
#' @name fix_double
#' @title Combine names across data sets
#' @description
#' When names inserted with no authors or with misspelled authors, duplicated
#' entries will be created, which may cause conflicts if one name is corrected
#' since the database does not allow duplicated combinations of names and
#' authors.
#' In this routines one name (parameter `'old_id'`) will be replaced by another
#' alternative name (parameter `'new_id'`) in all usages and the first will be
#' finally deleted from the database.
#' If the two alternatives are already used within the same taxonomy (another
#' constraint of the database), this function retrieves an error message.
#' @param conn Connection to the database as [PostgreSQLConnection-class].
#' @param new_id Vector with IDs of the correct name.
#' @param old_id Vector with IDs of the names that have to be replaced and
#'     deleted.
#' @param schema Character value indicating the name of the schema containing
#'     taxonomic information within the database.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed among methods.
#' @rdname fix_double
#' @export
fix_double <- function(conn, ...) {
  UseMethod("fix_double", conn)

#' @rdname fix_double
#' @aliases fix_double,PostgreSQLConnection-method
#' @method fix_double PostgreSQLConnection
#' @export
fix_double.PostgreSQLConnection <- function(conn, new_id, old_id,
                                            schema = "plant_taxonomy", ...) {
  # Both vectors of the same length
  if (length(new_id) != length(old_id)) {
    stop("Arguments for 'new_id' and 'old_id' have to be of the same length.")
  # All new_id in database
  query <- paste(
    "select taxon_usage_id",
    paste0("from ", schema, ".taxon_names")
  all_ids <- unlist(dbGetQuery(conn, query))
  check_ids <- new_id[!new_id %in% all_ids]
  if (length(check_ids) > 0) {
      "Following IDs in 'new_id' are not occurring ",
      "in the database:\n",
      paste0(check_ids, collapse = ",")
  # All old_id in database
  check_ids <- old_id[!old_id %in% all_ids]
  if (length(check_ids) > 0) {
      "Following IDs in 'old_id' are not occurring ",
      "in the database:\n",
      paste0(check_ids, collapse = ",")
  TAX <- dbGetQuery(conn, paste(
    "select *",
    paste0("from ", schema, ".names2concepts"),
    paste0("where taxon_usage_id in (", paste0(c(new_id, old_id),
      collapse = ","
    ), ")")
  TAX <- merge(TAX, dbGetQuery(conn, paste(
    "select taxon_concept_id,top_view",
    paste0("from ", schema, ".taxon_concepts"),
    paste0("where taxon_concept_id in (", paste0(TAX$taxon_concept_id,
      collapse = ","
    ), ")")
  # Test for generated duplicates
  TAX$new_usage <- replace_x(TAX$taxon_usage_id, old = old_id, new = new_id)
  Err <- TAX[duplicated(TAX[, c("new_usage", "taxon_concept_id")]), ]
  if (nrow(Err) > 0) {
      "Replacing following usage ID's will cause duplicated ",
      "names in concepts:\n",
      paste0(TAX$taxon_usage_id, collapse = ","), "."
  # Same name cannot be used more than once per taxonomy
  Err <- TAX[duplicated(TAX[, c("new_usage", "top_view")]), ]
  if (nrow(Err) > 0) {
      "Replacing following usage ID's will cause multiple use of ",
      "names within the same taxonomy:\n",
      paste0(TAX$taxon_usage_id, collapse = ","), "."
  for (i in 1:length(new_id)) {
    # Set old usage to new
    query <- paste(
      paste0("update ", schema, ".names2concepts"),
      "set taxon_usage_id =", new_id[i],
      "where taxon_usage_id =", old_id[i]
    dbSendQuery(conn, query)
    # Delete old usage
    query <- paste(
      paste0("delete from ", schema, ".taxon_names"),
      "where taxon_usage_id =", old_id[i]
    dbSendQuery(conn, query)
kamapu/vegtableDB documentation built on June 18, 2024, 1:13 a.m.