
Defines functions subtractPeaks.msimat

Documented in subtractPeaks.msimat

#' Remove peaks from an msimat object within specified mass accuracy
#' Remove peaks, e.g. known contaminants, from an msimat object. The peaks are
#' specified by their m/z values, and peak intensities are not taken into
#' account. Mass accuracies (expressed as ppm values) for both the msimat
#' dataset and the removal peaklist must be specified, and will be used to
#' determine the margin of error for excluding a given peak.
#' @param input numeric; msimat object containing peaks to be removed
#' @param vec numeric; List of peaks to be removed from d
#' @param ppm1 numeric; Mass accuracy for peaklist v1, in ppm
#' @param ppm2 numeric; Mass accuracy for peaklist v2, in ppm
#' @return msimat object
#' @seealso \code{\link{subtractPeaks.numeric}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{filterPeaks}}
#' @export

subtractPeaks.msimat <- function(input,
                                 ppm2) {
  idx <- subtractPeaks(input$peaks,vec,ppm1,ppm2,index=TRUE)
  out <- list(mat=input$mat[,idx], # Subset of original matrix
              spots=input$spots, # Unchanged
  class(out) <- "msimat"
kbseah/mass2adduct documentation built on June 9, 2021, 9:20 p.m.