
Defines functions simp trap subtrap

Documented in simp trap

subtrap <-
    function(f, a, b, n=1, ...)
    h <- (b-a)/n
    if(n==1) return( h*mean( f(c(a,b), ...)))
    else return(h*sum( f(seq(a+h,b,by=2*h),...) ))

#' @export
trap <-
    function(f, a, b, tol=1e-8, max.step=1000, ...)
    i.old <- subtrap(f,a,b,1,...); n <- 2
    for(i in 2:max.step) {
        s <- subtrap(f, a, b, n, ...)
        i.new <- i.old/2 + s
        if(abs(i.new-i.old) < tol) break
        i.old <- i.new
        n <- n*2

#  simp
#' Numerical integration
#' Perform numerical integration by Simpson's rule or the trapezoidal
#'   rule.
#' @aliases trap
#' @param f The integrand; must be a vectorized function.
#' @param a Lower limit of integration.
#' @param b Upper limit of integration.
#' @param tol Tolerance for choosing the number of grid points.
#' @param max.step Log base 2 of the total number of grid points.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to the integrand, `f`.
#' @details
#' Iterately doubles the number of grid points for the numerical
#'   integral, stopping when the integral decreases by less than
#'   `tol`.
#' @export
#' @return
#' The integral of `f` from `a` to `b`.
#' @examples
#' f <- function(x) x*x*(1-x)*sin(x*x)
#' I1 <- trap(f,0,2)
#' I2 <- simp(f,0,2)
#' @seealso
#' [stats::integrate()]
#' @keywords
#' math
simp <-
    function(f, a, b, tol=1e-8, max.step=1000, ...)
    i.old <- subtrap(f, a, b, 1, ...)*2/3
    n <- 2; old.s <- 0
    for(i in 2:max.step) {
        s <- subtrap(f, a, b, n, ...)
        i.new <- (i.old/2 + (4*s-old.s)/3)
        if(abs(i.new-i.old) < tol) break
        i.old <- i.new; old.s <- s
        n <- n*2
kbroman/broman documentation built on May 19, 2024, 11:12 a.m.