  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

The purpose of the SimSpin R-package is to take a particle simulation of a galaxy and produce a spectral data cube in the style of a specified Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) instrument.

In this vignette, we will take you through the process of constructing such a data cube from a particle simulation. This is a simple process comprised of three steps:

  1. Read in your particle data and produce the relevant spectra using the make_simspin_file function.
  2. Setup the observation by defining your telescope and observing_strategy.
  3. Build your data cube using the build_datacube.

From this spectral data cube, observable properties can be measured using standard observational pipelines, such as pPXF. You can see another long-form example here demonstrating how the kinematics can be fit using the spectral data cube.


Improvements from v1.1.3

In v1.x.x of SimSpin, "kinematic" data cubes were produced. From these cubes, observables were constructed using tools within the package.

SimSpin v2.x.x has been designed to generate a data product that is directly comparable to the observational equivalent IFS data cubes such that output can be analysed using observational pipelines. This means that observational data and simulation data can be processed in the same manner.

We have also removed some of the barriers for entry. SimSpin can now read particle files natively, making running the Python obsolete. Simply provide the particle file as output by the simulation to the package for processing.

Step 1: Importing the particle files

There are a number of example particle model files included within the SimSpin package for use throughout these examples and documentation:

Currently, SimSpin is supported to read each of these file types through the make_simspin_file function. Further support will be provided for implementation of new simulations. Please take a look at the GitHub repository and report an issue for implementation of further simulation outputs.

Each of these galaxies look a little different and contain different galaxy components. Let's begin by taking a look at each file.

1. Gadget2 binary output file

This galaxy is a low resolution, N-body model of an S0 galaxy containing 1000 disk particles and 1500 bulge particles, shown by blue and red points respectively in the plots below.

gadget2_binary_galaxy = make_simspin_file(filename = system.file("extdata", 
                                                                 package = "SimSpin"),
                                          disk_age=5, bulge_age=10,    # ages in Gyr 
                                          disk_Z=0.024, bulge_Z=0.001, # metallicities as a fraction of solar
                                          template="BC03lr",           # spectral template choice
                                          write_to_file = FALSE)       # output data to environment, rather than file
# Code not printed in vignette as the plotting script is just to illustrate the 
#  shape of the galaxy model.
options(scipen = 999)
par(pty="s", fig=c(0,0.5,0,1), xpd=FALSE, ps=12, cex=1)
magicaxis::magplot(gadget2_binary_galaxy$star_part$x[1:1000], gadget2_binary_galaxy$star_part$z[1:1000], type="p", pch=20,
                   xlim = c(-25, 25), ylim = c(-25,25), col="blue",
                   xlab = "x, kpc", ylab = "z, kpc")
points(gadget2_binary_galaxy$star_part$x[1001:2500], gadget2_binary_galaxy$star_part$z[1001:2500], pch=20, col="red")
legend("topleft", inset=c(-0.02,0.01), c("Edge-on"), bty="n")
legend("bottomright", inset=c(0.01,0.01), c("disk", "bulge"), col=c("blue", "red"), pch=c(16,16))

options(scipen = 999)
par(pty="s", fig=c(0.5,1,0,1), xpd=FALSE, ps=12, cex=1, new=TRUE)
magicaxis::magplot(gadget2_binary_galaxy$star_part$x[1:1000], gadget2_binary_galaxy$star_part$y[1:1000], type="p", pch=20,
                   xlim = c(-25, 25), ylim = c(-25,25), col="blue",
                   xlab = "x, kpc", ylab = "y, kpc")
points(gadget2_binary_galaxy$star_part$x[1001:2500], gadget2_binary_galaxy$star_part$y[1001:2500], pch=20, col="red")
legend("topleft", inset=c(-0.02,0.01), c("Face-on"), bty="n")

2. Gadget2 HDF5 output file

This galaxy is a low resolution, N-body model of an slowly rotating elliptical galaxy containing 2000 bulge particles, shown the red points in the plots below.

