
Defines functions position_matrix i_window get_global_i global_position local_position

Documented in get_global_i

local_position <- function(position, context, presorted=F){
  if (!presorted){
    ord = order(context, position)
    position = position[ord]
    context = context[ord]
  position = local_id(context, position)
  if (!presorted) position = position[match(1:length(position), ord)]

global_position <- function(position, context, max_window_size=NA, presorted=F, position_is_local=F){
  ## makes the (token) position counter global with dummy positions between contexts to prevent overlapping windows (so it can be used as an index).
  ## this way, overlapping token windows can be calculated for multiple documents within a single matrix.
  ## position and context need to be sorted on order(context,position). If this is already the case, presorted=T can be used for a speed up
  if (!presorted){
    ord = order(context, position)
    position = position[ord]
    context = context[ord]

  ## first, make sure position is local and starts at 1 for each context (otherwise the global id can become absurdly high)
  if (!position_is_local) position = local_position(position, context, presorted=T)

  if (min(position) == 0) position = position + 1 ## position will be treated as an index, so it cannot be zero in r where an index starts at 1 (and some parsers start indexing at zero)

  position = global_id(context, position, max_window_size)
  if (!presorted) position = position[match(1:length(position), ord)]

#' Compute global feature positions
#' Features are given global ids, with an added distance (max_window_size) between contexts (e.g., documents, sentences).
#' This way, the distance of features can be calculated across multiple contexts using a single vector
#' @param tc tCorpus object
#' @param context_level either 'document' or 'sentence'
#' @param max_window_size Determines the size of the gap between documents. Called max_window_size because this gap determines what the maximum window size is for non-overlapping windows between documents
#' @return a tCorpus object
get_global_i <- function(tc, context_level=c('document','sentence'), max_window_size=200){
  context_level = match.arg(context_level)
  if (context_level == 'document'){
    global_i = global_position(position = floor(tc$get('token_id')), context = tc$get('doc_id'), max_window_size = max_window_size, presorted=T, position_is_local=T)
  if (context_level == 'sentence'){
    if (!'sentence' %in% tc$names) stop('Sentence level not possible, since no sentence information is available. To enable sentence level analysis, use split_sentences = T in "create_tcorpus()" or specify sentence_col in "tokens_to_tcorpus()"')
    globsent = global_position(position = tc$get('sentence'), context = tc$get('doc_id'), presorted=T, position_is_local=T)
    global_i = global_position(position = floor(tc$get('token_id')), context = globsent, max_window_size = max_window_size, presorted=T, position_is_local=T)

i_window <- function(tc, i, window, context_level=c('document','sentence')){
  context_level = match.arg(context_level)
  gi = get_global_i(tc, context_level, max_window_size = window)
  gi_i = gi[i]
  gi_window = rep(gi_i, window*2 + 1) + rep(-window:window, each=length(gi_i))
  gi %in% gi_window

position_matrix <- function(i, j, shifts=0, count_once=T, distance_as_value=F, abs_distance=T, return_i_filter=NULL, rows=NULL){
  shifts = shifts[order(abs(shifts))] # order shifts from 0 to higher (this way the shortest distance is used if distance_as_value = T)

  nrows = max(i, na.rm = T)
  ncols = max(j, na.rm = T)
  return_i = i

  if (!is.null(rows)){
    i = i[rows]
    j = j[rows]

  shift = rep(shifts, times=length(i))
  newi = rep(i, each = length(shifts)) + shift
  newj = rep(j, each = length(shifts))

  if (!is.null(return_i_filter)) {
    select = newi %in% return_i_filter
  } else {
    select = newi > 0 & newi <= max(i)

  if (sum(select) == 0) {
    mat = Matrix::spMatrix(nrow=nrows, ncol=ncols)
  } else {
    if (distance_as_value){
      select = select & !duplicated(data.frame(newi, newj)) # remove duplicates. since duplicates are ordered by shifts, this leaves the shortest distance to a term when using distance_as_value=T
      if (abs_distance) {
        mat = Matrix::spMatrix(nrow=nrows, ncol=ncols, i=newi[select], j=newj[select], x=abs(shift)[select]+1)
      } else {
        mat = Matrix::spMatrix(nrow=nrows, ncol=ncols, i=newi[select], j=newj[select], x=(shift)[select])
    } else{
      mat = spMatrix(nrow=nrows, ncol=ncols, i=newi[select], j=newj[select], x=rep(1, sum(select)))
      mat = methods::as(mat, 'CsparseMatrix')
      if (count_once) mat@x[mat@x>0] = 1
  mat = methods::as(methods::as(mat, 'generalMatrix'), 'TsparseMatrix')
kasperwelbers/corpustools documentation built on May 4, 2024, 12:05 p.m.