
#' @name accepted_name
#' @title Switch accepted names by synonyms in a taxon
#' @description
#' If necessary to set a synonym in a taxon concept as an accepted name.
#' @param taxlist An object of class [PostgreSQLConnection-class].
#' @param ConceptID Integer containing concept IDs where to request or set names
#'     for one category.
#' @param accepted Integer indicating the usage name ID to be set as accepted
#'     name. If this usage name does not belong to the concept indicated by
#'     'ConceptID', an error message will be retrieved.
#' @param names2concepts A character vector with two values, the name of the
#'     schema and the name of the table relating names with taxon concepts.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed among methods.
#' @aliases accepted_name,PostgreSQLConnection,numeric-method
#' @exportMethod accepted_name
  "accepted_name", signature(
    taxlist = "PostgreSQLConnection",
    ConceptID = "numeric"
  function(taxlist, ConceptID, accepted, names2concepts, ...) {
    if (length(ConceptID) != length(accepted)) {
        "Arguments for 'ConceptID' and 'accepted'",
        "have to be of identical length."
    for (i in 1:length(ConceptID)) {
      Query <- paste0(
        "SELECT *\n",
        "FROM \"", paste0(names2concepts, collapse = "\".\""),
      all_n2c <- dbGetQuery(taxlist, Query)
      if (!with(all_n2c, accepted[i] %in%
        TaxonUsageID[TaxonConceptID == ConceptID[i]])) {
          "Name '", accepted[i], "' is not included",
          " in concept '", ConceptID[i], "'"
      } else {
        # TODO: It may be adapted for additional status (e.g. basionym)
        Query <- paste0(
          "UPDATE \"", paste0(names2concepts,
            collapse = "\".\""
          ), "\"\n",
          "SET \"NameStatus\" = 'synonym'\n",
          "WHERE \"TaxonConceptID\" = ", ConceptID[i], ";\n"
        dbSendQuery(taxlist, Query)
        Query <- paste0(
          "UPDATE \"", paste0(names2concepts,
            collapse = "\".\""
          ), "\"\n",
          "SET \"NameStatus\" = 'accepted'\n",
          "WHERE \"TaxonUsageID\" = ", accepted[i], ";\n"
        dbSendQuery(taxlist, Query)
kamapu/vegtableDB documentation built on June 18, 2024, 1:13 a.m.