gadget2_hdf5_galaxy = make_simspin_file(filename = system.file("extdata", 
                                                               package = "SimSpin"),
                                        disk_age=5, bulge_age=10,    # ages in Gyr 
                                        disk_Z=0.024, bulge_Z=0.001, # metallicities as a fraction of solar
                                        template="BC03lr",           # spectral template choice
                                        write_to_file = FALSE)       # output data to environment, rather than file
# Code not printed in vignette as the plotting script is just to illustrate the 
#  shape of the galaxy model.
options(scipen = 999)
par(pty="s", fig=c(0,0.5,0,1), xpd=FALSE, ps=12, cex=1)
magicaxis::magplot(gadget2_hdf5_galaxy$star_part$x, gadget2_hdf5_galaxy$star_part$z, type="p", pch=20,
                   xlim = c(-15, 15), ylim = c(-15,15), col="red",
                   xlab = "x, kpc", ylab = "z, kpc")
legend("topleft", inset=c(-0.02,0.01), c("Edge-on"), bty="n")
legend("bottomright", inset=c(0.01,0.01), c("disk", "bulge"), col=c("blue", "red"), pch=c(16,16))

options(scipen = 999)
par(pty="s", fig=c(0.5,1,0,1), xpd=FALSE, ps=12, cex=1, new=TRUE)
magicaxis::magplot(gadget2_hdf5_galaxy$star_part$x, gadget2_hdf5_galaxy$star_part$y, type="p", pch=20,
                   xlim = c(-15, 15), ylim = c(-15,15), col="red",
                   xlab = "x, kpc", ylab = "y, kpc")
legend("topleft", inset=c(-0.02,0.01), c("Face-on"), bty="n")

3. EAGLE HDF5 output file

This galaxy is taken from the EAGLE RefL0100N1504 box and sampled to reduce its size. It contains a hydrodynamical model with 1998 stellar particles.

eagle_hdf5_galaxy = make_simspin_file(filename = system.file("extdata", 
                                                             package = "SimSpin"),
                                        template="BC03lr",           # spectral template choice
                                        write_to_file = FALSE)       # output data to environment, rather than file
# Code not printed in vignette as the plotting script is just to illustrate the 
#  shape of the galaxy model.

par(pty="s", fig=c(0,0.5,0,1), xpd=FALSE, ps=12, cex=1)
magicaxis::magplot(eagle_hdf5_galaxy$star_part$x, eagle_hdf5_galaxy$star_part$z, type="p", pch=20,
                   xlim = c(-2, 2), ylim = c(-2,2), col="purple",
                   xlab = "x, kpc", ylab = "z, kpc")
legend("topleft", inset=c(-0.02,0.01), c("Edge-on"), bty="n")
legend("bottomright", inset=c(0.01,0.01), c("stars"), col=c("purple"), pch=16)

par(pty="s", fig=c(0.5,1,0,1), xpd=FALSE, ps=12, cex=1, new=TRUE)
magicaxis::magplot(eagle_hdf5_galaxy$star_part$x, eagle_hdf5_galaxy$star_part$y, type="p", pch=20,
                   xlim = c(-2, 2), ylim = c(-2,2), col="purple",
                   xlab = "x, kpc", ylab = "y, kpc")
legend("topleft", inset=c(-0.02,0.01), c("Face-on"), bty="n")

The input of make_simspin_file

For the N-body models in examples 1 and 2 above, we need to specify an age and metallicity for the particles, as this information is not provided by the simulation inherently. These choices are necessary to associate a spectrum with each particle. This is an arbitrary choice left to the user to specify. However, it is important that the chosen parameters are within the ranges of the chosen spectral template (see below).

For the EAGLE galaxy in example 3, which is a hydrodynamical simulation, the particle age and metallicity properties are tracked and included within the simulation file. SimSpin can use the provided information to associate spectra accordingly.

We have specified the spectral templates used as BC03lr. This corresponds to the GALEXEV spectral templates complied by Bruzual and Charlot (2003). In SimSpin, we have options for using three different templates, described in the following table and plotted below to demonstrate their resolution differences.

| Name | Age Steps | Age Range (Gyr) | Z Steps | Z Range (Z$_{\odot}$) | $\lambda$ Steps ($\unicode{x212B}$) | $\lambda$ Range ($\unicode{x212B}$) | |:--------:|:---------:|:---------------:|:-------:|:------------------:|:-----------:|:-----------------------:| | BC03lr | 221 | 0 - 20 | 6 | 0.0001 - 0.05 | 1221 | 91 - 20000 | | BC03hr | 221 | 0 - 20 | 6 | 0.0001 - 0.05 | 6990 | 91 - 20000 | | EMILES | 53 | 0.03 - 14 | 12 | 0.0001 - 0.04 | 53689 | 1680.2 - 20000 |

Spectral Templates:

Further templates will be incorporated over time. Keep an eye on the GitHub repository for any additions or report an issue for the inclusion of a specific set of templates.

