
#' @name subset
#' @aliases subset,vegtable-method
#' @title Subset functions for vegtable objects
#' @description
#' Produce subsets of [vegtable-class] objects.
#' Logical operations can be applied either to the plots, or the
#' relations, which are the main slots in that class.
#' This method can be referred to the slot `species` the same way as
#' [taxlist::subset()], then the rest of the data will include only
#' references to the subset of species list.
#' @param x A [vegtable-class] object for subset.
#' @param subset Logical expression for the subset.
#' @param slot Character value indicating the slot used as reference for subset.
#'     At the moment only the values "taxonNames", "taxonRelations",
#'     "taxonTraits", "header", "samples", and "relations" are accepted.
#'     The three first values will be applied to the respective slots in the
#'     contained [taxlist-class] object (slot **species**).
#' @param keep_children Argument passed to [taxlist::get_children()].
#' @param keep_parents Argument passed to [taxlist::get_parents()].
#' @param relation Character value indicating the relation (slot **relations**)
#'     to be used as reference for subset.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed from or to other methods.
#' @return A S4 object of class [vegtable-class].
#' @author Miguel Alvarez \email{kamapu78@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' ## Subset by taxon name
#' Kenya_sub <- subset(
#'   x = Kenya_veg, subset = TaxonName == "Tagetes",
#'   slot = "taxonNames", keep_children = TRUE, keep_parents = TRUE
#' )
#' summary(Kenya_sub)
#' summary(Kenya_sub@species)
#' ## Subset by taxon relations
#' Kenya_sub <- subset(
#'   x = Kenya_veg, subset = Level == "species",
#'   slot = "taxonRelations"
#' )
#' summary(Kenya_sub)
#' summary(Kenya_sub@species)
#' ## Subset by taxon traits
#' Kenya_sub <- subset(
#'   x = Kenya_veg, subset = lf_behn_2018 == "obligate_annual",
#'   slot = "taxonTraits"
#' )
#' summary(Kenya_sub)
#' summary(Kenya_sub@species)
#' ## Subset by header
#' Kenya_sub <- subset(x = Kenya_veg, subset = ALTITUDE <= 1000, slot = "header")
#' summary(Kenya_sub)
#' ## Subset by samples (after converting coverage)
#' Kenya_veg <- cover_trans(x = Kenya_veg, to = "cover_percentage", rule = "middle")
#' Kenya_sub <- subset(x = Kenya_veg, subset = cover_percentage >= 50, slot = "samples")
#' summary(Kenya_sub)
#' ## Subset by relations
#' Kenya_sub <- subset(
#'   x = Kenya_veg, subset = as.integer(YEAR) >= 2000,
#'   slot = "relations", relation = "REFERENCE"
#' )
#' summary(Kenya_sub)
#' @exportMethod subset
  "subset", signature(x = "vegtable"),
  function(x, subset, slot = "header", keep_children = FALSE,
           keep_parents = FALSE, relation, ...) {
    p_slots <- c(
      "taxonNames", "taxonRelations", "taxonTraits",
      "header", "samples", "relations"
    if (!slot %in% p_slots) {
        "Only following values are allowed for argument ",
        "'slot':\n\"", paste0(p_slots,
          collapse = "\" \""
        ), "\"."
    subset <- substitute(subset)
    # For subsets by taxonomic list
    if (slot %in% p_slots[1:3]) {
      # Duplicate taxlist object
      z <- x@species
      # in taxonNames
      if (slot == p_slots[1]) {
        subset <- eval(subset, z@taxonNames, parent.frame())
        subset[is.na(subset)] <- FALSE
        z@taxonNames <- z@taxonNames[subset, ]
      # in taxonRelations
      if (slot == p_slots[2]) {
        subset <- eval(subset, z@taxonRelations, parent.frame())
        subset <- subset[!is.na(subset)]
        z@taxonRelations <- z@taxonRelations[subset, ]
      # in taxonTraits
      if (slot == p_slots[3]) {
        subset <- eval(subset, z@taxonTraits, parent.frame())
        subset[is.na(subset)] <- FALSE
        z@taxonTraits <- z@taxonTraits[subset, ]
        z@taxonRelations <- z@taxonRelations[
          z@taxonRelations$TaxonConceptID %in%
      # clean invalid taxlist object
      z <- clean(z)
      # recover relatives
      if (keep_children) {
        z <- get_children(x@species, z)
      if (keep_parents) {
        z <- get_parents(x@species, z)
      # back to x
      x@species <- z
    # in header
    if (slot == p_slots[4]) {
      subset <- eval(subset, x@header, parent.frame())
      subset[is.na(subset)] <- FALSE
      x@header <- x@header[subset, ]
    # in samples
    if (slot == p_slots[5]) {
      subset <- eval(subset, x@samples, parent.frame())
      subset[is.na(subset)] <- FALSE
      x@samples <- x@samples[subset, ]
    # in relations
    if (slot == p_slots[6] & !missing(relation)) {
      if (!relation %in% names(x@relations)) {
        stop(paste0("\"", relation, "\" is not a relation in x."))
      subset <- eval(subset, x@relations[[relation]], parent.frame())
      subset[is.na(subset)] <- FALSE
      x@relations[[relation]] <- x@relations[[relation]][subset, ]
      x@header <- x@header[paste(x@header[, relation]) %in%
        paste(x@relations[[relation]][, relation]), ]
    # return clean object
kamapu/vegtable documentation built on Feb. 17, 2024, 8:25 a.m.