
#'Gene Citation Index
#'@description Contains the mean citation index of 66 genes obtained by
#'  assessing PubMed abstracts and annotations using two key words i) Gene name
#'  + b cell differentiation and ii) Gene name + plasma cell differentiation.
#'@name gene_citation
#'@docType data
#'@usage data("gene_citation")
#'@format A data frame with 66 rows and 2 columns. \describe{
#'  \item{\code{gene}}{gene names} \item{\code{citation_index}}{mean citation index} }
#' @examples
#' data(gene_citation)
#'# Some key genes of interest to be highlighted
#'key.gns <- c("MYC", "PRDM1", "CD69", "IRF4", "CASP3", "BCL2L1", "MYB",  "BACH2", "BIM1",  "PTEN",
#'             "KRAS", "FOXP1", "IGF1R", "KLF4", "CDK6", "CCND2", "IGF1", "TNFAIP3", "SMAD3", "SMAD7",
#'             "BMPR2", "RB1", "IGF2R", "ARNT")
#'# Density distribution
#'ggdensity(gene_citation, x = "citation_index", y = "..count..",
#'   xlab = "Number of citation",
#'   ylab = "Number of genes",
#'   fill = "lightgray", color = "black",
#'   label = "gene", label.select = key.gns, repel = TRUE,
#'   font.label = list(color= "citation_index"),
#'   xticks.by = 20, # Break x ticks by 20
#'   gradient.cols = c("blue", "red"),
#'   legend = "bottom",
#'   legend.title = ""                                     # Hide legend title
#'   )
kassambara/ggpubr documentation built on Feb. 15, 2023, 4:09 a.m.