# Code not printed in vignette as the plotting script is just to illustrate the 
#  shape of the galaxy model.
BC03lr = SimSpin::BC03lr
BC03hr = SimSpin::BC03hr

par(xpd=FALSE, ps=12, cex=1)
magicaxis::magplot(EMILES$Wave, EMILES$Zspec[[6]][25,],
                   type="l", log="x",
                   xlab="Wavelength / Ang", ylab="Lsun / Ang (for 1 Msun/Yr SFR)", 
                   lwd=1, col="blue", xlim = c(3000, 8000), ylim = c(0,0.0002))
lines(BC03hr$Wave, BC03hr$Zspec[[3]][145,],
      lwd = 2, col="red")
lines(BC03lr$Wave, BC03lr$Zspec[[3]][145,], 
      lwd=2, col="orange")
legend("topright", inset=c(0.01,0.01), c("BC03lr", "BC03hr", "EMILES"), col=c("orange", "red", "blue"), lty=c(1,1,1), lwd= c(3,3,3))

The choice of templates from which to construct your particle spectra will be dependent on the science you wish to achieve with your data cube observations. It is also important that, for an N-body model, you choose age and metallicity parameters that fall within the range of the chosen spectral template.

Finally, we have chosen to write the output SimSpin file to the environment, rather than saving the information to a file. This is specified by write_to_file = FALSE. However, this is not the default option. Usually, it is advisable to save this data to a file such that the same information can be accessed for repeat observations in separate sessions.

The output of make_simspin_file

Using the make_simspin_file function, we have reconstructed the raw input particles into a standard format that can be processed by the rest of the package. The output of this function includes a list of 3 elements, whose properties are described below.


All simulations, no matter if they are N-body models or hydrodynamical simulations, will produce the same output type. This output type can then be used to construct a data cube.

Step 2: Building a telescope and observing strategy

Once you have the simulation prepared for observation, we need to decide which telescope we will use to observe our galaxy. This is done simply using the telescope class within SimSpin.

IFU = telescope(type            = "IFU", # allowing us to define all parameters
                fov             = 15,    # field of view of the aperture in arcsec
                aperture_shape  = "circular", # shape of the aperture
                wave_range      = c(3700, 5700), # wavelength range in angstrom
                spatial_res     = 0.5,  # size of spatial pixels in arcsec
                wave_res        = 2.04, # wavelength resolution in angstrom
                lsf_fwhm        = 3.65, # full-width-half-max of the line spread function
                signal_to_noise = 10)   # uniform value applied to all spectra

This provides a telescope object that can be used to observe your simulation. Alternatively, we can use one of the inbuilt instruments, such as SAMI, simply by specifying type = "SAMI" as shown below.

SAMI = telescope(type = "SAMI") # for this option, all parameters have been pre-defined

Other type predefined include MaNGA, CALIFA and Hector. This input is NOT case sensitive. Not all of these instruments have fixed parameters, however. For example, the field of view of the MaNGA instrument can be changed dependent on the size of the object being observed. Similarly, the SAMI type defines the blue arm of the spectrograph, as this is commonly used for stellar kinematics. The broad definitions given here may need tweaking for your exact situation. We encourage users to consider this when setting the telescope class.

We then need to decide how our object is projected and placed on the sky. This is done using the observing_strategy class.

strategy_one = observing_strategy(dist_z         = 0.05,# redshift distance at which the galaxy is placed
                                  inc_deg        = 75,   # projected inclination on the sky (0 - face-on, 90 - edge-on)
                                  blur           = F)    # whether seeing conditions are included

We can also add observational blurring due to the seeing conditions in which the observation is made.

strategy_two = observing_strategy(dist_z         = 0.03,# redshift distance at which the galaxy is placed
                                  inc_deg        = 75,   # projected inclination on the sky (0 - face-on, 90 - edge-on)
                                  twist_deg      = 180,  # angle of observation (longitude)
                                  blur           = T,    # whether seeing conditions are included
                                  fwhm           = 2,    # the full-width-half-max of the blurring kernel in arcsec
                                  psf            = "Gaussian") # the shape of the blurring kernel

This provides an observing strategy object that describes the observational properties of your model.

With the telescope and observing strategy defined, we can now observe our model.

