-186
tkbind(b_drop,"<<DragDrop>>", function(W) {
  tkconfigure(W, text = .drag_value)
  .drag_value <- ""
jverzani/ProgGUIinR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:17 a.m.