
Defines functions addStockIcons .addStockIcons .addStockIcons.default getStockIcons .getStockIcons .getStockIcons.default getStockIconByName .getStockIconByName .getStockIconByName.default stockIconFromClass .stockIconFromClass.default stockIconFromObject .stockIconFromObject .stockIconFromObject.default

Documented in addStockIcons .addStockIcons .addStockIcons.default getStockIconByName .getStockIconByName .getStockIconByName.default getStockIcons .getStockIcons .getStockIcons.default stockIconFromClass .stockIconFromClass.default stockIconFromObject .stockIconFromObject .stockIconFromObject.default

##' @include methods.R

##' Method to add icon to list of stock icons
##' @param iconNames names of icons 
##' @param iconFiles path of icons
##' @param ... ignored
##' @param toolkit used to dispatch into toolkit if a separate implementation is made
##' @export
##' @rdname icons
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## we can add icon sets, say those of glyphicons.com. Steps are download files, unzip
##' ## then point x to path, y to name. Imagine we download and current directory is
##' ## png directory. (Won't work with tcltk by default as these are png files)
##' x <- Sys.glob("*.png")
##' path <- paste(getwd(), x, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
##' nm <- gsub("\\.png", "", x)
##' nm <- gsub("-", "_", nm)
##' nm <- gsub("\\+", "_plus", nm)
##' addStockIcons(nm, path)
##' }
addStockIcons <- function(iconNames,iconFiles, ..., toolkit = guiToolkit()) {
  .addStockIcons (toolkit, iconNames, iconFiles, ...)

##' generic for dispath
##' @export
##' @rdname icons
.addStockIcons <-  function(toolkit, iconNames, iconFiles,... )
           UseMethod( '.addStockIcons' )

##' toolkit implementation
##' @rdname icons
##' @method .addStockIcons default
.addStockIcons.default <- function(toolkit, iconNames, iconFiles,... ) {
  ## default implementation
  cur <- .gWidgetsIcons$icons
  if(length(iconNames) == length(iconFiles))
    sapply(seq_len(length(iconNames)), function(i) {
      cur[[iconNames[i]]] <- iconFiles[i]



##' return list of available stock icons
##' @return list of icons with names the icon name and values the icon file name or icon object (as needed by the toolkit)
##' @export
##' @rdname icons
getStockIcons = function( ..., toolkit = guiToolkit()) {
  out =  .getStockIcons (toolkit,...)

##' generic for toolkit dispatch
##' @export
##' @rdname icons
.getStockIcons <- function(toolkit,...)
           UseMethod( '.getStockIcons' )

##' default
##' @rdname icons
##' @method .getStockIcons default
.getStockIcons.default <- function(toolkit, ...) {

##' Return stock icon name, filename, icon object from its by name
##' @param name of stock icon
##' @export
##' @rdname icons
getStockIconByName <- function(name, ..., toolkit=guiToolkit()) {
  name <- tolower(name)                 # regularize
  .getStockIconByName(toolkit, name, ...)

##' generic
##' @export
##' @rdname icons
.getStockIconByName <- function(toolkit, name, ...) UseMethod(".getStockIconByName")

##' default implementation
##' @param file logical If TRUE, return filename. If FALSE, return toolkit icon object (if possible).
##' @rdname icons
##' @method .getStockIconByName default
.getStockIconByName.default <- function(toolkit, name, file=TRUE, ...) {
  icons <- .gWidgetsIcons$icons
  i <- match(name, names(icons))
  i <- i[!is.na(i)]
  if(length(i) == 0)
  if(length(i) == 1)
    icons[i]                            # as a list

##' Find a stock icon from the given class
##' @export
##' @rdname icons
stockIconFromClass = function(theClass, ..., toolkit = guiToolkit()) {
  .stockIconFromClass (toolkit, theClass, ...)

##' generic for dispath
##' @param theClass name of class
##' @export
##' @rdname icons
'.stockIconFromClass' <- function(toolkit, theClass,... )
           UseMethod( '.stockIconFromClass' )

##' Default stock icon for a given class name
##' @rdname icons
##' @method .stockIconFromClass default
.stockIconFromClass.default <- function(toolkit, theClass, ...) {

         numeric = "numeric.gif",
         character = "character.gif",
         factor = "factor.gif",
         data.frame = "dataframe.gif",
         matrix = "matrix.gif",
         lm = "model.gif",

##' Find stock icon from the given object
##' @param obj an R object
##' @inheritParams gwidget
##' @return name of icon.
##' @export
##' @rdname icons
stockIconFromObject <- function(obj, ..., toolkit = guiToolkit()) {
  .stockIconFromObject (toolkit, obj, ...)

##' generic for dispath
##' @inheritParams stockIconFromObject
##' @export
##' @rdname icons
.stockIconFromObject <- function(toolkit, obj,... )
           UseMethod( '.stockIconFromObject' )

##' get stock icon from object by class
##' @rdname icons
##' @method .stockIconFromObject default
.stockIconFromObject.default <- function(toolkit, obj, ...) {
  .icon <- function(x) UseMethod(".icon")
  .icon.default <- function(x) "symbol-dot.gif"
  .icon.numeric <- function(x) "numeric.gif"
  .icon.character <- function(x) "character.gif"
  .icon.factor <- function(x) "factor.gif"
  .icon.data.frame <- function(x) "dataframe.gif"
  .icon.matrix <- function(x) "matrix.gif"
  .icon.lm <- function(x) "model.gif"

  nm <- .icon(obj)

##' Class for icons
##' @exportClass GWidgets2Icons
##' @aliases GWidgets2Icons
##' @rdname S4-classes
##' @name GWidgets2Icons-class
GWidgets2Icons <- setRefClass("GWidgets2Icons",
                       initialize=function() {
                       update_icons = function() {
                         allIcons <- Filter(function(i) i != "README", 
			    list.files(system.file("images", package="gWidgets2")))
                         ## create a hash with name -> location
                         l <- list()
                         for(i in allIcons) {
                           filename <- sub("\\.xpm$|\\.gif$|\\.jpg$|\\.jpeg$|\\.png$|\\.tiff$","",i)
                           l[[filename]] <- system.file("images", i, package="gWidgets2")
## This breaks staged install. Does commenting these out
## break toolkits?
#                         icons <<- l
                       get_icon_from_name=function(nm) {
                         out <- sapply(nm, function(i) icons[[i]], simplify=FALSE)
                         if(length(out) == 1)
                       set_icons = function(new_icons) icons <<- new_icons

## package global
.gWidgetsIcons <- GWidgets2Icons$new()
jverzani/gWidgets2 documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:17 a.m.