Step 3: Building the data cube

Finally, we can observe our simulated galaxies using the build_datacube function. In this, we specify the SimSpin file, the observing telescope and the observing strategy. The produced data cube can also be saved to a FITS file for further processing with pPXF, for example.

gadget2_binary_cube = build_datacube(simspin_file = gadget2_binary_galaxy,
                                     telescope = IFU,
                                     observing_strategy = strategy_one,
                                     method = "spectral",
                                     write_fits = FALSE)

This output produced by build_datacube is a list with 4 elements as described below.


  1. spectral_cube -- 3D numeric array -- This describes your 3D spectral data cube. The axes of the cube are [spatial x spatial x wavelength] and the values within the cube are given in CGS units (erg/s/cm$^{2}$/$\unicode{x212B}$).
  2. observation -- List -- A list of 22 elements that describe the specifics calculated for that specific observation. Generally describes the details you've entered with regards to the telescope and observing_strategy objects, as well as other properties derived from this information. Includes information about the units of the cube dimensions.
  3. raw_images -- List -- A list of 2D arrays corresponding to various properties of the binned raw particle data within the observation. Within this list, there are four key comparison images.
    • flux_image -- 2D numeric array -- This is a 2D array that represents the sum of the individual particle flux along that spaxel.
    • velocity_image -- 2D numeric array -- This is a 2D array that represents the physical, mean line-of-sight (LOS) velocity of the particles within each spaxel of your image. This is provided for comparison with the fit LOS velocity image produced through spectral analysis.
    • dispersion_image -- 2D numeric array -- This is a 2D array that represents the physical, mean LOS velocity dispersion of the particles within each spaxel of your image. This is provided for comparison with the fit LOS velocity dispersion image produced through spectral analysis.
    • particle_image -- 2D numeric array -- This is the final 2D array that contains the number of particles contained in a given pixel.
  4. observed_images -- List -- This will be NULL for spectral data cubes, but when used in velocity mode, this list will contain 2D arrays that correspond to the observed flux/mass, LOS velocity and LOS dispersion calculated using the collapsed velocity cube.
image_nan <- function(z, zlim, col, na.color='gray', ...){
   zstep <- (zlim[2] - zlim[1]) / length(col); # step in the color palette <- zlim[2] + zstep # new z for NA

   z[which(>zlim[2]))] <- # same for

   zlim[2] <- zlim[2] + zstep # extend top limit to include the new value na

   col <- c(col, na.color) # we construct the new color range by including: na.color

   magicaxis::magimage(x=z, zlim=zlim, col=col, ...) # we finally call image(...)

velo_map_cols = rev(colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "RdYlBu"))(40))
disp_map_cols = colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "YlOrRd"))(50)

vel_val = max(c(abs(min(gadget2_binary_cube$raw_images$velocity_image, na.rm = T)), abs(max(gadget2_binary_cube$raw_images$velocity_image, na.rm = T))))
disp_val = c(floor(min(gadget2_binary_cube$raw_images$dispersion_image, na.rm=T)/2), max(gadget2_binary_cube$raw_images$dispersion_image, na.rm=T))

par(pty="s", fig=c(0,0.5,0,1), xpd=FALSE, ps=12, cex=1)
image_nan(z = gadget2_binary_cube$raw_images$velocity_image, zlim = c(-vel_val,vel_val), col = velo_map_cols, na.color = "white", xaxt="n",
          yaxt="n", ann=FALSE, magmap=FALSE, family="mono", font=1)
rect(14,14,15,15, col=NA, lty=1, lwd=3, border="red")
fields::image.plot(legend.only = TRUE, zlim = c(-vel_val,vel_val), col = velo_map_cols,
                   horizontal = TRUE, family="serif", font=1,
                   legend.lab = expression("velocity"[LOS] * ", km s"^{-1}))

par(pty="s", fig=c(0.5,1,0,1), xpd=FALSE, ps=12, cex=1, new=TRUE)
image_nan(z = gadget2_binary_cube$raw_images$dispersion_image, zlim = disp_val, col = disp_map_cols, na.color = "white", xaxt="n",
          yaxt="n", ann=FALSE, magmap=FALSE, family="mono", font=1)
rect(14,14,15,15, col=NA, lty=1, lwd=3, border="red")
fields::image.plot(legend.only = TRUE, zlim = c(disp_val), col = disp_map_cols,
                   horizontal = TRUE, family="serif", font=1,
                   legend.lab = expression("dispersion"[LOS] * ", km s"^{-1}))

