
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {

    packageStartupMessage(paste0('\nWelcome to LimeRick package version: ',

    packageStartupMessage("\nHomepage: http://www.wais.kamil.rzeszow.pl/LimeRick")

    packageStartupMessage("\nChangelog: news(package = 'LimeRick')")
    packageStartupMessage("Package help: help(LimeRick)")

    packageStartupMessage("\nIf you find this package useful cite it please. Thank you! ")
    packageStartupMessage("See: citation('LimeRick')")

    packageStartupMessage("\nTo suppress this message use:\nsuppressPackageStartupMessages(library(LimeRick))")

    packageStartupMessage('\nFirst you need to set login parameters and obtain a session key. \nSee the lsSessionKey() function help page (?lsSessionKey).\n')


#' Bridge between LimeSurvey and R
#' The \code{LimeRick} package enables close connection between R and LimeSurvey – one of the most open-source scripts for Computer-Aided Web Interviewing. Using new LimeSurvey RemoteControl2 API for two-way data exchange allows for:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item importing on-line survey responses into R,
#'   \item adding new responses to the survey directly from R,
#'   \item automatically accessing surveys and question properties,
#'   \item implementing passive measurement surveys,
#'   \item developing data products based on real-time declarative data collection.
#' }
#' The lsSessionCache environment is crated upon the package loading
#' and stores session data like session key or timestamp when the session started.
#' The environment is accessed directly only by package functions not by a package user.
#' If you need help with your research or commercial projects,
#' feel free to contat me via my homepage contact form:
#' \url{http://www.wais.kamil.rzeszow.pl}.

#' @docType package
#' @name LimeRick

# @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
# @import utils

#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \url{http://www.wais.kamil.rzeszow.pl/LimeRick} [the package homepage]
#'   \item \url{https://github.com/kalimu/LimeRick} [source code & development version of the package]
#'   \item \url{http://limesurvey.org} [LimeSurvey homepage]
#' }

# Setting a new environment to hold the session parameters.
    # Based on https://github.com/cloudyr/limer/blob/master/R/get_session_key.R

    lsSessionCache <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
    lsSessionCache$check <- "OK"


# detach("package:LimeRick", unload=TRUE)
# devtools::show_news()
kalimu/LimeRick documentation built on May 20, 2019, 6:32 a.m.