Here, we have plotted the velocity_image and dispersion_image calculated from the particle data. We have highlighted a single spaxel. The spectrum associated with this spaxel is shown in the figure below. Such a spectrum is present in all occupied spaxels of the image.

options(scipen = 0)
par(xpd=FALSE, ps=12, cex=1)  

                   type="l", lty=1, lwd=2, col ="blue",
                   ylab= "Normalised Flux", xlab = "Wavelength, Ang")

These spectra can be provided to an observational software, such as pPXF, for fitting and recovery of the LOS velocity and velocity dispersion maps. To do so, it is best to save these observations to a FITS file. This can be done by specifying write_fits = TRUE and the path to the desired save location output_location = "/PATH/to/.FITS", as demonstrated below.

temp_loc = tempdir(check = T)

eagle_hdf5_cube = build_datacube(simspin_file    = eagle_hdf5_galaxy,
                                 telescope       = SAMI,
                                 observing_strategy = strategy_two,
                                 write_fits      = TRUE,                               # write results to a FITS file
                                 output_location = file.path(temp_loc, "eagle_obs.FITS")) #   at this location

Below, we demonstrate how to open and view the data using a FITS reader package called Rfits.


cube = Rfits::Rfits_read_all(file.path(temp_loc, "eagle_obs.FITS"))

spectral_cube = cube[["DATA"]]$imDat # The spectral data cube is stored in the first HDU (can also be accessed cube$imDat).
                                     # The cube has dimensions [spatial x spatial x wavelength].
header = cube[["DATA"]]$keyvalues    # The keyvalues header of the file gives everything 
                                     # you need to assign values to the cube axes.

spatial_range = header$CRVAL1 + (seq(header$CRPIX1, header$NAXIS1)*header$CDELT1)
                    # We use the first or second inputs to the axDat to describe the spatial axes of the cube. As
                    # the aperture is square, the first and second inputs give the same answer.

wavelength_range = header$CRVAL3 + (seq(header$CRPIX3, header$NAXIS3)*header$CDELT3)
                    # Because the wavelength is the third axis of the cube, we use the third element in the axDat 
                    # element to define the wavelength range. 

We define the key elements of the keyvalues header in the table below:

+:--------+:-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CRPIX | The pixel index at which values are defined. Default (1,1,1). | +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CRVAL | The value associated with the CRPIX pixel. | +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CDELT | The difference in value between each pixel. | +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NAXIS | The dimensions of the cube (number of pixels along each axis). | +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CTYPE | The name that defines each dimension of the cube. | +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CUNIT | The units for each dimension of the cube. | +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+

These values can be used to reconstruct the data cube for kinematic fitting.

We can examine an image of the wavelength slices in the cube by plotting each slice in the gif below. Alternatively, such a FITS file can also be examined using tools like SAOImageDS9.

options(scipen = 999)
par(pty="s", xpd=FALSE, ps=12, cex=1)  
sub_cube = spectral_cube[,,seq(763,1162,by=16)]
sub_wave = wavelength_range[seq(763,1162,by=16)]
flux_val = c(min(sub_cube, na.rm = T), max(sub_cube, na.rm = T))
png(file="SAMI_cube_phys%02d.png", width=456, height=500)
for (i in 1:25){
  image_nan(z = asinh(sub_cube[,,i]), zlim = flux_val, col = grey((0:1000)/1000), na.color = "white", xaxt="n",
          yaxt="n", ann=FALSE, magmap=FALSE, family="mono", font=1)
  legend("topleft", inset=c(-0.01,0.01), paste0('λ = ',sub_wave[i]), text.col = "white", bty="n")

system("convert -delay 40 *.png SAMI_cube_phys.gif")

Demontrating the wavelength slices stored within the FITS file.

unlink(file.path(temp_loc, "eagle_obs.FITS"))

This brings us to the end of this walk-through. We have demonstrated how to:

  1. Read in a variety of different particle simulations for processing using make_simspin_file.
  2. Construct a variety of different telescope and observing_strategy classes for different observing requirements.
  3. Generated two data cubes using these classes via build_datacube and demonstrated how this output can easily be saved to a FITS file.
  4. Demonstrated how to open and explore the saved FITS file from within R.

For further processing scripts and walk-throughs, please check out Rpubs. For example, for an example of fitting these data cubes for the stellar kinematics, please see this RMarkdown file.


kateharborne/SimSpin documentation built on April 28, 2024, 2 p.m.